Civic nationalist here, willing to give ethno nationalism a go...

Civic nationalist here, willing to give ethno nationalism a go. Give me your best arguments and evidence for ethno nationalism. Don’t spam with shitty memes and don’t use flys and lines to demonise civic nationalists, give us some solid facts and let’s have a debate

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Identitarianism is just as cancerous. Only when you accept Tribalism and National Socialism will you be redpilled. Until then no amount of this bs will matter, as it's all cucked, from the biggest antifa communists to the likes of Anglin and Weev

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Why should I accept national socialism though, I understand the benefits of tribalism but why national socialism

it is the law of nature in government form

Ethnicities and cultures will inevitably have their preferences and in a mixed nation the individual will be smothered by competing blocs. Look at Jews and Muslims for an example of how strong in-group preference and unity of action can cause massive damage to an electoral system that assumes people act as individuals first.
The only argument against ethno-nationalism is whether innate biology causes such differences that lead to the formation of classes in society that no amount of naturalisation will cure.
If it does, civnat is doomed to fail.

Civic nationalism is still flexible with laws, you can have as little laws as possible, same goes with national socialism, you can have as little laws as possible causing a more natural society or you can bombard a nations people with laws and restrictions. Both are flexible

nothing natural about race mixing

Yall niggas don't get it

Every race and culture can succeed because we all more or less have our home land. (((They))) fuck it up for everyone.

What's the difference between London, new York, etc? Just brown blobs of people barely making it. People that enjoy the fruits of America over their homelands fruit. The Jew destroys the 3rd world and mentally forces them to flood white nation's... Remember these are sub 80iq guys here.

Personally I think the US is the only multicultural capable country but it should be right wing and majority white. Illegals definitely need to be deported and the wall closed and just cut our losses with the remaining legal immigrants. Whitebois get ur birth rates up, new right wing age will Dawn upon us soon

Surely that is evidence for civnat, the push of mass immigration and lack of integration causes these different cultures with a nation, look at the Muslims here in the uk for example, it is because of the simultaneous migrations that cause collectivism within the uk, not their race, this is what leads to the organised attacks on our democracy, it has nothing to do with race

Most evidence I have seen against race mixing has been cherry picking photos and evidence of biological failures of mixed race people. Most mixed race people are just like you and I and have pretty much the same rate of biological differs

explain why third generation migrants are causing terrorist attacks and not first generation ones
also explain why almost every single rapist in scandinavia is nonwhite

The issue isn't with laws.
It lies in the difference between a nation and a state. As a form of governance in a state, Civic nationalism is theoretically fine. The problem is that to establish a natio, a people must have some unifing factor. A role which a state alone is early sufficient to fill. Doubly so in a diverse society, as people are divided amongst many different factions.
Ethno-nationalism recognises this as an issue and moves to rectify it by establishing ones race as a unifing factor amongst the populace. This makes the people more inclined to look out for one another and to work for the betterment of their fellow citizens.
Civic nationalism provides no such bond, as the state is malleable. Therefore people will always try to exploit it for their own gain, thus driving a wedge into the nation.
This does not mean that national socialism is the only way to realise a solid society, as it's a government rather than an ideology. You could slap any number of different states onto a ethno-nationalist nation and be just fine.
Finally, it doesn't need to be ethno-nationalism specifically. So long as you have some non-fluctuating ideolot rooted in your nation you'll be fine.

So, let's get back to basics. Evolution is influence environment has on genetics over generations. With this in mind, domestication is man guided evolution.

In this thought process, humans have influenced human survival for thousands of years and thus in a real way have become self domesticated. E.g., a man who lives in a community of farmers with a hundred generations of farming will probably have traits that are better suited towards farming than those who have not.

When you apply this to scale, what you essentially have is that people that come from complex societies who have ancestry in complex societies fair better in complex societies. Read: if you don't come from an agriculturalist/civilized background, you're pretty much an adopted ape.

