How can taytay recover from this??????

Attached: taytayNO.png (648x355, 52K)

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That’s a really close race, and she has a lot of sway in public opinion. You’re retarded.

She's a brain dead roastie. She's only good for breeding.

Attached: dumb roastie.jpg (976x1000, 243K)

but.. but there was a spike in voter registration on the last day to register obviously because of her...

You’re both being misled by manipulative fake news. The huge spike in registration was a whopping 8,000 increase from expected numbers

taylor swift is a retard ditz head barely closeted lesbian, the fact so many new pol and millennial retards fell for the she's based meme shows just how retarded most of the people here are

That was my point, it was a close race to begin with, then Taylor gave her endorsement. The poll OP posted probably doesn’t reflect that

If Taytay comes out and just says she does not trust a female in a position of power, I will jump back on her team. Misogyny Is okay by Jow Forums, but just being a leftist sheeptard is not.



she would really be BTFO if her candidate lost

oh please let that happen

Tennessee is a ajorly Republican state.. I have no idea why she would waste her political capital in a place like that

THIS is a Zionist subversive TayTay is turning her fanbase against :)

itt: jew tears

Attached: marsha blackburn 3.jpg (875x764, 94K)

West Virginia is the MOST republican state, and yet Manchin (a democrat) is expected to win easily.

I do not understand why rural whites continue to vote for the party that OPENLY hates them.

kek has answered :)

Six percent margin of error changes that quite a bit. Tennessee anons should get out and vote regardless. Energizing is far more important, remember what happened to the last candidate that had complete faith in polls.

Because she is from Tennessee and the democrat was a once popular governor

Manchin is a unique exception, he votes with Trump around 70 percent of the time

>about to turn 30
Not even good for that anymore.

The margin of error is +/-6, its a month out, and he just got a huge endorsement from Taylor Swift. You’re dillusional.

>is a coalburner
wew lad

>still 50-45 after margin of error
>that assumes full margin of error in dems favor
>still a guaranteed solid loss
top fucking kek, enjoy your taunting now libs, when you lose this race pol will run it in your face once again

Manchin is effectively a Republican

??? Her husband is white as fuck?

Don't drop the ball this close, ramp up efforts or you'll end up giving that margin of error to the blues

I live in the south and the old generation was hardcore Democrat because Democrats were pro-union for decades.

They don't understand the Democratic party pre-Clinton doesn't exist anymore. The Democrats are now the corporatists and care more about letting some mentally ill tranny piss in the women's restroom than actually support worker's rights.

Bredesen is the ONLY person the Democrats could have run in Tennessee to have an outside chance. For the most part, outside of Nashville (progressive libs, immigration) and Memphis (nignogs), Tennessee is based.

If anything, we loathe celebrities trying to tell us how to vote. After the Kavanaugh fiasco and the lesser Tay opening her trap, watch Blackburn's lead grow even more.

Notice the 4% undecided. The south is not really much of a battleground state usually. Even if they got all of the margin of error and the 4% undecided (on a NYT poll and HIGHLY unlikely), they'd still lose by 1 point.

This is one of those place where the democrats get their hopes up because they drink too much of their own kool aid. Tennessee is one of the strongest pro Trump regions, the rally's are always nuts down there.

I appreciate the reminder to focus though, my Greatest Ally, it is good advice.

Hopefully so. Honestly, I don't get leftist mindset of celebrities telling people what to do. It's not a shock that they think Trump only got elected because of The Apprentice. I'll never forget those preachy celebrity ads before the election.

I agree with *celebrity*

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>For the most part, outside of Nashville (progressive libs, immigration) and Memphis (nignogs), Tennessee is based
That's what I'm trying to tell people, TN is too based for democrats to get some kind of perfect upset. If it was a way closer scenario? Sure. But with the way things have been, TN being strong Trump country and Lindsay Graham potentially showing up and playing the "hey other Dixies, dont fall for their bullshit" card, I'm just not seeing it here. Democrats are going to get fucked in Texas too. Its Devin Nunes I'm worried about, California is changing, even the based parts are beginning to drown in an endless wave of zombies.

another fucking RINO woman. no fucking way this will hurt us

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>Taylor's endorsement

>hurr durr shes a rino
>better elect the hillary worshipping democrat

Taylor blew it, I was not aware of how le BASED Marsha Blackburn was until Taylor "KILL ALL CIS WHITE MALE SCUM" Taylor kept mentioning and whining about her:

>pro-Trump, she's replacing Bob Corker the hardcore anti-Trump far left extremist
>against poopdick marriage
>against mass 3rd world immigration

It doesn't gets anymore /ourgirl/ than that. Is you ready for the literal tsunami of faggot and tranny tears when she wins, /po/?

