Why isn't he talked about more?

Why hasn't the anti-technology revolution happened yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


it will happen through anarcho-capitalism

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It's not happening. It's already over. Why didn't you listen? It's too late. The technocrats won. Now we will reap what we sow, and take cover.

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Because this board is /rdt/ now.

Back to the back pages with your anarchy nonsense.

We MAGA now.

He was right about so many thing.

Because all the reddest redpills are green.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

The Tedpill is the final pill, the blackest of blackpills, and you will achieve a level of enlightenment beyond your dreams; but once you go down that rabbit hole, there is no climbing out, there is no going back.

And the flags are all dead at the tops of their poles.


too bad he's an autist that thought nail bombs would spark a revolution. His theory on over-socialization and hatred of strength in liberals and leftists is pretty spot on, though

Because there is no organized Green Anarchist movement. FUCKING READ ISAIF RIGHT NOW YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS.

Nigger he only did that to market ISAIF

Hahahhahhahah.... Stop stealing the word anarcho from libtards. Just be a straight up capitalist.

The impotent goyim cannot revolt.

-- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

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I know he's the unabomber, and hated technology, but what were his actual arguements against tech?

The jews have stolen the power process

He's talked about constantly, you imbecile.

Already read it. The game is lost.

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we are anarchists, libtards are not, they are statist cucks

It really seems like so. This feels like a plateau, the bottom of the pit. There's no blacker pills than this one.

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Read Pentti Linkola


>daily threads
>sometimes 2–3 times a day
Tell the boys in the office to make more threads then

Read Industrial Society and Its Future. It's short, can be found in one second through google. It written in a way so that even mediocre minds would understand it, easy read.

We have 5-10 years to stop this, nothing more

Usually find Ancaps are more the "fuck the environment" kind.

See this:
Heed this:

Meant more in the collective mind, people seem to have forgotten that he even existed, and the fucking zoomer's have no idea who he was.

Socialized technology (aka the system) requires a limit on human freedom to be able to work productively. As of right now it is legally required that you be a part of that system and now matter how far you get from it it will still encroach on your freedom. You cannot work without a social security number, you cannot work without a car, you cannot work if you stepped out of a line in a way that was important. The future only holds a gradual decrease in human freedom.

I read it and found it underwhelming but I didn't consider that it was made for mass consumption.

thats a meme, ancap primitivism when?

Because anprims and anti-techs are a blight upon humanity.

Because anti-tech has no way to communicate or organize in large numbers

Could you please tedpill me?

in my opinion we should be antitechnology to a certain point and aim mostly for decentralisation

We are fucked lad, social media has totally ruined us. And you this is not going to stop. In 5-10 years it will be way worst.

skynet is real and it must be destroyed

Why is cruz compared to zodiac? Cruz is not nearly based as zodiac.

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social media is nothing you need more tedpills son, its much worse than you think and yet there is a slim chance of a way out

>Why hasn't the anti-technology revolution happened yet?
It is.
Look around...
Devolution is everywhere.

We have been here before.
Something inside us wants us to go back to the caves, so we all don't die.

Have you read his letters? The feeling you are having right now is called "learned helplessness". You are experiencing the same thing that a dog feels in a cruel science experiment in which it is made to see a treat outside of it's now opened cage. If it attempts to leave the cage it is electrically shocked, eventually it will stop trying and put it's head down like your reaction image. REALIZE THAT THE SYSTEM IS VULNERABLE educate yourself for revolution. YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR MINDSET FROM A HELPLESS ONE TO A REVOLUTIONARY ONE. If you aren't constantly thinking about how the system is able to be undermined you aren't doing it right.

Everybody should read it!

we must boost the signal of the human survival instinct. wake the fuck up

>t. didn't read shit

Read the manifesto and you will realized most everything he predicted has come or is coming to pass.

he's a fatalist, and right
fatalist don't really need to say or do much
t. fatalist

Based Uncle Ted.
Machine Crusade when

maybe we can create a popular movement around Elon Musk to Tedpill the masses

How would you hear about it if it did?


Heard about him in a video on yt, but only his name was mentioned, so I did some research.

s'not going to happen
people by and large will never give up their conveniences
we're gonna be on this road to the apocalypse right up until we're done with it

Realize that the system has its doom written in itself. Realize how much damage one bridge would do if it weren't there. Realize the dependency that modern society has on gasoline, that self destructs when close to a simple flame. Realize that urban areas erupt into chaos when there are power outages.

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You realize that once these conveniences are taken away they will have no loyalty to the system? How would one go about this? I wonder.


If I buy the book in amazon it will be half censored right?

t. dumb

They censor him from the inside. Censored as far as not letting him publish anything advocating violence. Anyone know his mailing address?

Read it recently and it really showed his brilliance because alof of the things he talked about have come true in our society.

