>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / /BcSAGmDf
>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/ /TODyyR5GRqw
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump accepts Nikki Haley's Resignation 10/9/ /0v7WFd8Ggzw >SpiceDaddy on F&F 10/9/ /vEMj7rRY2sY >Pres Trump @Kavanaugh Swearing In 10/8/ /YUnT8IFTScA >Pres Trump likes tay 25% less 10/8/ /D7F8uuyP-90 >Pres Trump returns to DC 10/8/ /OmtPePxD4WY >Pres Trump @IACP Convention 10/8/ /5v2dTUF4R0M >Pres Trump departs DC 10/8/ /bwBsgi6iJ4Y >Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 10/8/ /vxrVUKjOLXo >Lara Trump on FoxNews 10/8/ /qvTFX4i-tQ4 >WHVideo: FLotUS Melania visits Kenya 10/8/ /tz9HB4FhWIM >WHVideo: FLotUS Melania visits Nairobi National Park 10/7/ /O62AN6rEd2Q >SoS Pompeo meets NoKo Leader Kim Jong-Un 10/7/ /eZ7HtIiQOMs >NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 10/7/ /iTbW5JQlles >Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 10/6/ /sKxYTvvfnA0 >Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Topeka KS 10/6/ /1kPtrXgbXTA >Pres Trump speaks upon arriving @Topeka KS 10/6/ /0Iy2w7yhpgs >Pres Trump speaks before departing DC 10/6/ / /rsUwR5pinqQ >Senate votes to Confirm SCotUS Justice Kavanaugh 10/6/ /O7XtthDPaV8 >FLotUS Melania arrives in Egypt 10/6/ /NxX93AG1Beg
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
Attached: y'all'd've.png (609x576, 390K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:43
y'all just gonna scroll past without sayin' howdy?
October 9, 2018 - 20:43
first for ethanol is okay to support and people shouldn't bully me because of it :(
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
>rural folk
Attached: 1539052383347.png (760x881, 325K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
>Ethanol is trash and you and your family are trash Ethanol is fine, only the US makes it with corn instead of sugar cane.
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
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October 9, 2018 - 20:44
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October 9, 2018 - 20:44
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October 9, 2018 - 20:44
when grug have assault club cave painting say cavenaw give grug assault club
Attached: club control mean use two hand.jpg (269x187, 11K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
Attached: Awoo salty.gif (500x600, 646K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
>the US is not brazil welcome to north america fren
October 9, 2018 - 20:45
kάνουν την Αμεριkή υπέροχη πάλι
howdy ma'am
Attached: 30270246987_27b3ddfea1_o.jpg (5838x3897, 2.44M)
October 9, 2018 - 20:44
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October 9, 2018 - 20:45
Please tell me the Pat Buchanan UN ambassador rumors are true
October 9, 2018 - 20:45
Attached: 1538437704637.jpg (2956x1929, 557K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:45
Fuck you, fuck ethanol, and fuck your family
October 9, 2018 - 20:45
GOOD MORNING, great pic
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October 9, 2018 - 20:45
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October 9, 2018 - 20:45
Reminder to kill the chinese.
Attached: dilbertman.jpg (800x822, 165K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:45
>US makes it with corn instead of sugar cane. which is better, since 1.) we can reuse the corn to feed animals 2.) America is the corn champion so it is inherently an american fuel, giving us even more international power. My dream is that ethanol will come in handy for space exploration and space force someday
October 9, 2018 - 20:45
Attached: BenjisShow.png (1150x930, 851K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
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October 9, 2018 - 20:46
>leftist coastie detected i bet if you smelled it you would change your mind. Mmmmmmmmm, like apple cinammon moonshine.
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
wasn't the ethanol thing some shit that made Cruz win the Iowa caucus? Or was that all the butter cow's doing?
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
Attached: cpl.png (659x602, 688K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
Sabatier reaction CO2 conversion facilities are cool too.
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
That's really unfortunate, actually. Fuck Shaprio.
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
>welcome to north america fren That will teach you guys to let Cuba slip through your fingers like that.
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
I was but then I checked your numerals. Howdy feller
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
QRD on Haley? Just woke up
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
Not a bad redpiller for a kike.
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
Lemme holler at them trips. Post corn.
Attached: corn.jpg (531x299, 91K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
Mattis is so fucking cool
Attached: Laughs in explosions.jpg (4333x3398, 1.89M)
October 9, 2018 - 20:46
There's like half a dozen shows on Fox that do that
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
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October 9, 2018 - 20:47
Why do "conservatives" keep getting deceived by this unprincipled weasel?
