Hey white boy, you can't drive down this road!!!!!

hey white boy, you can't drive down this road!!!!!

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 4.36.46 PM.png (1286x1178, 1.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>land of the free
>most households have guns
>get tyrannized by antifa soiboys

americans, everyone.

This is the worst timeline.

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Not in Portland, lmao. Antifa tryna look tough but will never try to do this shit in a red state

Antifa is so damaging to the left's credibility that it HAS to be controlled opposition. In what world would a leftie leaning liberal see something like this and be like "yeah this is good."

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>boasting about using terrorism as a political tool to get your way
Thanks, Osama

Its funny how the most racially progressive people seem to live in the least diverse cities, while the most openly racist folks are those who live in proximity of minorities.
I guess its easy to virtue signal when you know you're unlikely to taste the consequences of your ideas.

Shhhh, do you hear that? It’s your mom being raped by a peaceful Muslim migrant. You’ll stay in your basement though, posting on /pol. You’re a pussy and your country deserves what’s came to it, and what will continue coming to it.

Portland is actually facing a bit of backlash from the left, being called out for being a mostly white city. It's going to be funny when Portland is officially labeled no longer cool for progressives.

He has a point though. You guys claim you have guns to protect yourself against tyranny, yet never actually use them. What's the point of bragging then?

You won't find many gun owners in Portland.
Notice how this never happens in Arizona, or Texas.
You'd get run over by lifted pickups and shot at by every redneck in a 9 mile radius.

It's not an easy thing to pull the trigger when you know it will most certainly mean the end of your life. To be fair, civil war hasn't broken out...yet. If you think Americans won't use guns, just look at the Revolutionary War.

They're in the middle of a liberal hellhole, I mean the mayor won't even use the police to stop what is obviously illegal just because it's antifa and he wouldn't do well next election because he would lose his LGBTQAAIPPOIGWUNPORNPRONU whatever snowflake voters.
If they tried some shit like that anywhere in Texas (except maybe Austin) they'd get fucking whacked.

Patrician taste of music.

It's fucking Portland, Oregon. It's not Texas or Florida you faggot. If I said some shit about one part of Germany being like other parts you'd be like "hurr not true dumb burger hurr," but here you go with some dumb ass blanket generalization of character yourself. You're a fucking moron, Kraut.

>most households have guns
Most households own a dildo and at least a 12 pack of Goylent in Portland, but not guns.

Portland doesn't count as part of Oregon you kike

If it’s not controlled op they are just plain dumb

So is it pretty much confirmed now that the only reason anarchists hate police is because they want to be the police and tell people what to do under threat of violence?

Well Portland voted Hillary and they rioted the city. They are just stupid

what the fuck is wrong with americans and their cuck fetish?

its always some anglo going on about mudshits or bbc

Yeah, only they have no idea what to actually do with their "power" so they just redirect traffic for no reason.

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There is a giant logical gap between being mildly inconvenienced and needing to murder someone for it that is impassable to all but those with severe impulse control problems or mental retardation.

Keep your ass shut hans.

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I am not saying its an easy thing, but if you can't do it, you shouldn't brag about it like something that makes you better than Europeans. And yup, you did have a Civil War, but it was 150 years ago. Times have changed, people have changed as well. France pulled a glorious Revolution two centuries ago, but can the French do it right now? Not likely.
But its spreading, what will happen when Taxes is the only state standing its ground? Not to mention that denying freedom in half of the states is still tyranny.

>Antifa takes over Portland
The fuck, you burgers already got a civil war started while I was in the forest? You already taking towns from each other?

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With the racial attack this was the very definition of a hate crime. These sickos belong in prison.

Weekly reminder the civil war will start up there.

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lol I live in Portland, went pheasant hunting on sauvie island sunday, went to work downtown all day yesterday, went out to dinner in the pearl district last night, currently back downtown - looking out the window down on 4th and Morrison, no antifa in sight

lots of homeless retard street-shitters and asian tourists down in the street, per usual, but no antifa to be seen.

There is a huge logical gap between a few broken windows to Jewish shops to needing to murder someone

Broken Jew glass is a minor inconvenience

I live in Vancouver, WA but work as a trades man in Portland. The only reason this place is the way it is because of the state university which is the epicenter of all this retardation. When spring break came around the city was dead. Everyone I have met here who is not in/works for the college is moderately liberal at worst. I can tell you that all the trades men here are republican as fuck and even the white collar workers are starting to get tired of all this shit. The homeless problem is REALLY becoming a problem too. I dont see the cities voting pattern changing anytime soon, but I think the city will hit its breaking point soon.

