Hey Jow Forums Robert E. Lee High School is having an open poll to decide on a new, less offensive name. Maybe we can help.
Hey Jow Forums Robert E. Lee High School is having an open poll to decide on a new, less offensive name...
Other urls found in this thread:
chronic nigger whipping high school
Barrack h. Obama high school
Jefferson Davis
unironically make it into:
>Martin Luther King High School
>1 post by this ID
>no link
Pussy School.
Good Goy High School.
heil high
Her Majesty's School for troubled Youth
i say “John Podesta Highschool”
Andrew Jackson High School
Let’s Get High School
George S. Patton High School
Richard E. Byrd High School
John F. Kennedy High School
Slide thread high school
Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi High School
N1ggerkilller666 High
Dead Nigger Storage.
The Michelle Obama cullinary academy
Donald Trump High School. Imagine the reaction.
Ben Garrison institute of Fine Arts
Curt Hennig Memorial High School
Here's the link
The Great Ape Sanctuary for Rehabilitation
Donald J. Trump High School
Nigger Detention Center
Too grim.
Dumb Nigger Storage Facility
We name it after his cousin Christopher Lee.
Dindu Correctional High
Clayton Bigsby High
Dylan Klebold High School
Montgomery, Alabama has both a Robert E. Lee High School and a Jefferson Davis High School. They're both almost entirely black.
pretty good name.
I doubt it.
Eva Bruan High Schol sounds nice
>"..adopting the name of the African-American school before Lee was integrated, "Booker T. Washington High School."
Every. Fucking. Time.
Bull Connor Memorial High School.
Adolf Hitler's Academy for Overachieving Aryans
Dr.David Duke High School.
is the option to keep the name in the poll?
Pussy grabbing school
Can we get a straw poll with names so we can all agree on one to push up too the top?
Albert Fish High School
David Duke school for the colorblind
Nathan Bedford Forrest Academy for Aspiring Felons
from Robert E. Lee High School to Supreme General of Awesomeness Robert E. Lee High School.
obvious choice:
didn't this happen before and someone put up a meme name on fox?
Call it
LEE BORTEE high school...
don't even have to buy new letters
That's perfect.
The Randy Savage School for Gifted Children
Trump High! Yes! An honor to a fine president and a generator of premium liberal butthurt for years to come.
No Thought Crime HS
His brother was the genius though.
Ooooh yeah
New name: Nathan Bedford Forrest High School.
Sounds very environmental.
What is the ZIP in the region so we can flood the poll?
it's in Staunton VA, just look at a ZIP map to find some zips near the high school.
White Man Hating Coon High School
Bruce Lee High School
Robert E Leestein HS
It'll probably be named Toni Morrison High or Maya Angelou High. There aren't that many decent blacks to name schools after, and there are probably already a dozen MLK Highs in VA already.
Though I suppose Clarence Thomas High does have a ring to it.
George Zimmerman High
It's be difficult to hijack the vote cos of the need for names etc.
But clearly, Adolf Hitler High has a ring to it?
Mike Hunt/Mike Hawk HS?
Karl Marx HS?
Joseph Stalin HS?
Terry Davis HS?
Gunna spam Dr.David Duke High School to get it number 1 join me.
George Lincoln Rockwell High School
Niggerville High
Hitler High
Bill Cosby High
Shekelstein Noseberg HS
Tarry Davis or GLR would be awesome, ok changing my span to Tarry Davis.
Thomas Albin HS
Government-subsidized Daycare Indoctrination Center
Slavoj Zizek HS?
>naming your shool after some chink
lmao only in america
thank you.
>Tarry Davis
This Terry? and will the school be painted with glow in the dark paint?
Dindu Nuffin Academy for Kangz and Queenz.
We will have Terry Davis Memorial High School if it's the last thing we DO!!!!!
Holy St. Nigger high school.
Robert E. L33T School for the totally radical dudes and dudettes
Robert E. Lee was a fucking idiot who doesn't deserve an ounce of respect.
we're gong for Terry Davis Memorial High School
We're losing guys hurry up and are on a name
oy vey
Temple OS is actually fun to play with
however Rob Lee was against slavery but whatever
That’s probably better