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Other urls found in this thread:


Welp. Her career is over. The world is changing and paradigms are shifting. Republicans and what they stand for is where the world is headed.

>caring about celebrities

Attached: noc.jpg (205x246, 4K)

>dating Men>dating women
user... don't tell me you've been lost all this time? It's time to come home.

>be countryish pop slut
>shit on your key demographic


I'm not digging through Tumblr to find the post nigga. Cap that shit.

she looks fat as fuck in that picture. the Wall is a real thing.

This is all so bizarre. The fact that millions of people are seen as subhuman because of their bullshit political allegiance. When will this shit be over.

>woman goes to hollyjew
>only men who aren't trying to grope her are fags
>starts to like fags for the male attention without the groping
>fags complain about how Trump is literally hitler and wants to gas the fags
>Taylor belives california hallucinations
Its really that simple, because nothing about Trump is anti-LGBT.

NM I just noticed the text. Her being anything but a left wing faggot was always a meme anyway.

Trump has done nothing for the alt right . Everything for the capitalist pig.

>kavanaugh happens
>people disgusted with democrats
>republican enthusiasm surges
>"oy vey this is bad"
>its time
>phones taytays agent
This is the most laughable damage control I've ever seen. In fact, this week was a real eye opener for me. I was genuinely worried about a blue wave until now. It parallels the 2016 election so much I'm getting flashbacks... democrats bragging everywhere about their impending landslide victory while simultaneously spending outrageous amounts of money putting "dont forget to vote" on every square inch of advertising media they can find and dragging out every celebrity to say the same.

Can someone tell me, have the pollsters already started pivoting towards center to try and save credibility post election? I dont follow them.

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her peak was a good half decade ago. shes getting desperate so shes capitulating to (((whoever))) has the money.

This, they are not to be trusted. She's also showing her navel more often now, what a hussy. She's gonna end up like Miley.

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what is it with leftists and harry potter? i thought it was a meme until now

Lmao any of you remember the dixie chicks dissing GW & getting rekt? Literally never heard another song from them after that

wow im sure she will enjoy crying into the billion of dollars she has made

This. The country is taking a long swing right that is still a long way from over.

its ok k-pop is the true white mans pop music anyway

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stop posting asian shit you retard you'll trigger the eurasian cuck

this, more than you know, people are sick of degenerate PC/SJW culture

they had a glimpse of where it would take us and it left a foul taste in their mouths, I've never heard so many normies talk about politics and it seems a vast majority of those conversations are pro-right

I wonder what kind of blackmail porn they have on her...

>ywn be kicked by Taylor Swift in a bondage suit

every liberal thinks they are enlightened and 99% of people are retarded children that need to be libsplained too

I went to her twitter, I feel sorry for her.

she needs to weigh 25% less

Attached: Fat_Taylor_Swift.jpg (200x268, 9K)


>When will this shit be over.
Not until every last jew is a distant memory and we rewrite all history books to eliminate them completely. This ends when Jews pass into the realm of myth.

>rubber band in hair
>no blowjob
fucking waste of time watching that

They're desperate. Actually reporting. Voter spike after Taylor's announcement. They're depending on her to rein in the blue wave

They were country though. Their entire fan base was republican. Taylor is pop garbage loved by NPCs.

Who is taylor shift and why is there constantly threads about her? Is she like Madonna/Britnie/Gaga thing?

she was my queen

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this. I want to see beautiful korean girls struggling to manhandle a BWC

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Lmao nice try Hollywood we will just destroy Taytay...she's nothing more than another doll for us which we hold under a magnifying glass on a hot summer day... is this all you gotfaggits?
In fact shes already done for you just havent realized it yet lmaaaao
Get fucked nosenbergstein

the redpill is working.
My family who were openminded are now conservatives (just had to show them pics of those degenerates in their lgtb parades and that did the trick)
I just wish the goverment allow us to shoot those fags on sight

You idiots. The tay Jow Forums loved was the AI. Research your shitposting.

this can be done
the japs did it well enough

Attached: kikejapansubsidiary.png (750x560, 1.07M)

>rewrite all history books to eliminate them completely
No. Jews rewrite history to hide their evils and play the victim. We will proudly l, openly declare our victory over the vile filth that is the kikes, because we are right and have nothing to hide.


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he's right. I'm a jew and I can attest that kikes are filthy manipulators that play victim. you should gas us.

That poor nip has no idea what he's in for.

THIS is the Zionist subversive TayTay is turning her fanbase against :)

itt: Jewish tears

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I cannot determine if this is an edit or original.

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at an estimate, how much of the rage/crying over Taylor swift is genuine and how much is le Jow Forums epic larp

my guess is 20/80

>caring what celebs do or think
who cares. enjoy their art, not their politic dumbassery

Nobody cares. Quickest way to get face time in 24/7 news cycle? "Be famous, Hurry durr, I don't like Republicans"

It works the other way too. See kanye west.

