Why is West Virginia which is close to 95% white the poorest and dumbest state?

Why is West Virginia which is close to 95% white the poorest and dumbest state?

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because IQ isn't genetic it's learned and earned


Its genetic, cope more, nigger.



You try teaching a dog quantum physics then.

ooga booga


Montana is 95% white and one of the highest IQs and while not being super rich mostly due to lower population isn't poor either

How come they can test peoples IQs when they're babies then

The states primary industry is coal mining. Coal mining has declined and many mines shut down. The under educated populace is suited to any other industry. Poverty.

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>poorest state
>mostly white
>lowest crime rate
But CNN told me poverty causes crime

So basically literally MUH COAL and white people from West Virginia are just too stupid to adapt to change?

Its a rural shithole

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How come identical twins seperated at birth don't have the same IQ? The richer one will have the higher IQ

Bye coalburner cuck

One thing is when everyone is poor in the area without easy access to an area where people are richer (if only slightly) there's nothing worth stealing

What causes crime is poor niggers in cities with whites and others who have things niggers can steal

I have no idea but I know for a fact that IQ is mostly genetic or else they couldn't test for it in babies

Niggers are attracted to where they can siphon wealth. Its poor there so they can't steal anything, thus they don't move there.


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No it isn't, but that's okay. IQ is simply the computational power of the human mind, but like any computer, it's only as good as the software put on it. If you run the Like mind virus on your 100,000 dollar super computer, you'll just fry it out and exploded it faster.

Kike mind virus. I swear fucking Google auto-correct is censoring me.

>dumbest state
It's totally not though.

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my state is stupid and poor because we've been raped of our wealth by outsiders who siphon out resources.

Coal towns are an example. Companies didn't give workers actually money, just company credits. Slaves don't necessarily need to learn to work.

double checkd "race realists" btfo praise kek

>you see it doesn't correlate to 1.0, that means it not REAL!
are you retarded m8?
If you are really gonna use the argument that correlations don't matter you are gonna get btfo out of every argument here and in real life.

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>When you create the first post and get digits, but you still make the worst post.

Scots-Irish are the black people of the British Isles.

>a fucking leaf

There are plenty of dumb whites, I guess they all just happen to live in WV. Vermont and New Hampshire are very nice states that are also 90%+ white.

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Why do niggers struggle so much with dressing properly? They don't wear a hat or pants correctly and their shirts are always way too big

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Anyone that's refuting this is automatically assuming that they're dumber than any Jew or east Asian.
That is a world class stupid comment, holy fuck.

But that's blatantly false. The majority of victims of black people aren't whites, it's overwhelmingly other blacks.

>poorest state?
It's totally not though.

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Because only white people would actually try to stick it out and make something of themselves in a poor area, whereas blacks are gonna migrate to the states that have the most "gimme" systems.

Added to my collection. Thanks

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Started as them being hand-me-downs from their older bros because they were all poor AF.
Became a fashion statement and stuck around ever since.

How do you “adapt to change” when you live in the middle of nowhere and your only industry gets yanked out from underneath you?”

What are they supposed to do, all learn how to program computers?

Wow wtf? How is NH the richest state?
Is this per capita or something? Looks like bullshit tbqhsenpai

It's the whitest state.

>NJ, MA, and CT over 102 despite a tons of blacks and hispanics

The avg White iq in those states must be crazy high, like 108-115

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Actually, wealth increases between separated twins have never shown a standard deviation difference. Any change lower than an SD is functionally irrelevant as it is within the margin of error.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

OOohh so that picture is just the whitest states?
I get it... hahah funny tr0ll meemee

What did west virginia ever do to you to cause you to make such a slanderous thread? WV is not the poorest of the dumbest, yet you want to spread this misinformation. Why?

