Voter id laws target demographics in a discriminatory manner

In texas, an nra membership card is ID, but a student ID card isnt. that alone should show you an agenda tilting the chances of republicans voting and suppressing more than likely democrat voting demographics. Elderly people also have a harder time getting identification and guess which party their demographic favors. its democrats. minorities especially young generally have their student ID and non photographic ID cards which wont be eligible. for more on this, read this statement from washington post:
"Supporters say that everyone should easily be able to get a photo ID and that the requirement is needed to combat voter fraud. But many election experts say that the process for obtaining a photo ID can be far more difficult than it looks for hundreds of thousands of people across the country who do not have the required photo identification cards. Those most likely to be affected are elderly citizens, African Americans, Hispanics and low-income residents.

“A lot of people don’t realize what it takes to obtain an ID without the proper identification and papers,” said Abbie Kamin, a lawyer who has worked with the Campaign Legal Center to help Texans obtain the proper identification to vote. “Many people will give up and not even bother trying to vote.”

A federal court in Texas found that 608,470 registered voters don’t have the forms of identification that the state now requires for voting. For example, residents can vote with their concealed-carry handgun licenses but not their state-issued student university IDs"
how can you honestly say recent voter ID laws arent a form of suppression? Even california just asks that you can prove your age and residency in the state, no photos required.

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Should be state issued photo ID or no vote everywhere.

>“A lot of people don’t realize what it takes to obtain an ID without the proper identification and papers,” said Abbie Kamin, a lawyer who has worked with the Campaign Legal Center to help Texans obtain the proper identification to vote. “Many people will give up and not even bother trying to vote.”


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why shouldnt school IDs or other forms of identification be accepted.

Why you need to complicate stuff that is easy to resolve? Just do like every nation in the world and create a federal ID card. When I vote nobody asks me to show my license drive or ID student lol that's fucking ridiculous! I'm required to show my real id card issued by the government. Nobody can clam discrimination because by law everybody needs to have an ID card.

Things that you can use instead of an ID

>copy or original of a government document that shows the voter’s name and an address, including the voter’s voter registration certificate;
>copy of or original current utility bill;
>copy of or original bank statement;
>copy of or original government check;
>copy of or original paycheck; or
>copy of or original of (a) a certified domestic (from a U.S. state or territory) birth certificate or (b) a document confirming birth admissible in a court of law which establishes the voter’s identity (which may include a foreign birth document).

That’s being generous really. There’s no excuse for not having a drivers license/ID anyways.

none of that besides the certified birth certificate is eligible since its not photo ID

>For example, residents can vote with their concealed-carry handgun licenses but not their state-issued student university IDs"
And that makes perfect sense. University IDs aren't exclusive to state residents like CCW cards are

California signs up people that aren't citizens to vote all the time. In fact, every time California issues a state drivers license to an illegal immigrant, they automatically register them to vote as well.

Because going to school somewhere does not establish residency. A state issued ID or drivers license does.

>In texas, an nra membership card is ID, but a student ID card isnt
Probably because you don't have to be an American citizen to get a student ID care.

>what are international students

>as immigration soars, people start demanding tougher controls on ID for voting
>somehow this is bad

Maybe the reason why college ID is not accepted is because illegals can get college ID's? Maybe NRA membership are harder to get? Maybe we can just settle for requiring official state issue ID?

I think the US is literally the only country where you can vote without proper identification

>In texas, an nra membership card is ID, but a student ID card isnt.

>citation needed

According to Texas's official voter website:

Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:

Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS
Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
United States Passport (book or card)

See a common theme here? All of these were ISSUED BY AN OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY.

>why shouldnt school IDs or other forms of identification be accepted.
Because a school's faculty can hand them out like candy. At least with the state issued ID you went through the proper and fast channels, it doesn't take longer than 30 minutes and it's not difficult, if a student or minority can't make time to get an ID how can they be seen as responsible enough to vote and take care of their adult duties? School should prepare you for life not hand you a card and direct you to their party of choice.

A student ID confirms you are the person you claim to be and you already have to be registered to vote so international students cant abuse them

You guys do understand the ID is just to prove you are who you say you are right? You have to be registered to vote, no one is claiming that you should just be able to vote because you have a name on the card, that would be retarded. Its just voter suppression when you give them hoops to jump through to prove registered voters are who they say they are when you require documents that take lots of work to obtain that give no more proof than a student id card. Photograph id is retarded.

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The idea that voter ID is discriminatory ois itself discriminatory. How low of an opinion do you have to have of people to think they can't figure out how to go to the fucking DMV and stand in front of a camera?

Leftists don't actually believe their bullshit. It's an excuse because they want to be able to keep exploiting illegals and dead people. The left would never win a single election without those two demographics.

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>got a learner's permit when I was in highschool
>have a driver's license now
>have voted in every election since I turned 18 with no problems


these are great

Because universities specifically let in illegals and the NRA doesn’t and by law illegals can’t vote. It’s just logical. Only ID’s that require citizenship can be used.

That’s not racist unless you’re suggesting blacks are too stupid to get a voter ID. They manage to get licenses just fine.

Voter suppression is when you disfranchise real Americans when some brown Umpa-Lumpa commits voter fraud.

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Op is a faggot who probably thinks a firearms license = nra membership