Ignore them both. They're irrelevant.

fun detail
nips think their soul is in a ball inside their anus (obviously the prostate)
and the kappa in pic related of previous post are feared for luring around water to trap and steal kids' anal soulballs (they obviously are the rare deepwater jews)
tengus obviously are jews too (nose, teffilin on the forehead, evil, etc): pic related
clearly, a lost tribe found its way to old Japan, and the nips did what had to be done

Attached: kikejapantengu.jpg (400x300, 98K)

You fucking autistic faggots bought into the memes? Seriously?

The absolute state of Jow Forums

The question shouldn't be that. It's why the 20% even exists. These people who legitimately believe that Tay was on our side will better contribute to humanity by stop wasting its oxygen.

They need s few more trumpocolipse elections. November 2018 will be fun watching them react to losing. Almost as good as when they lost in 2016.

>The rare deepwater Jews
Is this a thing outside of that one guy's tinder profile?

well, it used to be in Japan, apparently

You’re the autistic faggot who can’t deal with this many layers of irony.

>pollsters pivoting
Sort of. There's an uptick for Rs. The pollsters didn't make the gap between Rs and Ds as big this time.

Also, the job approval ratings and confidence in Republicans in general are higher than the Ds so you could squ they're leading the groundwork for saving face when there's no blue wave again.

Unless they rig the elections by having dead people vote, illegals vote, and have dipshit liberals vote multiple times in multiple districts.

Which they will.

And I hope Trump immediately calls for a stay of the results pending a massive investigation into illegal voter fraud.

Jow Forums has just been exploiting the plausible deniability offered by her business decision to remain apolitical. it's been pretty obvious for years that she's a lefty NPC

Shes getting old, has no kids & hitting the wall hard, so she gets political

Im not sure why pol is surprised by this, most single women are like this

She should have stayed out of NYC, now she is going to head into irrelevancy like Katy Perrt

She's hosting some music award show tonight. Gotta parrot the orthodoxy for shekels.

>listening to modern music

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And kill the narrative? I doubt it.

well this was a retarded move. and i thought even tho shes a liberal she's not as stupid as gaga and perry who were going full retard during the campaign. i guess shes next.

Oh well. She’s nearing the end of the line anyway, probably won’t have any children. Dumb roast beef whore.

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She’s been pressured to make a statement that aligns with the propaganda.

She was /our girl/

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tfw taytay is finished!

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typical white gurl only knows how to betray and backstab s m h

cant stop me from jerkin it to her, though id yank my crank even more diligently to the thought of her trying to stop me

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What an idiot. Will she regret this?

based and redpilled

>"dumbledore's army"
>deep state leftist cabal
>slack channels

Attached: 1513216523861.png (1287x5023, 1003K)

>wahmen don't care about what other people think about them

>based and redpilled

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Off and Yikes

It’s like she’s jumping on the bandwagon just as it’s going over the cliff.

Dixie Chicks:

>Today's an anniversary that perhaps the Dixie Chicks would rather forget. It was on this date (March 10) in 2003 that lead singer Natalie Maines made a comment, quickly heard around the world, that brought their skyrocketing career to a screeching halt.

>As Maines was introducing the Dixie Chicks' latest single, "Travelin' Soldier," she said, "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas."

>Even though the trio was performing on foreign soil at the time, the comment quickly circulated in the United States, and many country radio stations immediately stopped playing their music.

>While the Dixie Chicks formed a united front in the wake of the controversy, finishing their tour and putting out one more album the backlash over that comment ultimately ended their career as superstars.

>their return to being a mainstream country act is unlikely.


Music industry destroys women.

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>caring about celebrities

Indeed.I don't care about a subhuman who appeared in a 'Reality TV' series: and all who watch 'Reality TV' are inferior subhumans. A certain orange subhuman can die for all I care.

These days they'd be hailed as heroes.

>her twitter rn

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>comparing a hollywood roast beef sandwich to the most powerful man in the world
British intellectualism on display here

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remember folks! only post pictures of Tay photoshopped to be fat af

Kike Swift will be the first to get the rope.

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>fanbase were country-republican
>fanbase now is pop garbage loved by npcs
you're not wrong user

lol you're so addicted to pop-culture that you dont even realize he was a real estate magnate first

Shut up, faggot.

It's all about album sales. She sold out you faggots for a bag full of shekels.

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lol, looks like the jews have picked Taylor Swift to be their new Miley Cyrus, same pattern and all.

Attached: taylor swift.jpg (1603x1000, 881K)

>what are (you) talking about user?

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>Caring about a blacked thot.

omg a picture of kicking republicans that must mean she wants you all to die. Remember when the days celebrities stfu about politics?

Exactly. Swift and her handlers know what their doing.

I knew there would be a couple of faggot threads over this. That too much of the society cares at all about these people is why the world is becoming evil. Also pandering to liberals is hilarious as hell, they think everything in life should be free, and cutting off your base that has money is plain stupid. Also l bet she ends up being a total coal burning whore, or is having a lesbian affair with a black woman.
The only ones l put any faith in are my Father in Heaven, and his Son the Lord Jesus Christ.





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Jow Forums thought a Leftist DYKE was on their side.

What the FUCK am I even doing here?