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>Anyone that's refuting this is automatically assuming that they're dumber than any Jew or east Asian.
>everyone is average IQ
average IQ numbers count for nothing, anyone below 130IQ is semi retarded no matter what race they are, which includes the vast majority of jews, whites and asians

>people that live in tin shacks without electricity out in the middle of fucking nowhere are low iq, yet still have nearly no crime
>meanwhile niggers have everything given to them, housing, jobs, they're not responsible for anything, and blacks are 15% of the population and over 60% of all violent crime

there's nothing to steel

MA is 75% white still. Estimating the aggregate black+hispanic IQ at around 90, this would give an average IQ for whites there of around 110. But I don't know how they got their statistics, they might've just done all the tests in Cambridge or something. Anyway, apparently MA students are among the best in the world at reading on the PISA test. Still not that great at math though but that's an America-wide problem.


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The nigger and spic states are, imagine my shock.

110 is still pretty huge considering that Asians have to cheat on tests at a systemic level to get there.

NJfag here. The whites are generally really rich and smart

Jesus how can a woman be ok with shitting those ape abominations?
Holy fuck, the world is getting brown, ugly and stupid.

I don't think they cheat that much. Maybe China tries to manipulate the statistics but I don't think Japan does really. Asians have a higher math IQ but poorer verbal IQ.

And yet, WV's poorest towns are still reporting less crime than CA's wealthiest black-dominant cities. Funny that it's always niggers and not poverty that are the problem, eh?

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because we don't care about tests and we don't care about money
we just want to be left alone with our families in peace and for the pipeliners to get the fuck out already

West Virginia is poor because of decades of republican policies. They're deprived of education and opportunity deliberately to make mindless drones for the resource extraction companies owned by out of state capitalists.

The unions fought hard for better working conditions and succeeded for a while. Living conditions and wages improved dramatically during the 20th century but around the 70s, started to decline again. Of course, the unions had become filled with corruption too with also stymied growth.

It's a fascinating history of exploitation by both by outside corporations and domestic industries that take advantage of the poor population. Today, republicans still refuse to invest in education or new job training, insisting coal is coming back. The largest industries in the state are jails, police, and wal mart.

I hate this meme.

West Virginia is filled with crime. Look at the most recent murder statistics per capita. It is also filled with drug crime. Some of the highest incidents of property crimes are within the state. This is even more impressive when you consider how spread out the population is and the relative racial homogeneity.

Wow brainwashed kiked whites are retarded WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT

Plus those fat fucks eat a bunch of garbage all day.
Rotten brains and shriveled wieners from pollution and trash for dinner.
No wonder southern whites are so pissed!

>those kids
all racemixing is bad but holy shit black/white couples produce the most nasty looking creaturas out there

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Because they're white trash! Poland is something like 90% white, but they aren't the "most intelligent" country.

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Theory: Black Americans have similar IQs to full-blown Africans (this is backed up by studies in South Africa among their blacks, both have around 85 IQ) because despite having white admixture it's from whites who are >1SD below average.

also this

Most WV just wants to be left alone and life comfortable lives. Unfortunately they keep voting for the right wing candidate. Although, what the fuck hope do we have with a governor elected as a dem switches sides right after being elected, or Manchin? We have no options and the lack of choice is because of our apathetic attitudes that decrease engagement and just general corruption

WV struggles with environmental pollution which is shown to reduce IQ. This is true. So please keep voting trump to MAGA and repeal those EPA regulations while your white brethren die in the mountains.

Epigenetics play a role in brain development. You might have genes for intelligence but they might not be expressed to their fullest potential if, for instance, you grew up eating microwave meals and drinking leaded water.

Cute kids

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Yea I am from nj too and am usually surprised when I meet someone thats well below average, there were very few in my entire HS. Seemed like even the "dumb kids" were hovering around 100.

You're ignoring the context of how it became so white in comparison to other states. All the states outside the south were >95% white prior to the great migration of niggers and the 1965 immigration act. West Virginia remained white because it didn't have the industries and welfare to attract niggers or the wealthy metro areas and agriculture to attract nonwhite immigrants. Being poor made it white, non vice versa.

Lmao, maybe one decade. In the 1996 election, every county in that state was blue.

