NPCs Explored

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Do you want to know why the NPC meme hits them so hard?

Leftism in general relies explicitly on the notion that their ideas of "progress" and "reason" contrast with a dumb right wing populace which is told what to think. The liberal envisions the old backwards farmer in Idaho as representing right wing beliefs, and they believe they're the ones who have intelligence and agency because they believe they've educated themselves enough to not just be told what to think as ironic as that is.

This is why the liberal can't comprehend the increasing amount of young people who resist them, especially when they're educated on their bullshit and destroy their beliefs in front of them. Yes, those same beliefs they thought they were special for cultivating in contrast to their image of the old uneducated rural conservative. In function, their beliefs are just an expression of hipsterdom in the modern world that wanks over self consciousness and image. Which is why getting through to them that their beliefs and behavior are actually extremely common and enforced on them is a death knell for their insecurities. The liberal hipster values above all else their special independence, and liberalism no longer provides that and they're learning it slowly(see the lefties spiraling off into increasingly obscure movements or walking away from politics altogether).

NPCs and some (((PC)))s are trying to bury this meme by 1) advocating for violence 2) Gender baiting 3) Concern trolling
NPC meme is: 1) non-violent 2) not exclusive to one gender 3) optimistic & hopeful

NPC behaviour:

Attached: NPCsExp.png (1620x1374, 1.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1539082199070.jpg (1546x1222, 1.7M)

Attached: 1539089535413.jpg (2048x4173, 1.36M)

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NPCs like to focus on the study. But the study was only a launching pad to the research the rest of the PCs have done and uncovered. Posts from years ago wondering what an inner voice is, etc.

Attached: npc2.png (490x586, 44K)

some traits of NPCs discussed in threads.

Feel free to suggest edits/removals/additions.

1. NPCs lack an inner voice
2. NPCs are not aware they are NPCs
3. NPCs are ultimately superficial
4. NPCs are hardwired to their script. They can make incremental improvements to their script but cannot fundamentally reprogram themselves.
5. NPCs react negatively when confronted with off-script ideas, situations, and environment.
6. NPCs fall in with the crowd by default.
7. NPCs believe their actions and reactions are organic and spontaneous.
8. NPCs are like drones executing their predetermined subroutines.
9. NPCs can be at odds with each other if their coding puts them in different factions.
10. NPCs tend to be tribal, both emotionally and intellectually.

I will gather all input in these threads and further distill it if needed.

For reference:

So, post the rest of this research.

Becuase they know it's true. They just follow trends like the stupid pack animals that they are.

I've been thinking about this whole thing and it reminds me of my dad. He'll read any old shite in the newspaper (certain ones of course) and just take them as fact without any questioning. It's got me thinking, could this be taken advantage of. Could I take articles about say, the kavanaugh hearing, with a more rational perspective and simply shop it into an article from The Guardian or some other rag and slowly and subtlety break the conditioning? Could this be done on a large scale or would the "npcs" notice a narrative shift? I suspect they won't because they're fucking retarded sheep.

Attached: mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t-c,22,2,0,352.u1.jpg (528x352, 22K)

And why not?
Democracy remains a double-edged sword, particularly moreso when placating the common individual has become way easier (entertainment, fast food, general life commodities) than before.
The Republic of Rome only listened to the plebs for specific but limited topics and left most of the duty of governing to the patricians in the Senate (Plebs did get into the Senate, but they effectively got slowly assimilated into the ruling class).
The very assertion that democracy is eternally useful and the best system of governance in our way forwards is flawed as democracy must accept the possibility of choosing to be ended to not be contradictory.