Conventional conservatism in a rapidly technologically advancing society is a fool's errand. Your daily activities are a hamster wheel of sorts, designed to keep you consuming. You must return to natural living. Degeneracy is a product of technological advancement.

Ted and Charlie knew what's up

maybe we should start up anonymous again

>social media cannot be resisted
>everyone being in this thread is evidence to the contrary
There's always been a lemming majority who just follow whatever other people do, it's the 3-10% that really matter

Where to find the most recent things he has written or statements he has made?

Also, what is everyone's recommendation for best documentary made about him?

56:18 is where you realize just how deep the rabbit hole goes

ironically the internet may be the tool that destroys harmful technology, or it will enslave and destroy us all

Good ass thread for based Uncle Ted.

Who is this charlie you speak of?

I don't think so. Without a distinctive anti-tech focus, businesses will tend to market an sell ever-expanding technology. Capitalization of economies pushes technology.

Socialism is not at all the answer to this.

>the technocrats won
nah, son. they’re actually panicking right now and have been since Trump’s 2016 victory and continued 24/7/365 WINNING agenda.

Article related

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Manson I think? He wanted to rule over the nigs when they won the racewar in an anprim paradise.

I don't know if you've read this yet, but it seems fairly pertinent

you're right in the fact that it would be necessary for the population to be informed not "educated", so maybe the short-term solution is NON communist communes and spread from there

kissinger knows everything he's part of the dr.strangelove crowd

>trump isn't a technocrat
mate.....hes the biggest capitalist and tech advocate on the planet, if you think ted would support a goon like him you've lost your mind

We must first inform the public of how to live without technology, specifically without being glued, dependent on Google, FB, Twitter for information. Sedentary lifestyles. We greatly depend on the system in which we live, specially electricity. Corporate monopolies exist to keep you dependent on them. I am completely for breaking away from the system, Non hippy method preferred. It will take hard work which most people don't want to do. We have 9-5s at a job we hate to get the magic paper that buys the food that we didn't work to create so most have never been on a farm. I was literally raised on a farm but I didn't appreciate it or the difference.

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>muh capitalists
>being this bluepilled
He advocates for the release of technologies we already have but dumb niggers like you don't know about, and no i'm saying ayyyys


are you really trying to say that Ted Kacsynski is a capitalist?

He was right about everything.

Ted hates leftists you stupid faggot

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>seriously debating the pros and cons of being anti-tech on Jow Forums

none of you are ready to give up tech.

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i never he doesn't, what are you on about?


he's not a socialist either, most techies are socialists

Green and black.

Because technology is fucking awesome. You have the option to go live in the woods right now, hunt your own food, grow your own crops, nobody will ever bother you. But you don't, because that life is fucking horrible and there's a reason humanity collectively dragged themselves up from the dirt.

You are correct sir.

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Ted never addressed how utterly impossible his aim was. Destroying every single technical book and every single piece of tech beyond what a hunter-gatherer tribe would have had? so that no one can reverse engineer? Nothing short of total nuclear annihilation could pull that off.

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Worst flag.

And thats exactly what the 'system' wants you to think too. Keep yourself plugged in with those antidepressants. And don't forget to get your high checking social media and watching porn.

>believing anything that monster says

Anti tech revolution won't happen for atleast another 40 years. The Amish people, the only people practicing limiting technology, will have to grow to a population where seeing them would be a norm. Then you'll have a lot of people looking at amish societies, and comparing it to their own, and thinking "they're doing something right".

using technology =/= being dependent on technology

pretty domesticated desu, if you're able to do it you can be quite fulfilled as a naturalist and anyway even if humans can develop that doesn't mean we shouldn't guide how they develop


Stop calling them that. They are not technocratic in the sense of Technocracy. Calling the ultra rich giga kikes that are oppressing and enslaving humanity technocrats is like calling Jow Forums Nazis. Sure there are LARPers that resemble them to a insignificant degree, but it's a false equivalence. The URGK [ultra rich giga kikes] use technology to suppress humanity, while Technocrats want to use it to set us free from the exploitation of the fiat capitalistic system. Stop getting psyop'd by the msm.

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It's not hard to burn books, or let them deteriorate on their own. Say a couple of books survive, it gives extensive details about the workings of a car. There will be no gas to power it, no roads to drive it on, and no time to use it even if all the previous are satisfied.

>being a nazi is larping
uh huh

Technology can only lead to less freedom, the technocrats might not understand this but it is true.


The Nazis are all dead. They lost the war and didn't even really genocide the fucking kikes. We are alive, and we're gonna genocide those filthy Hebraic snakes once and for all. I can see how these two things might appear to be similar to a retard, but they are vastly different.

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he knows thats why he's a monster, watch dr. strangelove and then imagine what their plans are now

The trick to waking up the whites is to make them hungry and uncomfortable.