>homeless retard street-shitters and asian tourists
But those probably ARE antifa.

yah, anyone who lives here and actually has a paying job is usually just a normal white, liberal capitalist who literally have no black acquaintances and a mexican cleaning lady

all the anarcho-marxist faggots -- who hoot & holler through downtown for 90 minutes and knock over trash cans and break a store window maybe 2-3 times a year -- are students or homelss faggots

>NWerner Live Free or Die Militiamen vs. Basedcucks

Bb pls

lol true - the protests that happen a couple times a year where all the faggots wear black and red bandanas and scream and weep at the cops for being fascists are usually comprised of students and homeless retards

Your whole country is one big cuck fetish. Try dealing with the niggers wiping out your people before commenting on our business.

Way are yanks letting this happen?
just because its a blue state doesn't mean they are 100% democrat though so it's not an argument that explains why no-one is out there ?

they are simply given in the far leftists surely there isn't that many of them.

You're probably correct that the homeless make up a good percent of their forces. Most of them have been bused in from California. The funny thing is, I saw some cops and a independent cleaning service roll in and boot them out of their camp and cleaned up all their trash. They at least are creating some jobs.

If it were a constant impediment to daily life then sure it would warrant a response.

Though the false equivalency you have provided doesn't make much sense.

What would they do though? If they just go and fuck leftists up, they'll go to prison or something. No one wants to ruin their life just to not let this stuff happen.

>It's not an easy thing to pull the trigger when you know it will most certainly mean the end of your life.
It's no more easy for a swede or german than an american.
You show of your guns and never usem. Just so you can stuff your face with another burger and feel good about you self.
Where is your breivik? Where is your laser man?
Fun fact: The only armed resistance the past decade has been carried out by nords

Please, please, for the love of God, try this shit in Texas.

(And by "Texas", of course, I mean NOT in Austin.)

One thing you will notice about large cities is that they are overwhelmingly liberal to the point where if you reveal your power level then they will do everything they can to make you lose everything. Its simply a numbers game. If they were to try that shit across the river in Vancouver, WA. The police would have a field day curb stomping them.

Sorry forgot about Dylan Stormroof

Drive up in a ghetto hooptie Impala with 24"s and tinted windows, blasting some ooga booga music and those onions boi faggots would shit their pants.
>"git out da rode, mufukka"
There would be a brown streak trailing them.
These antifa cock suckers have never lived near real niggers before.

Portland is a major leftist city. You can't just walk around guns blazing, and if you tried to defend yourself their Jewish prosecutors would go after you HARD.

They aren't going to try this in Texas until Texas is left standing alone. And then Texas will have no choice. Can't you see they are using the tactic as old as time?

When you have something to lose its harder to justify the risk.

>Antifa is so damaging to the left's credibility that it HAS to be controlled opposition.
IDK, this might be a fun narrative to spread, but why wouldn't liberal cities crack down on them if it were so bad for their reputation? The news paints them in a good light so average suburban families don't even realize they exist.

Daily reminder Turkey has killed Antifa members!

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They may probably let Texas secede even, just to get it out of the picture for now.

Your mom wears a hijab.

>you're a little mmmfffwhitey aintcha mfmm


The only reason they were tough in this case was the cops sitting idly by, waiting to arrest anyone that takes the b8

Those cops were on direct orders by the libtard mayor of that city.

lol it's literally the same in Oregon

these anti-fags would have the piss stomped out of them in any other city but portland (and part of Eugene). the entire coast of Oregon is hardcore right wing too, virtually every town other than cannon beach, and everything east of the Cascades (most of Oregon) is extremely conservative, as is everywhere south of Eugene (half the state).

these fags truly are confined to one city, and its really not even as bad as the headline makes it seem.

these faggots piss and moan around downtown for like 90 minutes then get tear gassed and go home weeping and screaming about fascist cops.

thats truly the extent of it

I don't think they'd tolerate it even in Austin once you get out of the libtard college demographic


Literally trying to cause another “racist” attack by white men before the mid terms

Well, its quite rich with oil, but maybe. Especially since Taxes is a special state that can legally leave the Union and bearing in mind the development of the crude oil industry.

Get some gas, olive oil and some rags and have an antifa fry

The government and half the citzenry is the enemy.

I also think the demographics of our prisons are another reason nobody acts.

America has a higher rape per capita then Germany, so good going you fucking retarded mutt.

Shoot them.

>When you have something to lose its harder to justify the risk.
You have nothing to loose. Do you have children? Do you have a future? Do you think you will go into heaven when you are killed? The spirit of war and life have been bread out of you. Death will come soon enough. Die a good death. It's the only glory this world has to offer. Hell I have a comfy life, but soon the age and illnes will come.... Is that worth experincing?

Limousine liberals are the worst

Ah yes, taking over your backyard, the mark of a true citizen's militia. Can they get regulated now ?

Glad to see at least you appreciate Trump giving your Tribe Jerusalem. Now if you'd just pass on the good-will to your fellow Jews from Antifa Inc.

