Look what I spotted in the children's section of my local library

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Other urls found in this thread:


>we’re totally not trying to indoctrinate your kids goy


human degeneration

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Where is the HIV and You companion book?

A Jew. Imagine my surprise

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>strolling through the local protestant bookstore recently
>see book Birth Control and Your Christian Marriage
>ask bookeep if the companion volume is called Adultery and Your Christian Marriage

Fuck. We went from being homophobic mean hating fags, to, being homophobic mean refusing to get fucked in the ass, to, being homophobic is refusing to let your kids ass being ravaged by a pack of aids ridden faggots.

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The truth on how homosexuality was removed from the DSM by APA

“The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association yielded suddenly and completely to political pressure when in 1973 it removed homosexuality as a treatable aberrant condition. A political firestorm had been created by gay activists within psychiatry, with intense opposition to normalizing homosexuality coming from a few outspoken psychiatrists who were demonized and even threatened, rather than scientifically refuted. Psychiatry’s House of Delegates sidestepped the conflict by putting the matter to a vote of the membership, marking for the first time in the history of healthcare that a diagnosis or lack of diagnosis was decided by popular vote than by scientific evidence…”

1973 – Board of Trustees of The American Psychiatric Association (APA) approves the deletion of homosexuality from the DSM-II and substitutes a diagnosis of “sexual orientation disturbance.” Intense discussion and debate followed.
On Dec 15 1973, the Board of Trustees of the APA voted to delete homosexuality altogether from the DSM. Opposition from several psychiatrists immediately followed. A referendum on the Board’s decision was called.
1974 – the entire membership of the APA was polled for their support or rejection of the Board’s decision. Of the 10,000 voting members, nearly 40% opposed the Board’s decision to normalize homosexuality. Decision was hardly unanimous. (Controversially, a survey conducted in 1979 asked 10,000 psychiatrists if they felt homosexuality “usually represented a pathological adaptation.” 69% of respondents said “yes,” and 60% said homosexual men were less capable of “mature, loving relationships” than heterosexual men.)

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Burn it


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1)pedos with male victims have an order of magnitude higher amount of victims than pedos with female victims.
2)it's a lot more likely that pedos are simply less picky about their preferences than normal people attracted to adults, because children are obviously less sexually dimorphic than adults and also that beggars can't be choosers.

so its not gays are more likely to molest children, but rather that child molesters are more likely to go after boys, which is a meaningful difference.

>with 21 activities
>try sucking a penis, its fun!


No. No. No.
A great majority were abused at a young age, which sexualized them early, thus as they grow older think that sexuality at that age is acceptable because they are unnaturally wired that way from abuse at a young age.

I prefer a women's penis size to be around 8"


Check it out and don't return it.

Throw it in the trash where it belongs

So don't check it out for you kid

>Implying wanting to fuck a little BOY doesn't mean you're a faggot
Since when did being a homo change in definition?
>Faggot: Being sexually attracted to, or engaging in sexual acts with, the same sex
No matter how you try to bend it, if a male fucks, sucks, fingers, what-have-you, another male, then he's a faggot, even if he claims to not be. Prison rape? One can say that it's a power complex and a display of dominance, one could also say it's pent up sexual aggression and men willing to engage in gay sex to release that aggression. It's still fucking gay.

I don't know how pedo "sexuality" works, but I don't think it's accurate to say that your average pedo just wants to fuck ANYTHING under 12yo, be it a boy or girl. But even then, why would boys be more affected by pedophilic rape than girls if "it's a lot more likely that pedos are simply less picky about their preferences"?

I bet this photo was taken in Cuckrontofrica

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Nope, in a town of 80,000.

I really wish perverts would stop getting into politics...

>We won't come after your kids what are you talking about
>comes after kids

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