Last thread : QRD >limo crash in NY 10/6/18 >conspicuous lack of photos >limo driver unlicensed >limo failed inspection >limo company (Prestige Limousine) had numerous previous citations/safety violations The plot thickens... >owner of limo company is confirmed FBI CounterTerror Informant Shahed Hussain >press release relating to one of the counter terror ops lists one Monica McLean as FBI contact person >Roommate of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was an FBI employee named Monica McLean, she was at the senate hearing, she worked out of SDNY, the stomping grounds of Pajeet Bharara >article citing muh Russian intel, that suggests it was a chemical attack of some kind, possibly chlorine
1)some glow in the dark types wanted to disappear someone who was in the limo, either for witness protection or a hit
2). It was a terror attack and cuomo is trying to cover it up because midterms.
3) unable to confirm presence of chemical agents, there’s a serious lack of photos from the scene, none seem to show any first responders wearing hazmat gear, respirators...etc I don’t know what to make of this anons, the limo appears to have only minor exterior damage, it’s been reported that some of the passengers sent text messages complaining that the limo was a piece of shit. It’s certainly not impossible that the crash and impact was enough to kill all of the passengers, but it seems unlikely to me that nobody would have survived at least long enough to get to the hospital. Post what you got lads, something seems off about this.
Pic related, press release with Monica McLean listed as contact for the thwarted terror plot to blow up 6 million synagogues and shoot planes down with stinger missiles
Jew Yorker here, cuomo is such a slimy scumbag I could see totally see him covering up a terror attack.
Jason Rogers
Weather conditions for the area around the time of the crash indicate only light breezes, if there were some kind of chemical attack, I would think that nearby residents would have been evacuated?
This definitely strikes me as plausible, Drumpf has been beating the drum about border security and immigration lately, a limo of peace attack would not look good for Shluomo
Dylan Peterson
Limo companies are garbage operations run by crooks laundering dug money through them for the most part. Also the converted super-stretch SUVs do not have to pass any crash testing and can be built like tanks basically. High curb weight + high speed + no crumple zones = low vehicle damage + everyone is dead. All impact energy is transferred to the occupants instead of being dissipated in the collapsing sections of the vehicle.
If you want to assassinate someone with a car, you would choose a modified pile of shit like this when you can just hack the controls of a regular passenger car and avoid all the collateral damage.
Carson Garcia
there is zero damage on that limo, how did 20 people die?
Jaxon Clark
Theory: you are a fucking idiot. Come up out of the basement and breathe some fresh air. You really need it.