The New UN Ambassador

Fuck the Democrats if they don't like it. Let them fucking riot. Kennedy made his brother Attorney General, so they have no room to talk about nepotism, even though they will.

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>comparing this dumpster fire to the kennedys

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Showing your age there, only one Kennedy was good, and that was AFTER he decided t-

I'm only 40, but I know my history.

>waaah, Daddy, Iran is bullying Israel.
They need to be elminated. Waah, Daddy, we need boots on the ground in Syria.
wow it's almost like this will accelerate plans for Greater Is Ra El

They can't help it, these fucks still think Trump is "strong on russia" or "getting a good deal out of russia by being friendly", I've met some who argue both at the same time.

Whats her optics though?

The Kennedys WERE a dumpster fire. Tag teaming Marilyn Monroe with his brother, JFK was the OG Pussy Grabber and Jackie was the OG wiener grabber. That wouldn't have been so bad had they not decided to declare war against the big jew bank.

FDR gave his wife this very position.

And the left have gushed over her ever since.

why putting another zionist bitch in the UN?


You can't make it anywhere near the Executive branch of US Govt without being a Zionist. The sad and simple truth.

Yeah you also forgot the Democrat Roosevelt family nepotism.

This would be a yuge f u to the u-n.
Do it.

That is a really fucking terrible idea.

Oh yeah. Plenty of that too. I was shooting for a more contemporary and well known example, but yeah.

For teh lulz.

I would like to see it for the meltdown

Ivanka as UN ambassador
>Pleb tier
Not sending anyone and pulling out
>Patrician tier
Sending Patrick Little (or someone similar) to use US time on the UN floor time to lecture about (((them)))
>God tier

>Democrats did something 60 years ago so we should do the same now to get back at them.

No, it's pointing out their double standard. The point is that if Big Daddy does it, they have no room to talk. Pull your head out of your ass, faggot.

it will come to pass

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She didnt got kavanaugh out, maybe she should have keep his mouth shut when she attacked roy moore.