>Why does this matter?
Because at a fundamental level, your country will be the sum of its parts. Thus, you want a nation that has parts well suited to its goals. A Swede might fair equally well in Norway as a Norwegian might, but they're relatively close historically and genetically; similar region, traditional beliefs, societal structures, etc. Yet, a Swede might not be interchangeable with an Australian Aborigine.

So, logically, why exactly do you want a nation that is absorbing parts that might be ill suited to it? Let's not even get into discussions about selfish genes or kinship.

They have been proven to work.

I agree a it is important to have a common factor for unification, but why is that factor race? Why is race so important, surely the knowledge is more important than aesthetics right? Having a unifying factor such as culture is more important than race, knowledge of history and national tradition will unify people far more that skin colour

How many functional multicultural nations do you see?

PS. Race is not skin deep. Different races and even ethnicities have different temperaments, average IQ, beliefs and values. You can't make everybody the same.

race makes culture, not vice versa

Because not only is it natural and the right normal thing,but it is also miles better than a multi-racial,multi-cultural society in every way,why wouldnt you want to go back to this?

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Ethnonationalism is a simple matter of game theory:
Its not difficult to tell that a whole lot of leftists, particularly brown leftists, have no interest in equality, and are instead interested purely in the advancement of their own people.
[if this this something you've yet to understand, stop reading here]

So it should be pretty obvious that for as long as different races are behaving competitively towards each other, the idea of "racial harmony and cooperation" is a slogan and a pipe dream. And this begs the question: How would civic nationalists get brown people to buy into equality and cooperation where leftists have failed? And the answer is that they have no real plan for doing so other than saying that "leftists are the real racists" and such.

Now consider: ethnonationalism in a multicultural society would basically function as a "nationalist alliance" of different ethnonationalists. In reality, there is no reason why white nationalists and other nationalists can't work together towards mutual freedom from each other, it is literally the only solution other than war or physical oppression.
One of the lessons of Nazi Germany and the modern west in general is that non-whites will still seek to live in white countries simply because those countries are more prosperous and are run better. Ultimately, "muh rights" are less important than prosperity, but for those brown people who insist on independence, one must simply give it to them in exchange for not having to pick up after their messes anymore.

you cannot have a liberal democracy in a multicultural society.

Culture is a manifestation of race. If there are people outside of our ethnicity that admire the blueprint of our culture, then they are free to enact said principles in their own countries (Japan is a great example of this). We have zero obligation to allow them access to the standards generated by our forebears for our benefit, and we should not feel guilty about this for a single second.

But you’re basing this off the point a person is better suited that has grown up in a certain society and adapted overtime, if you put Joey Essex in a Taurinum in A.D 305, he would be bitching and moaning but put a newborn joey Essex in Taurrinum in A.D 305 and he will grow to be a warrior (or at least a trained fighter). Point is biology differs from long term personal experience

Culture has only previously been a manifestation of race because of setting. Rastafarians were not all Ethiopian because of principal of race, but because there were no other races around at the time, this example can be seen throughout all cultures

You're being ridiculous. Has any Western nation integrated Africans or MENA? No, because they are inherently different(to various degrees). There are exceptions, but overall it is not possible.

The alt right has devolved into nothing but Eceleb youtube drama and gay bickering over their egos, endless conspiracy threads obsessing about Jews, and being a complete embarrassment doing ANYTHING irl.

It was a flash in the pan meme movement that really existed only as a temporary ceasefire between all right leaning factions for the 2016 election as the final chance to stop the globalist paradigm shift

Ethnic Nationalism allows for a less conflicted society.

A society of higher trust

A society where problems are solved in stead of scape goating the (other) although the Jews, Blacks, and literally on non-Whites a nuisance.

A ethno-Nationalist community can reach near Utopian standards, I site Nazi Germany; as the best example of this. I would rather live there in 1930's then here in present day.

PS: Your Generation Identity flag is upside down.

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More diversity in place, the more uncomfortable people feel, the less civic engagement there is. That's literally all that needs to be said.

