What is the point of feminism really?

What is the point of feminism really?

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Civilizational shit test.

reduce the population of white people

To upset you

Destroy women and society

>What is the point of feminism really?

Increasing the privileges of women, even if it means disrupting society in the process

all of the above are correct answers

Reduce population of cucks

>reduce the population of white people

That's the effect, and Jews stoke the flames, but they didn't start the fire really. The final red pill is that men and women evolved in a situation where the woman would push and push the man for additional resources (nag) right up to the point where he would hit her. It is the nature of women to push until they hit physical consequences. Since there are no longer physical consequences in any form, female pushing goes on forever. This will not stop until it is acceptable to hit cunts.

It's like any other ideology. The goals are motivations vary from the individual level, right up to the people pulling strings and pushing buttons. I'm sure many feminists feel they are righteous in their actions and think they're doing good in the world.