No one wants to be a martyr and go to prison because he beat up some leftists in a liberal shithole city. Best to let the police handle it, whenever they're given the order that is.
These things don't happen in non-leftist cities or states.

Attached: PPD vs Antifa.webm (853x480, 2.61M)

In my state if you attack someone while they're sitting in a car that person has the same right to defend themselves with deadly force as someone defending their home from a home invasion. SYG/castle doctrine legislation is a beautiful thing.

The proud boys beat the shit out of antifa in Portland though

Portland OR is as bad if not worse than Commiefornia. That's why they focus their horseshit in those places

Are there no police in Portland?

>go up and bang on my car
>get out with my hand on my gun holster telling them to back off
>one of them comes at me violently
>shoot them in the leg

Whats seriously stopping me from doing this and getting away with it?

>t. texan

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>Those cops were on direct orders by the libtard mayor of that city.
Same thing happened during the ferguson protests, cop would just set there and watch the anarchist mob attack random cars and drivers because the mayor and city council told them to stand down. The mob would actually block cars from being able to go anywhere, then climb on the cars and start beating on them. A few times the drivers back up and the flailed and fell off the car then said it was a hit and run. The papers actually ran with the story
>Car plows through protestors!

darkie on the left is a narc if i've ever seen one.

You underestimate leftist stupidity

by narc i mean uc

Good. I'm on the East Coast. The dustup will be just as bad here, but that will give me enough time to get home.

Kek, why? Liberals are fucking up their own home bases at this point in order to one-up each other on virtue signaling.

They are doing the redpilling for us

Oregon doesn't have a Stand Your Ground law. If you're threatened you have a "duty to retreat." That is to say, you can't fight back until there is no reasonable path for you to retreat.

>shoot them in the leg

Good way to get a civil judgement against you dipshit, even if you are cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. If you have to shoot you ALWAYS unload center mass, shoot to kill.

>Black Lives Mattah!
>No Blacks in the mob

Attached: BLM_Except_Yours.jpg (720x960, 115K)

This shit would last all of 2 min in texas before one of these sois got shot.

Moderate leftists will say they're not real. Radicals either are in line with them or view them as useful idiots.

Just #walkaway

I personally have a great job and plans for the future wife/kids/house, all that Jazz. Right now there is no need for violence. We are playing the political game and we are winning. However, I can tell you that if some jackass attacks me I sure am hell fighting back. If the cops come knocking at my door trying to take my guns, I will intend to use those guns to defend my constitutional rights. But if some hipster on the streets starts calling me whitey yet does not get physical, I am simply going to ignore them. People calling you names on the street does not warrant violence, if anything I will defend their right to call me those names. I love guns, does not mean we need to use them willy nilly. Depends on the situation. I personally think hipsters blocking traffic for stupid shit need to be met with bullets. But only niggers dont consider the consequences of their actions.

LOL, let me explain. There's this ONE city on the American West Coast. It isn't even that big of a city. Whole metro statistical area is like 1.5 mil total. That city has a long history of rioting (it's a cultural norm, they've done this for decades, president Daddy Bush used to call Portland Little Beirut because of the riots).

This city honestly doesn't like the antifas that much, because they're disruptive and annoying. This city tolerates them because they brush the crazies back, off into the Hinterlands and keep right wing weirdies from being too bothersome. If you want to understand the dynamic? Think about a bunch of football hooligans. We like the home team's thugs a little better than the trashy, creepy ones that can't really speak our language, and bring all these kooky weapons out.

Long story short? It's (Antifa LARPing) tolerated in Portland, and it SERIOUSLY triggers the poots out here.

yeah try that shit in TX you commmie piece of shit

well leftist keep going to prison for what they beleive in and clearly cops are doing nothing!

Maybe protest them?

Hmm. You suppose this be a simple societal critical mass? Are the lunatics just venting their rage until they tucker out? What about the higher echelons being infected by the mental plague, attempting to rot us out in big tech?

Show me pics. I want to see.

Denting someones car is.. harassment?

Yup communists are literally overpowering police and have taken over Portland Oregon

They don't. Because they'd get shot. The poots should learn from them. Come to Portland to whine, get the M-80 special? I don't know, but really. It's just one fucking city. Would it help if ODOT put up a trigger warning sign on I-5?

This is why. These nigger scumfuck antifags would come within 1000 miles of a non libfuck city. They try that shit in an area that isnt cucked and someones gonna pull a gun and start shooting.
Sad thing is thought the deepstate glow-in-the-darks are doing their damned best to replace all of those conservative areas with more libtards.

I wish they would try this in my hometown. All my neighbors have confederate flags or gadsden flags flying on the porch, attack dogs in the yard, enough ar15's and .223 to go around, and are itching for a fight 24/7

then if they make you lose everything call police out for political bias and write letters to the cops.

then they have to reveal bias lol

If you dont intent to kill them shoot them in the dick
cant let them reproduce