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
Meh Nick Fuentes >>>>>>>> Ben Shapiro (jude)
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
Put you in my oven, subhuman
Attached: 1538934855300.jpg (669x374, 56K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
>corn powered space exploration I like your ambitions man. I really do.
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October 9, 2018 - 20:47
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October 9, 2018 - 20:47
This has everything to do with it being Fox and nothing to do with Shapiro
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
well you can put on reruns every night and beat everyone on cable news pic related
Attached: wow.gif (189x300, 326K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
I havent been having my simultaneous sips with Scott for a few weeks (sorry). I understand his anti-chinese argument and agree with it desu, but is he really advocating outright violent conflict with them? If so lmao based.
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
>be bosnian >envy the dead
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
Trump kept her planned departure a secret for six months.
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
>Retards actually watch this obvious, subversive, spiteful, nevertrumper kike Sad
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
Please remember to bully Brooke /FreeBeacon /status /1049756082623733761
Attached: Capture.jpg (607x583, 74K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:47
>that jew york times poll about texas has made close to 12,000 calls and they only have 204 people so far
Pick the goddamn phone
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October 9, 2018 - 20:48
>Can't even get that cunts endorsement JUST
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
>That will teach you guys to let Cuba slip through your fingers like that. delet this, terrible mistake like not taking Panama
Sorry, can't read. It's all Greek to me.
Attached: tomokoexistential.png (416x304, 79K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
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October 9, 2018 - 20:48
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October 9, 2018 - 20:48
Trump purged her neocon cunt ass and allowed her to "resign"
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
>speaking greek people do that?
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
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October 9, 2018 - 20:48
howdy fellow white person
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
Watch this weasel use his platform to say he's not voting Republican in the midterms because Trump is not a "true conservative".
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
> DEFEEEEEEND THIS! How can you sleep at night?
Attached: defend_this.jpg (1300x910, 176K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:48
Frens! How long until the rally?
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October 9, 2018 - 20:49
to be fair i wouldnt pick up the damn phone to answer a poll
October 9, 2018 - 20:49
i laughed really though I don't care what muslim reject trash says
October 9, 2018 - 20:49
Who else is waiting for shills to show up with CNN polls without posted methodology that shows Dem female energy 30+ points higher than other polls?
October 9, 2018 - 20:49
Quick question From what I can understand, if legislation gets more than 50 votes in the senate and less than 60, it can get stuck in debate. If the wall bill got at least 50 votes and the Republicans refuse to withdraw it, could they trap the democrats into filibustering it throughout October? Would that prevent senate dems from being able to campaign or push their faggy net neutrality bill onto the floor?
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October 9, 2018 - 20:49
This isn't the 50's anymore grandpa
October 9, 2018 - 20:49
2 burgers and some fries
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October 9, 2018 - 20:49
>63% women >CNN poll
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October 9, 2018 - 20:49
>delet this, terrible mistake like not taking Panama Worse! Paid for, kept physical control and then gave back
October 9, 2018 - 20:49
That video of them banging on the SCOTUS doors is a goldmine, I hope GOP campaigns are putting that in their ads. The symbolism is perfect, a marxist mob quite literally beating down the doors of justice.
October 9, 2018 - 20:49
My day was very comfy fren thank you, but now it'll get comfier because /ptg/!
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October 9, 2018 - 20:49
I do not really follow the news, have no TV and I use the library for computer stuff every once in a blue moon so if I sound dumb, go easy on me. I am off the grid and just recently found out this Trump guy is our president. What is the story with him?
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
and I thought all illegals were scum. I guess you shouldn't write off everyone
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
Sounds possible actually.
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
Can a super GOP majority in house and senate abolish/ban the demonrat part? because im sure that the demonrats will get really violent when they lose to the point it will be domestic terrorism party
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
The bill won't even leave the House for months
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
No, I don't know how to pronounce triangles.
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October 9, 2018 - 20:50
They're stuck there already becouse Mitch is pushing more judges through
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
ty fren.
Attached: trump_rally.gif (360x268, 531K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:50
>tfw you get triple repeating 7s and nobody gave you any (you)s
Maybe I should just start posting Bill Kristol tweets for (you)s
Attached: [WOMP WOMPS INTERNALLY].jpg (680x386, 298K)
October 9, 2018 - 20:50