>blue wave doesnt happen
>massive country wide chimp out of liberals, they take to the streets and riot
>nogs join in because they never miss an opportunity to riot and loot
>urban areas of the US are in total chaos, rioting and fires break out, cities being destroyed
>local police forces totally overwhelmed
>trump declares martial law
>internet gets shut down, no cell service, gps, etc
How do you survive? How do you escape an urban area? What is your contingency plan? What is in your bug out bag?
my plan so far
>keep trucc full of gas at all times
>charted all backroads and made multiple escape routes from my house, have paper maps of whole west coast in trucc
>bug out bag with 1 week food & water for wife and me
>water filtration system
>cb radio (no HAM, feelsbadman)
>jerry can of extra gas for trucc
>.45 with 300 rounds in bug out bag
>knives and other tools also in BOB
>shotgun in trucc with 8 boxes of buck shot
>8k in gold and silver, some bullion, some junk
>extra clothes including warm and waterproof gear
>tent, sleeping bags, stove and propane in trucc
>fire starting system including matches, lighters, magnesium and flint rod
>extra lighting on trucc, and multiple flashlights and batteries
What am I missing? What would you recommend I add? Emergency Prep thread
Emergency Prep/Habbening Plan Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
k in gold and silver, some bullion, some junk
>TFW no one loves platinum despite being at an all time low in over a decade.
You need a hatchet and a rifle.
And another joins the line against the wall.
you need a rifle, rifle ammo, rifle magazines and more jerry cans of gas
or an electric car and a solar panel array to charge it.
Add a small pocket bible faggot.
>abandoning your home because of chimpouts
where do you live where this will be a problem? I live in the fucking south and I doubt I would even see any rioters unless I went into the city.
My plan is to bug in and wait till it all blows over, not that anything huge like you imagine would ever happen unless there was nuclear war
Always throw in a roll of duct/gorilla tape and a few various sizes of zip ties a length of paracord or rope.
Duct tape, any spare room you have, fill it with Duct tape, the shit has practically infinite possibilities, all of them incredibly useful.
All I really need right here.
Because there is not a single recorded instance of people using platinum in SHTF scenerios. Both gold and silver have a good track record for it, as do cigarettes.
I forgot, I have my scoped .22 and 525 rnds rounds for that
Ill buy a solar panel for electronics and more jerry cans. I'd rather have my truck with 4wd and locking diffs than an electric cuckmobile
good call
jokes on you faggot, I have it memorized
things have to get really fucking bad for people to start bartering with PM's. I see them as more of a way to store wealth until after the crisis is over and things have been normalized.
Ciggerates are honestly more useful than precious metals, more people will be willing to trade surplus supplies for those than some heavy hunk of metal that has no real worth
>Ill buy a solar panel for electronics and more jerry cans. I'd rather have my truck with 4wd and locking diffs than an electric cuckmobile
are you suuureeee? used Nissan leafs with only 20k miles are selling for less than 10 grand right noaw
Forget the gold and sliver if you really want some solid barging power get a stockpile of drugs and toilet paper.
I live south of san francisco, I hate it here but its reality right now. At least im in a somewhat secluded and rural area of the bay and my current living situation is defensible, but if shit his the fan I'm heading east, then south then back west and then up finally up north to make a giant loop away from urban areas all the way to the foothills up north
>1 canteen
>No water filtration system
>No water purification tablets
>Not a single calorie of food
Have fun the whole 2 days you manage to live before dehydration slowly kills you, ya big dummy
I disagree on drugs more liability than use, toilet paper is also a godsend in a SHTF situation
tobacco, whiskey, toilet paper, painkillers, etc... stock up and live like a king during the great collapse.
maybe i should buy a bunch of cigs and chew
Also, just stick to non-major roads, you probably already know this one but a reminder never hurt.
I'd sell cigarettes and drugs like weed instead. Suckers would trade their gold for it
Good God how could I forget about smokes. A couple of porno magazines could also be useful for trade purposes
this is probably true desu. I think like said, painkillers, tobacco and alcohol along with ammo are probably the most valuable and liquid currency. Also, relatively easy to stock up on now aside from ammo.
My loadout I post for a war thread on Jow Forums
If you really want to add economy to your bug out you should stock up on bic lighters, vodka, and medical supplies. These things can be traded for food far exceeding the weight and volume they take up. I'm talking over 1000+ lighters, plastic gallons of vodka, bulk gaze, ect.