Most rapes in Scandinavia are done by non whites because socialist ideologies and poor integration has led to shitskins to have no moral connection with Scandinavian country’s or its people they are disconnected from the country’s but will continue to rape and pillage it. Also what do you mean by third and first wave immigrants

jfc kid

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>Civic nationalist
is the definition of cuckservative Jamal.

The second gen commits more crime than the first, no matter if it's Hispanics in the US, or Africans/MENA in Europe. Billions have been spent in trying to integrate them, and nothing works.

Now, compare them to high IQ NE-Asians who integrate very nicely with much less money thrown at them. Also notice how they have functional home countries aswell.

Comfort causes weak men and weak men break nations, but I’ll go with it. Do you really think humans have a biologically engraned innate fear off people of different races, I have never met a normal human that feels discomfort around other races (apart from that couple of months period after a terror attack, before people stop caring again)

You don’t think Asians integrate better because of that exact reason?, one of my mates is Japanese and he is one of the dumbest fucks I’ve ever met, his parents are very smart, intelligent, well put together people that immigrated here around 15 years ago. Asians integrate well because Asians are bought up in wealthy society’s with extremely good education and can leave education with a multitude of degrees. Look at the Pakistani immigrants in the uk, no respect, awful manners and repulsive sexual offence rates, now look at Pakistan, they didn’t leave with perfect degrees and perfect qualifications, they came for free housing and benefits. There is a big difference between biology and culture

>You don’t think Asians integrate better because of that exact reason?, one of my mates is Japanese and he is one of the dumbest fucks I’ve ever met, his parents are very smart, intelligent, well put together people that immigrated here around 15 years ago. Asians integrate well because Asians are bought up in wealthy society’s with extremely good education and can leave education with a multitude of degrees.
NE-Asian immigrants aren't always well educated, especially in the past. Always works reasonably well, because they have the right inherent qualitites.

>Look at the Pakistani immigrants in the uk, no respect, awful manners and repulsive sexual offence rates, now look at Pakistan, they didn’t leave with perfect degrees and perfect qualifications, they came for free housing and benefits. There is a big difference between biology and culture
"According to lawyer Asma Jahangir, who was a co-founder of the women's rights group Women's Action Forum, up to seventy-two percent of women in custody in Pakistan are physically or sexually abused."

"Child sexual abuse is widespread in Pakistani Islamic schools.[45] In a study of child sexual abuse in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, out of a sample of 300 children 17% claimed to have been abused and in 1997 one child a day was reported as raped, gang raped or kidnapped for sexual gratification.[46] In September 2014, the British Channel 4 broadcast a documentary called Pakistan's Hidden Shame, directed by Mohammed Naqvi and produced by Jamie Doran,[47][48] which highlighted the problem of sexual abuse of street children in particular, an estimated 90 percent of whom have been sexually abused."

"The rape and assault of Christian, Hindu, Sikh and other minorities is reported to be prevalent in Pakistan.[49][50][51][52][53] Inaction, refusal to file complaints, intimidation and corruption amongst the police and judiciary are also frequent problems."

Now, my point is that people do not chnage because they stepped over a country border. Many aspects stay the same.

This, look at how fast they advanced as a society, free from the paranoia of subterfuge by the (((others)))

Would you marry a tranny?
If you are willing to accept that gender is biological you either accept that nationality is as well or you are inconsistent.

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Ethno nationalism is doomed to fail. Prove me wrong.

Multiculturalism destroys community participation and happiness, as your neighbors are no longer similar to you and therefore have less in common. That's how non-white immigration is used to destroy nations by destroying their society, along with increasing unemployment, reducing wages, increasing welfare expenses, adding a voting bloc that will vote against the interests of the majority and is also more accepting of big brother government, and having values different from the traditional values of the majority which reduces the effect of those values. A "multicultural society" is an oxymoron and can never work.

However, civic nationalism is still useful as the bridge between globalism and ethno-nationalism, so don't do civic nationalism a disservice by pretending it's no better than globalism. It's the necessary first step to bringing the masses to your side.