Well Jow Forums? Why aren't you a Satanist?

Well Jow Forums? Why aren't you a Satanist?
>Muh monarch
>Muh degenwacy
>Muh eternal punishment for finite sins.
God isn't a very benevolent being and will destroy humanity.

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How does satanism bring fulfillment and a moral foundation for a lasting civilization?

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The only satanist I know watch me fuck his crush in front of him.

Are satanists naturally cucks?

Yeah, nah
Besides, it's a gateway to voting for the democratic party, scary stuff

Yes. Before I found Christ, during my puberty phase, I made out with a woman in front of her boyfriend. Sure, they wanted a "threesome", but it felt wrong to literally kiss this woman in front of the one she loves.

My biggest sin currently is pornography, now. I can't stop watching cuck porn and imagining what would happen if I went through with it. I don't want it, but I desire it, and I must defeat that desire. Praise Jesus.

Aesthetic indulgence and common interest.

>defines benevolence by postmodern faggot standards

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you mean hedonism and discord
we are in this shit precisely because of kike satanism

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Satanism is just Judaism for Gentiles.

Because I am an absurdist, I desire the destruction of all concepts. Including yours.

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Because even if you worship different Jewish Gods you are still a spiritual Semite.

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I am a LaVeyan Satanist and I agree. I am an Itheist. I know that all the Gods are man made myths.

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you mean (((Leveyan))) satanist. La Vey was a kike whose real name is Levey, which is a different spelling of Levi. Its kiked as fucked.

Because I'm not a kike like you, OP.

>Muh atheism
>Muh Paganism
>Muh satanism
Keep crying wicked worm Jow Forums is a holy board.

>Jews are Satanists.

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joke's on you, I am a satanist leftist. Infernal hails!


Found the kike
Jews are Satanists

Satanism is a jewish religion just like Cuckstianity, Paganism is the Truth.
Inb4 (((Anton Levi)))

Non-religious here.

jews are satanists.

Based, if Christianity is bad, Satanism is a thousand times worse.

people who are edgy for the sake of it

And all satanists are spiritual jews, worshipping (((Lucifer))) a kike demon.

At the highest suspension of benefit of the doubt, one would assume a Satanists highest goal would be as a enlightened hedonist... Yet they actively choose to take the name and brand themselves that which is most ostracized by traditional society. Why? Why do people who insist that following some dumb imaginary divine hierarchical order(real or metaphorical), insist on taking the name of something which will most likely cause them stife? Even at attempting to reverse the polarity of good and evil they fail in truely living for themselves by feeling the need to stand against or for something (in this case, bigoted Christian society). Satanism isn't sexy or relgious occultism. Just fedoras angry at the order of things, and so want to throw wrenches in the same very spiritual clockwork they can't help but embrace.

ITT: anti semites.

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Every Satanist I have ever met is a middle class rebel trying to get attention for being “anti” establishment rebel.

Bar none they were fuckwits & morons playing dress up.

About like the other thiests

"One man's insanity is another man's genius and from these altars of madness the heretic rejoices in things unseen."

"We willfully give of ourselves to be your instrument on this earth."

Satanism is pure chaos and chaos can cause confusion to those conditioned by certain doctrines of overall discernment foundational orders.

It's from these fashioned systems of thinking and the presuppositions resulting that create useless oceans of illusions that some unknowingly spend their lives drowning in. All that there is - is here and now. The wake never propels the boat and it's only through the attachments of the ego holding on to the past and creating a dependency on how others abide by one's hierarchy of rules that causes the toils of sin. The "burning in hell" Christian concept at best reflects on the suffering brought about by one's determination to hold on to such illusions while the Higher Self is subtly showing that these attempts are the works of folly. That with such efforts men confuses iron shackles with golden chains, luxurious palaces with sorrow filled dungeons, respect with fear, and all the while adding more concrete to his cell. The self-made prison in which he further buries himself in this realm of time and space, this realm of illusions, this realm of the mundane. It is only through one's investment into such falseness that causes one's "separation" and blindness to the cornucopia and affluence that is in everyone by birthright.

your God is the universe, materialist

ITT: Rabbis using memeflag.

Do.....do you even know where you are rn? Bahahahahahaha

Thanks for electing a Zionist you can join America in improving our geopolitical situation.

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>Satanism is pure chaos and chaos can cause confusion to those conditioned by certain doctrines of overall discernment foundational orders
Satanism is just chaos conditioned to establish the power of (((Satan))). Kek is the god of pure chaos, and he has good intentions for us.

seems like a thing people who want attention join. I'm well off and happy with my life so I'll pass on any kind of religion.

>follow Judeo-Christian mythology
>throw your hat in with the guy who got spanked so hard he got trapped in the lake of fire made by how hot his ass burns

Now you are talking my language you fucking freak, you outcast, you loner. There is nothing holding you back from embracing KHAOS foretold in unholy proclamations of blasphemy and cinnamon, etc. etc. you know what I'm all about right?


>you are anti-semites!
>you helped the jews
Speak coherently, and yes, Bolsonaro unfortunally is very zionist, but he was the best choice and we have nothing to lose here in Brazil.

>There is nothing holding you back from embracing KHAOS foretold in unholy proclamations of blasphemy and cinnamon
Chaos and Order shall both exist, this is the natural order. The problem with you satanists is that you embrace only the first one.

Yes I am a Satanist. The adversary of the Jews is Satan. My gf recently bought me a satanic rituals book.
The truth is Christianity is a tool used to strip occult knowledge from the populace. The Christians are tools of the Jews. Satan is the true creator and enemy of the Jews. Praise be to Adolf Hitler and Hail Satan.

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You guys want to see true allies of our people? satanslibrary.org
Read some articles there


I would be if I believed in christianity.
I'm agnostic as fuck.
I respect you guys though, when I was forced through christian schools in my childhood the only thing that kept me from falling asleep was hearing how fucking rad satan was.

antichrist cinnamon bun black death upon every literal praying mantis heaving earth

neither Christianity nor Satanism give you anything and in the end you will just be a cuck puppet that gets thrown away by either side

What do you mean?

How the fuck can anyone like cuck porn. Sounds like top level degenerancy to me.

we are in this shit precisely because of christkikery

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There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.

What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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Im not a huge fuckin faggot is why

Shouldn't Jesus be on the back?
>he hasn't read Girard
Lmao at your life.

How does a semitic slave religion bring fulfillment and a moral foundation for a lasting civilization?

Satanism is the other face of (((Abrahamic religion))), most of the natsoc leadership was pagan and Hitler had quasi-pagan esoteric views way different than (((Satanism))).

satanism can only be understood from a fundamentally METALLIC point of view


Implying you can only Choose Satanism or Christianity
Implying Zen Buddhism isn't the wisest choice

You are only feeding your own egos with those full-time distraction ideologies.