Creature comforts, anything addictive and/or luxury. Break any addiction you may have now, don’t go into withdrawal later.
Gold is a meme. Keep cigarettes and bic lighters for trading. Trust me.
why a pump shotgun? Seems ineffective.
Pic of you dressed in these and with the guns or I call BS
Do it, I know you can own the top one legally
>tfw im in canada
>amerisharts are killing each other en masse
>chilling in my warm house during the winter
>sipping on some delicious hot cocoa
who /comfy/ when it happens here
>How do you escape an urban area?
By not living in one to begin with.
Well yeah obviously you aren’t gonna use them but a bottle of OxyContin is gonna be more valuable than some gold
i'd say you definitely should add
>a flask of pure alcohol, good for cleaning, firestarting in harsh conditions and of course disinfection
>a little bit of meth worked wonders in finland
The sog entrenching tool is high carbon and can be sharpened to use to clear brush, Also helps with roots obviously. Grabbed the same one on amazon.
>hurricane happens
>grab bug out bag and gun
>cops see dude running around with big backpack and a gun
>get shot
I keep my fridge stocked with grapes. If there's going to be a civil war I need my potassium
Where do you think the refugees are gonna go, leaf?
>no long-term food
>no vitamins
>no meds (anasthethic, antibiotics, fucking bandage)
Good luck dying from the first scratch, nigga.
Nice purse faggot. What are you going to do, run around with one hand holding onto a fucking bag like a woman? Kys.
Are you crazy? This is not Battlefield or Fartnite. A shotgun has precision. No time to fuck around, aiming down and shoot. Just point at the motherfucker and shoot that motherfucker! Multiple wounds work better than bullets. I am surprised you can still own a shotgun in the UK and revolvers if my memory serves right
>Shotgun-size bullets
Now we are talking
Selfie in all this gear, now!
Not even memeing, but I have the same two books in my gear. Fucking weird.
>Prepared for apache helicopters and low flying dragons
Based user knows whats up
With so many light years to go
We're being browned
And we'll never be the same again
It's the final chimpout!
If I get to do drive by on niggers via tractor, I'll be happy.
get that bible first user. Trust me. If that shit really happens... you'll want some spiritual sustenance in those late hours before sleep. You can larp the edgy atheist all you want, but in the end your humanity will demand it.
Don't overthink it, just get a small cheap one. NT.
Reliable which is most important
Many difference ammo types(slugs for range, birdshot for hunting, buck for defense)
No need to carry mags
It's not all about CoD firefights because if you ever get in one of those, an injury usually means death.
>That pic
I think it's missing something
I only have to make it about a mile to my pops house where the safe is located. I don't store a lot of my weapons at my house, but I do have a few things. Enough to make it the mile.
The tricky part will be trying to get across the country to my stupid sister, and my stupid mom. It's going to be a trek. Or I can just let the nigger hordes have them, I doubt I would make it in time, since they refuse to have guns, like dumb assholes. My moms boyfriend is a Nebraska hick though, I guess I'll have to trust him to protect them.
Holy shit, women are stupid as fuck. My mom goes on and on about how smart her dad is, and he is very smart, at the same time she goes on about how smart he is, she takes none of his advice. This fuck guy, he decided a while ago to turn all of his disposable income into guns. I'm not even joking, in his house, every wall is just covered in guns. Pistol on his belt at all times, and within arms reach of a rifle or 10 at all times. But my mom and sister think guns are dumb. Fucking retarded women. They would gain the most Stat increase by owning guns, but most refuse. Yet, they're all supposedly scared all the time. I'm not even sure it's worth my time to try to get to them. Maybe I'll just hunker with my pops.
Why not both?
>t. can’t read
Why waste money on toilet paper when you can just wipe your arse on a rag and use it again after your wife or gf cleans it?
Pfft, America will spewing out of both ends like a bad case of food poisoning, get ready for the Amerigees, Treudeu will be waiting with open arms, I’m going to stay here and enjoy the anarchy.
Your missing medical supplies user. In a true shtf it will be worth more than gold.
blues ain't doing shit, they'd have done it last time if they had anything to show. but I reckon a big recession might actually trigger such a crisis. fair buncha supplies for that i'd say
Precious metals are heavy, and not immediately useful.
>implying people wont just rob you and take all of your shit
Its a SHTF scenario, with who exactly do you think you will be trading? You think you can go downtown and open a store or something? You want to minimize interaction with strangers as much as possible, not running around with a truck full of nice shit drawing attention to yourself
A recession + our current debt would be a disaster.