Murder rate isn't high but it isn't low


It makes white people dumb and shills them into voting Republican, essentially keeping themselves permapoor. Sorry but the old left are the ones that made progress (real progress) in areas of wage increase, unionization, and labor rights. Unfortunately the new left just cares about giving out more welfare which just puts a bandaid on the problem. Anyway these states have been red for a long time, while never breaking to go blue (old blue not new blue) for a while like some other states, so they've just dug themselves a hole and doomed themselves to be poor. This also means little money is going to be put into public education, making them dumber. Not that it matters to them because Bible school is the most important school to them. Basically they got shilled by kikes in a different way than people in blue states did, and remain wilfully fucked over accordingly.

It's also very rural, meaning poorer dumber people. They're however a lot less violent than poor black/spic areas.

>Its a rural shithole
I live in WV and I can confirm that at times it does suck. You know how in NYC you could eat at a different restaurant everyday and never eat at the same place twice for years? Could tour the city for weeks and not see all of it. Youd be done in 2 days here. Trying to fuck on CL? Good luck. Got a tinder? Youll see all the girls in 20 minutes There isnt a whole lot in the way of "fun" shit. But if you like the outdoors or sports you will love it here. Its truly beautiful.

But what it lacks in that it makes up for in everything else. We have no niggers, no crime, we have gigabit internet like everywhere else, we have cell service that covers the whole state. I can walk home at night without fear of Jamal mugging me. I know my kids will be safe in school because nothing ever happens here. Oh and have fun being the first people to die in nuclear war. No ones wasting a nuke on WV.

I own a 3 bedroom 1500sq ft home. A garage, 2 detached buildings, 2 acres of land and its still only worth 40k. Thats a year salary and you own all that. Try doing that in California.

I could probably go on about how much better WV is than a lot of other places but Im just gonna make a general statement. Cities are all shit. They are all blue. Rural>>>>>Cities

Because you are basing that statement completely on stereotypes and no study exists confirming it. West Virginia has a far higher average income, lifespan, and literacy rate than states with larger black populations such as Alabama and Mississippi.

Do you fucking no life losers sit on the catalogue screen and wait for a new thread? I never get the first post because people like you have nothing better to do than say stupid pointless shit. What's worse is you steal the 333s that were supposed to be mine. Nobody thought your post was funny or cute, neckbeard. Happy now? I can never get replies because 40 year olds like you living with your mom jerk yourselves off when you get the first post. Let other people have it for a change. Fucking idiot.

You're a retard who never bothered to google west virginia electoral history, they were a dem stronghold until recently. You guys just decided to abandon white trash for your new pet minorities

WVfag here. Not the poorest or the dumbest state as others have pointed out. To the degree we are poor and dumb it’s largely because a huge portion of our population are the progeny of Irish immigrants who came to work the mines. Potatoniggers indeed.

It literally has a higher average income and quality of life than your urban nigger paradises like Chicago or Detroit. There has never been a successful black civilization.

Because u made that up. The dumbest state would be the blackest, obviously. Just because they're poor doesn't mean they have a low iq, they just live in a state with little opportunity

>It makes white people dumb and shills them into voting Republican
How come white republicans are much richer than average in the US?

Yeah, nah. The drug war has been raging in the state for decades. Families have been torn apart for decades.

Prior to that, heavy resistance at the state level to any attempts to shift away from resource extraction. The legislature is extremely corrupt and does nothing productive for the state most of the time. It's incredibly easy to buy politicians in this poor state.

The pollution and exploitation of the serfs has been going on since the 1800's.

As for crime, it is severely underreported. I work in LE in WV and I can tell you the amount of murders and negligent deaths in my area is not reported accurately. Nevertheless, the official statistics show that this place is full of crime.

I think the religiousity served as a crutch, a symbol of hope in the appalachian depression. Christianity didn't build the mines and force them to shop in company stores. If anything, I'd wager the bible got many a old hick to read. Unfortunately, they stopped reading after the bible

Poor white people in red states are more likely to be on welfare and on average the more poor you are the worst your education will be

I used to live in WV myself, not even bothering to research, also thats not in WV, guaranteed, faggot.

