How do I get a non white girlfriend?

I’ve had just about enough with the Fallopian Jews (White Women) and I want to try out something different. How hard is it as a white guy, to get a non white girlfriend? Does Jow Forums have any past experience with non white women and any tips and tricks of advice regarding them? I’m not gonna create mutts but I want to try something new. What’s it like Jow Forums. Mods this classed as social issues and I have no doubt will be a entertaining and popular thread. Stop being so drunk with power and just leave it be please :(

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>meme flag

>How hard is it as a white guy, to get a non white girlfriend?

I’ve never tried, please explain

It's about the same as getting a white girlfriend, really.



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What are you looking for?

if you're a chad, its easy.

>How do I get a non white girlfriend?
Be white.
Do all the things you do to get white girls.

Preferably not full black or East/ South East Asian, literally anything else.

Non-white women know how shitty their men are and how they treat women. This is why they desire a white man because they know he will treat her the way a woman should be treated.

This is also why white women gravitate towards non-white men, because most of the time they have no fucking idea how bad things can get with some of these animals.

Why can't I just get a gf at all already?

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It's super easy. Ethnic women are generally begging to be with white men because we don't treat them like complete shit. Go on Tinder and smash like on everything and I'll bet they'll be some darkskins in there.

>wants white girlfriend
>posts fat roastie
pathetic virgin, go jerk off


If you are ugly then you will need money. The difference is with a non white you can get by with less money. But you still need a lot. There is no magical female who will love you just the way you are. They are unicorns and you are a troll. No offense but if you are asking Jow Forums then you are not Grade A breeding material. So what do unattractive geeks do? They get rich. But even Zuckerberg is married to a dogfaced insectoid. So good luck buddy.

just go on tinder or go to clubs, talk to women who aren't white a bunch, ask for their numbers, call them back, ask them out, be a good boyfriend, etc..

alternatively you could try going to some third world country like venezuela or some shit and get a brown girl just by being a glorified sugar daddy.

It would help to know where you are though.

asians are ugly in my opinion, but easy and approachable.
Tell me something more about yourself, which circles are you in, college , work, hobbys and so on.

If you haven't tried then shut the fuck up until you have. Talk to them like you would any woman and don't walk on eggshells on race.

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im white btw

There has been a lot of memeflags posting these threads lately
>whites on Jow Forums want non-white gfs
>non-whites on Jow Forums want white gfs
Who is behind such a thing?

It easy asf, and not worth it, Latina women are crazy and Asian women are Manipulative from my experience.

Jow Forums loves race mixing, a lot of guys here have non-white gfs and wives and fuckbuddies or did in the past.

Justbe white, in decent shape, good hygiene, and a job. It’s really not difficult at all. I am a ginger with a pretty nice beard, and black women fucking throw themselves at me. I’ve never had a problem with Asian girls either, but theyre as greedy as white girls if not worse.


I have a 4/10 white wife and a 7/10 Asian mistress. I support them both very well. Asian works for me. I own my own GSA contracting firm. It's really easy to get rich in America. It is why we rich people think you poors are so stupid. Just stop being poor lol.

i don't even know why they hide their israel flag. are they ashamed or what. Jow Forums is a multicultural board of piece. everyone is welcome. except those fucking turkroaches

by kys along with the rest of you race traitors

Don't listen to this guy, he's super bitter. You can find a girl who will like you no matter how broke you are. You just can't be super ugly for that.

Bro, I'm a mutt (Irish/Mexican) in the Inland Empire. Our family sort of struggles and my cost of living are a little high. My fucking neighbors have a family of a mom/dad and 8 brothers/cousins. They all have paid off cars, pay no rent (house is paid off) and I think I'm way more handsome than them. Yet, I have no girlfriend and all my young neighbors do (mainly because they have excessive amounts of disposal income than me [I might have $490 a month, while they have about $3k {I asked about their work}])

I'm 22 and most of them are 24-31. I wish I never went to college and did trucking. Now I work in a fucking office job I HATE.

I'm not bitter. I just understand the game. And I'm winning it.

Yeah you are doing life wrong.

Good luck mutt