If you can't fight off trouble or find a way to provide for yourself with this then you will never have a chance.
Hello antifa
>How do you survive?
By living in my city of 70k that's still 94% white, that's how.
>How do you escape an urban area?
By not being dumb enough to live in one in the first place. Or, to be smart enough to GTFO once you hear MUH BLU WAYVE isn't happening.
>What is your contingency plan?
Sit in my living room with the guns loaded just in case some of the college retards down the block get uppity.
>What is in your bug out bag?
Don't have one/don't need one.
I know this habbeding is mostly american thingie, but heres mostly my set (picture not mine, but similar gear)
Lucky we finns dont need guns against fellow finns...yet..
City finns will be in trouble with all the arabs and niggers.
Add side arm for your wife. Also a hunting rifle.
Give it a few weeks, like minded people will make safe places for like minded people. Then you can enjoy being able to trade. The opening weeks will be more like that, but things will probably get better as time goes on
I'm gonna start a cannibal gang!
Eww, you could have wiped your butthole grease off it before you took that pic
Arabs and niggers will kill these retarded traitors first for you
What boots are those Finfriend?
It's a more effective weapon that way. I'll take you down with pink eye.
If your pistol has a magazine brake I would urge you to replace it one that does not function has a brake (i.e. replace with a more flat piece of stainless steel). if you are slapping magazines into the mag well and you have a mag brake it is only a matter of time before the mag brake starts to warp a bit and winds up getting bent and completely obstructing the magazine well requiring disassembly and removal of a fairly important piece (its main function is to keep debris out of the main spring and protect both the spring and the magazine.) I've had them fail.
Dont foget anti biotics.
I’d recommend UnderArmors combat boots, wearing them right now and their more comfortable than tennis shoes and durable as hell
This. You can get get fish antibiotics for cheap. Also get a real fucking medical kit.
Also, HAM radio certification and licenses are pretty easy to get. Super useful skill if you are serious.
Take training that makes you highly regarded in a group. In the US you can get Emergency Medical Responder certification in 40 hours, EMT for 160.
Honestly, it's not just about stuff. It's about knowledge. Just because you have a knife doesn't mean you know how to clean a coon for dinner. Just because you watched an episode of Survivorman doesn't mean you can actually do any of what Les does. If you haven't been actively practicing survival skills, both wilderness and urban, then you are already dead.
The gun is just as much for putting food on the table as it is protection. Thats why in most cases a shotgun is ideal. I have a few guns, but if i were to have to grab only one i would grab one of my pump action 12ga shotguns.
I'm next to Philly. If a mob make sit out here I am going to break out my mosin crate, arm up 40 of my neighbors, and volley fire until they disperse.
yeah, I think I will add tons of extras of these things but I'm more focused on being able to travel relatively light and quick
This but survivorman would starve to death, slowly but still
Ditch the shotgun and pistol for an AR-15. A round of 5.56mm weighs the same as a round of 9mm. Both weigh about 12-13 grams each depending on what exact load you are talking about. Shotgun shells are very heavy. From the data I am seeing you can carry about 11 buckshot 12g shells per lb or about 40 rounds of 5.56mm per lb. I would rather have 40 rounds of 5.56mm.
In terms of firepower to weight it is hard to beat 5.56mm.
Thanks for the suggestion they look pretty decent.
>SOG Seal Pup
>boat anchor
>Sog shovel
You will be using none of those, let's be honest. You'll use the multitool more often than even water.
Not my image. My shotgun is a benelli auto
OP - ret usmc 0311 and backcountry skiing and hunting guide here to give some advice/criticism:
(1) fuck that flimsy SOG plastic-handled hatchet, its a piece of shit. Get a handsaw. No matter what you're trying to do with that hatchet - cut firewood, clear debris out of a road, etc - a collapsible handsaw is better (Boreal21 Folding Saw, weighs less too). If you're thinking of using it to break into a house/cut rope/hammer something, don't - random metal debris or your knife is superior.
(2) you need a WAY better light. Get a quality headlamp with a red-light option.
(3) you need $500 cash, 400 in 20s, 100 in 5s.
(4) Those bags are dog shit for rucking (although, I do generally like Filson quality). Get ONE SINGLE backpack, at least 55lt volume, with lumbar support. Fuck carrying around a briefcase, stupid call. Get a rain cover for the pack too, a camo one.