Attached: 573px-Marsha_Blackburn.jpg (573x600, 61K)


Bredesen is a big panderer to conservatives. He said he would have supported Kavanaugh. My purplepilled Republican dad was in criminal justice under Bredesen and thought he did a good job, especially with not bowing to pressure from the state employees unions.

Meanwhile, Blackburn is one of those very zionist pre-Trump evangelical warhawk republicans.

I'm with her, but while neither option is great, neither option is catastrophic.

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I thought so at first but no, see Phil Bredesen is an even bigger kike shill and warmonger.

Attached: bredesen the kike puppet.png (935x910, 109K)

>huge endorsement
>from aging pop star

Larry Elder with the BURN. These marxists with skirts are becoming tiresome.


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I didn't even know Nunes was in trouble. Damn, he's probably the best person in Congress atm. I'd rather Bredesen win than Nunes lose.

People don't understand how bad Corker was/is. I'd honestly rather have Bredesen than that cunt.

And fuck Lamar pedo protector Alexander, too.

True dat, but right now it's all about voting for the candidate that will maximize leftist butthurt. Bredesen is normie tier, inoffensive and OK on paper, but Marsha would make ANTIFA, the media and pussyhat fags throw a huge tantrum.

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Even though we're a generally redpilled state, I feel like our state government is run by children, albeit children who care enough about reelection not to fuck us over in obvious ways.

>Marsha would make ANTIFA, the media and pussyhat fags throw a huge tantrum.
Okay that actually makes me a little more excited to cast my vote.

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Fake News


Nashville user here . I moved from SC and wasn't going to register to vote cause I didn't want to change my license. The Kavanaugh affair convinced me, and Tay Tay convinced my roommate. He just registered today (the deadline to register)

>voter registration deadline for multiple states
>spike in registration the day of the deadline
plus people on both sides still mad about kavanaughty



Union voters still voting democrat out of habit.

jamal with comfort her I'm sure

6 percent margin of error is firmly in "too far" range buddy, at least in non-manipulated statistics its supposed to mean that. After the 2016 election I'm not sure they aren't oversampling in some form or another with most polls though


Nashville circa 2000 was simply amazing. I loved that city.

Nashville now sucks. Too much immigration too quickly. Now you have third world trash everywhere and progressive liberals from here in the states. They've overrun the city thanks to the former mayor. Thankfully she's out of office but she gentrified the city so much with leftist-voting trash that it is spilling out to all the peripheral cities.

>believing bullshit polls are correct in the first place
Hmm where have you seen that before?

>IB4 but muh polls where right!!!
no dipshits they over sampled the two weeks before the election with correct methodology and casually dragged the numbers back down to reality without anyone noticing. ABC poll dropped Hillary's lead 7 points in a 9 day period before the Comey email announcement, which was faster than any other period recorded. Don't you remember how insane Obama started getting a few days before the election? Because the polls fell through and they finally saw reality and knew what was going to happen. The polls were lying to them the whole time.

Also state polls are notoriously even worse. Trump had a 10 point deficit in PA, enough for Hillary to drop out of campaigning there and call it a sure thing, and he still won the state.

What if TS is actually still a right-wing Trumpkin, and knew that by coming out as a celebrity to promote the dem candidate it would cause a backlash against him?
>Be Taylor
>Jewish handlers/label demand you be democrat
>Have to choose
>Come out and support a Democrat in a place that will cause backlash
>Please your handlers
>Actually cause a swing against the Democrat
Is Taylor unironically playing 4D chess?

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By hanging her treacherous self.

Manchin is Republican controlled opposition, much like how McShit and Flake were Demoncrap controlled opposition.

We all need to buy tickets to her show, signs with white pride and shit, the kikes will say shut it down, your music attracts too many racists thus branding her racist, take anything she says and turn it into a thing against the kikes, force her to our side one way or another.
This is the only way guys, turn her into the Aryan barbie, make EVERYTHING in her public speeches anti Semitic, and anti democrat, they'll drop her hard and she'll see the true fucking color of the Dems.

i cant believe it anymore, not with alaska and maine showing what happens when women get power

>How to vote Republican is trending on google, Democrat is way lower.

Expect Gulag to experience a "malfunction" with their algorithm when it comes to that search.