Why do white people always call the police on innocent black people?

Why do white people always call the police on innocent black people?

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Fuck white women

it's the law never relax

Because they're niggers

Fuck white women

Kill yourself spic

I would have too

fuck off bitch and post your tits or gtfo

any male babysitter regardless of race deserves hard scrutiny

There are no innocent black people

Why do you spics hate white women so much?

Should call CPS on the mom that would hire a nog to baby sit her kids.
Child abuse

I wouldn't believe it either. Who the hell would trust their children with a black?

I don't have tits. I bet you do

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It’s pretty weird for dudes to babysit, no? Especially males of this age? Even if the same race?

Why hire a male, first of all, to watch over kids.

Because they're anywhere from 65 to 230+ times more likely to be committing a crime than a white person.

People call the cops on other people for stupid shit all of the time, it’s just now everyone has a smart phone and camera, so any time someone calls the cops on a black person, the nig gets the phone out and starts recording.
Also this.

Be honest, thats some fucking bullshit.

Mans just trying to make honest money, and some dickhead roastie calls the cops. I hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers

>Not a sibling or grandparent of the children
>Regardless of race

Even your cousin/uncle might even fiddle the kids. Literally no guy WANTS to babysit, even for work. Immediate family are the only males who have any business watching kids.

For /pols/ info, females are far more likely to be child molesters. Fucking SJW cunts, im sick of the anti-male agenda.

Im serious, kill your fucking selves, take your bigotry to the grave.

who the fuck left two kiddies with the bonobo


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most niggers are criminals

Are you black?

>white people handing their children over to a grown nigger
They'd go to the front of the line for the ovens, even before the worst jew

Personally I don't

>innocent black people

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Woah calm down my brain cannot process all that!

The whole babysitting is a farce to begin with. Back then, it was usually either extended family or close friends/neighbours. But the cement jungles have ruined things for sure

more like why is it always white woman who do it

pick one and only one

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That's called being a good samaritan. If the kids were being kidnapped the caller would have saved lives. Better safe then sorry right?

I know, they are supposed to get a pass all the time. Try asking them politely to turn down their thunderouus thumping vulgar music.

I'm white and I've had the cops called on me while I'm with my white children at a park. Cops came asked me a couple questions figured out I was their dad and told me to have a nice day. No harm done and i know the caller was probably just worried because I'm a big intimidating guy. No harm no foul and the caller was just looking out for children

she asked to speak to the kids to see if theyre ok and he refused its suspicious and most people would have called the cops

When you're statistically 200x more likely to be violent than anyone else, it's amazing there are not more calls against niggers

>grown black man doing a teenage girl's job
get a real job Tyrone wtf

white people calling the police on black people is basically atttempted murder. they want blood on the streets.

Because they can't get any

>innocent black people
Because there's no such thing.

>Should call CPS on the mom that would hire a nog to baby sit her kids.
>Child abuse
My first thought as well, what a fucking retard. Might as well just leave your kids unattended at the zoo.

I've never in my life seen a black WOMAN babysit white kids, let alone a black man. And I live in one of the blackest cities in Florida. So yeah its suspect.

Becuse statistically niggers commit more crime. 50% of the murder, but are only 13% of the population in the U.S.

Why do people let innocent kids near niggers?

Maybe they're worried what might happen?

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>see something say something

Who would hire a black man as a babysitter?

A black man always leaves children behind by default.

She didn't relax
Must have been >15% nigger city