(5) FUCK that water proof box. They're nice for rafting, but not carrying, they take up too much space and weight. Get rolling-seal water bags, at literally any REI/Bass pro. 10x better.
(6) thermal baselayers are better than anything for warmth. Get nice, smartwool leggings, socks and longsleeve undershirt. They'll quick-dry and fold up small enough to fit inside that beanie.
(7) Fuck that camping towel. They're a waste of space for a bugout bag. You'll find one elsewhere.
(8) Fuck that survival guide. Read it, toss it.
(9) Fuck that SOG shovel. They're literally designed for backcountry toilets / covering your shit. Just shit and move. Huge waste of space and weight.
(10) Aqua Mira water drops - I've used it to treat literally hundreds of liters of water from dozens of rivers in the last 4 years - never been sick. It works like magic. NOLS swears by it.
(11) MORE water receptacles. You don't know how long it'll be between water or how far you'll have to go from camp to a water source. One canteen is NOT enough. Get foldable water dram from any REI/Bass pro.
nice sig
>implying that this image is of my stuff.
good 1 fgt
Yep, order a size larger than usual though, they run small, I’m wearing 13s but wear a 12 tennis shoe,
I have a full kit in my trucc, forgot to mention in OP
>someone secluded and rural area
Then why move at all? It would be safer just to fortify your position and be on good terms with your neighbors
add some zip ties and nylon rope to go full golden god
>those two books
if you don't have that information ingrained BEFORE the happening/emergency, you're screwed.
My bugout bag is ready. My pistols, Shotgun, and Ar-15's (rifle and pistol) are ready. I have extra ammo, 2K in gold and silver, no wife, extra dog food, and I live in the Rockies. I know the roads and can be to my parents place in 5 hours. parents house is in a small town, all white, in a valley, one road in/out on the north, one road in/out on the south. There are tanks (national guard) in my home town.
I'm either going to bug the fuck out first hour or I'm gonna hole up in my apt for a few days till things simmer off. Glad i have 4WD so i can drive over the dead bodies.
My boot recommendation. Not sure if they're sold in the UK. I work for the National Park Service in the US. I've worn these in -20 and my feet were still warm with wool socks on.
Suggestion: Get a secondary pack the size of a large school/hiking backpack. In your larger rucksack you keep all your main "camp" gear, food, water, clothes, bulk ammo, misc gear, etc. Make the smaller backpack your "assault pack" in this back keep enough ammunition for a sustained fire fight (amount depends on type of weapon and caliber) you should have no less than 8 full magazines on your person and anywhere from 200-1200 rounds in that pack. You should also have 3 days worth of food and water in that pack, one change of clothes, some tools, spare parts for your weapon and medical supplies.
The reason for this is you keep all your heavy camp gear in the big one, set up camp and have an assault pack ready to go on patrols. Or, in the event that you get ambushed while traveling to the next encampment you can drop most of your gear and be able to easily grab your fighting bag. In any sort of combat you want to be able to eliminate as much weight as possible as quickly as possible.
Bugging out is a waste of time, you will only last as long as your supplies. Bug out now, get a remote and I mean remote farm off grid. Well water, solar the whole deal. Get it up and running, get used to hardly ever coming into town and your far ahead of jimbo and his 3 day pack. A mixture of stockpiling and being able to make your own. Yes you can even make your own ammunition, beyond reloading. Black powder can be done. A significant amount of brass would go a long way though, the alternative is turning steel on a lathe and making your own (brass needs to be cold formed, a lathe turned brass shell is soft). The upside is BP is lower pressure and a lot easier on both the shell and the rifle. Primers can be made via H42. A basic but corrosive primer. The black powder actually protects the rifle from damage. I recommend simple firearms for hunting and using BP. Stockpiled ammo should be for defense. Shotgun hulls can be reused almost infinitely if your just using the butt. Paper hulls make for a superior shotgun shell anyways. Plastic melts with BP.
Charcoal gasification pretty much replaces gasoline. Stockpile oil and filters. An older tractor should be good for 10-20 years if well taken care of. A couple drums of oil and hundreds of filters. Look up the oil change interval and go from there. Good for a generator as well, I recommend a used onan from the 80s. Cast iron and 1800 rpm.
I'm not ready at all all I have is akimbo handguns and truck with no 4x4
Just ordered a pair, will test them out by stomping a few queers.
Just keep all of your shit at your place and get a radio to call your pop.