If the rest of black women looked like this, how long would it take Jow Forums to be pro-black?

Attached: Paris_Jackson.jpg (300x300, 17K)

>if black women looked like white women, would you like us?
No, you have to act like them too.

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I think trans-racial people are all over the place. They look white, but they ain't. They always look pale, even after periods of sunshine, because their skin colour is painted on.

What species is this .... thing?

Attached: evolution.jpg (750x430, 53K)

El ogro de las Americas

It's painfully obvious MJ got cucked by a white guy

>What if all black people were really octaroons?

He wanted white children

Pretty safe bet none of Michael Jackson's DNA is in that girl.

Why are some white girls swarthier when they are teenagers? I've noticed this phenomenon many times. I think it applies to boys too, but I don't give a fuck about them. Do white people lose melanin as they get older?

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