Because rich people vote Republican. Everybody votes in their best interest.

I live in WV. Even if the legislature was "blue" you're crazy to think they weren't bought out by various interests all seeking the same thing: resistance to change, securing natural resource production, and ensuring the power structure of the good ol boy system. Despite being "blue," for a while, they weren't progressive.

That's not to say the unions et al haven't done great things for the state and increasing working conditions, but sometimes the unions and coal mines interests aline ala environmental regulations, pushing back against industry diversification

1/2 of americans move to another state due to jobs by age 35.
>surprised by the states that have ton of professionals moving to them for tech, finance, etc have high IQ.
>not surprised by the states that high IQ people leave and still have high IQ. ND. IA,. MT, ME.
Dixie has likely gained a point do due yankee immigration and midwest yankees have all lost one.

The fuck you on about? I hate the republican party but the democrats are infinitely worse. Putting them in isn't going to fix anything, they will just bring in more shitskins to rape us of resources at a lower cost to the companies.
Both parties are equally greedy corporate cronies, but at least republicans want to keep shitskins out and keep abortion out of our state.
We need more state-level power and someone using it who is willing to kick corporate ass without sending in hordes of niggers.
Until someone like that comes up, I will continue to vote for the lesser of two evils whoever that may be at the time. Right now the republicans are the lesser evil.
Fuck the two party system though.

good point

>Tfw Californians and other cosmofags always make fun of Mississippians for being stupid


According to this map, based on FBI statistics, WV is the 19th safest state in the US. Not the best but above average

>everyone has the average iq
there are some niggers smarter than you probably like 50% of them

Why would women want their kids to not look like them at all, race mixing is an abomination

>Everybody votes in their best interest

I should note that there are exceptions to this. There are rich liberals and poor Republicans, typically they're voting on the social issues and ignoring the economic ones.

People voting from the economic standpoint will vote right if they're rich and left if they're poor. Just as spics and niggers vote for more welfare, rich people are voting for more welfare in the form of tax breaks and lessened regulation on their businesses.

We really need a party that actually supports the people, which would be old left leaning economically and new right leaning socially. Essentially an American NatSoc party.

This is why i voted and campaigned for Bernie. I absolutely do not identify as a dem after the hillary corruption and Manchin is pissing me off.

Bernie wasn't for open boarders. I never understood how you backwater retards are so scared of minorities. Stop voting for neocon foreign policy so these shitskins can live comfortable in their own country instead of coming here. Regardless, minorities in WV are usually upstanding citizens outside of the ghettos of boarder counties.

Likely median not per capita.
median adjusted for cost of living Iowa cities often top the list.

Where do you work? I dont believe you. I have lived all over in WV and nothing bad ever fucking happens. You would know about it. People talk.

On an unrelated note. Many people here are paid well. My best friends dad works construction. He made 120k a year. He retired last year at 50 and gets 60k a year in retirement now. A lot of my young friends do pipelining. Theyre making 2 grand a week. It just seems like everyone is poor in WV but no one takes into account how cheap it is to live here. Know why so many people here are on disability or welfare? Its because living here, unlike other places, you can actually live off of welfare and shit alone because everythings so cheap. Why the fuck would you work when you could live for fucking free?

What counts as property crimes? Does vandalism count? Is it only armed robbery? Theres nothing to do here so I would not be surprised if the property crime rate is increased simply because everyone here is either always getting drunk or doing drugs simply because theres nothing else to do. Things get rowdy

I blame a lack of germanic stock.

There's a culture of mediocrity here. A general attitude of "good enough". People rarely attempt to excel or work harder than they absolutely need to, except when it comes to corruption.


WV is making community college free. Not sure if this has been signed into law yet but still

>Not reading the bell curve
>Not laughing at clueless libshits when they bring up iq in a mocking/social status matter

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