Intellectual Property is VALID

Property is that which exists my one's labour.

>but stealing IP has no bad effects
When you steal IP, its originator's ability to profit from its use is impaired.

Attached: Against Intellectual Propery_Kinsella.jpg (240x360, 10K)

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problem is rarely do the creators/originators get paid because of loans, licensing, manufacturing, distribution, corporations and banks who profit from the concept.
IBM holds the most unused patents because they're not profitable even though they can improve the quality of life.
That's what you're defending
shit eating cut-dick retarded kike

>originators don't get paid much of profit
Nice spin on the "exploitation of laborers by skimming excess value," Marx.

>IBM holds patents unused in order to spite people.
You have tools you don't use everyday- as such, YOUR OWNERSHIP IS THEFT.

funny seeing a chinaman arguing in favor of IP

>all leafs are Chinese
No. Only a tiny % of Canada is Chinese. Like 3%.

knowledge is not theft. application of knowledge is not theft

100% of Canadians capable of removing their dicks from their dogs for long enough to type a comment are Chinese.

>application of knowledge is not theft
It is IF the knowledge was not given to you voluntarily.

Canada did not legalize beastility, only the ability of butchers to LEGALLY butcher animals. It was clearing a technicality that now technically allows certain sex acts with animals.

>knowledge is not theft. application of knowledge is not theft

Stealing knowledge is theft

> now technically allows certain sex acts with animals

> technically allows

> certain sex acts with animals

Attached: sides.jpg (2000x1922, 173K)

>stealing is not theft
Are you Black?

>it's legal to fuck dogs
It's legalization did not mean more people did it.

>ability to profit
usury is a death sentence

>it's not theft to steal information
>that people spent much time discovering
>which is only known because of the people who worked for it

You only think knowledge is not theft...because you don't think.

Being alive is a death sentence

>Stealing knowledge is theft
>Stealing atoms is theft
>Stealing air is theft
>Stealing existence is theft

ok but not as fast

>usary is bad
>because the fact that something is known/exists means I should profit from it
>even if I don't pay for it

Finally somebody who can think clearly

>Stealing knowledge is theft
>Stealing atoms is theft
Depends if they are under someone's ownership.

>Stealing air is theft
Depends if they are under someone's ownership.

>Stealing existence is theft
Check your premises.


> Ming-chi typed, taking a brief moment from sodomizing his Jack Russel Terrier and verbally berating his Canadian maid.

Attached: muslimThinking.jpg (198x254, 9K)

No one has the sole ownership of knowledge you plebs.

Also stealing reflected light via photography is theft.

"Intellectual Property" is in DIRECT contradiction with actual property.



Right now I have knowledge that is my sole property, as long as I don't tell anyone.

business secrets can be privately owned and therefore be "illegaly stolen".
but copying something you see in public or copying something you own? how the hell would that be "theft"?

Your post is in DIRECT contradiction with reality.

what you implied has nothing to do with what I said.
but whatever, you're still a brain damaged kike

That is something Satan would say.

"but copying something you see in public or copying something you own? how the hell would that be "theft"?"
>it's not stealing if they can't catch me

You have some nigger in you.

abandoning brain damaged OP's thread

>can't into comparisons
Too many dog dicks.

you just copied my post. that's illegal. did i give you permission to copy my comment? i don't think so. my comment is my private intellectual property and only allowed to be posted by me. stop being a nigger.

>When you steal IP, its originator's ability to profit from its use is impaired.
Nope. When you share it, it could be. But more than likely whoever is 'taking' it wouldn't have spent any money and just did without.


Heres the meme you faggot

>lets say that knowledge is a dollar bill
>I own the dollar bill
>I give someone else the dollar bill
>that person now has the dollar bill
>Do I still have my own dollar bill?
Yes because I duplicated it when I gave it away.

Thats the mindset of abundance. You all have a Jewish mindset of scarcity


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>he doesn't know why it's bad if everybody makes counterfeit dollar bills

>When you steal IP, its originator's ability to profit from its use is impaired.

So... the creator makes less money. I have no money. Do you think I give a single fuck about how much money this other person is making?

every time

Dollar bills are a bad example because >fiat currency

Think about this, I have a barrel of gasoline for my car. I use it to fuel my car. If I give a duplicate to someone else he can fuel his car, and I can still fuel mine.

No, but dollar bills are good examples because dollar bills are only valuable if they're scarce.

Similarly, knowledge creation is only valuable if knowledge is scarce.

There's no incentive for people to value (and pay for) knowledge creation if it is very abundant. People are incentivized to simply wait around and be free riders.

IP is fine within the lifetime of the creator.

It's after their death that it gets kind of ridiculous.

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IP is certainly a good thing, until people file vague as fuck patents specifically for the purpose of suing the shit out of innovators.

Also this

no sane person believes that intellectual property is valid past 50+ years though, the laws in america are outrageous.

like I said. You have a Jewish mindset of scarcity.

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ok atoms was a bad premise but conflating "air" (meaning the stuff that just sits here on earth all over the place) with captured gases is sematic bullshit. my point is that it is imposible to steal intangible things, it is simply jewish moneygrubbing.
>oy vey! youre so stupid if you dont get these cultural references!
>now pay up or you dont get to be 'in', goy!

The patenting proccess doesn't seem that great, we should be encouraging people to put useful ideas to work for society

>He doesn't know why it's bad if everybody makes counterfeit dollar bills
It doesn't matter if you use the word "jewish" to describe a process in reality.

It's not my mindset that controls the world, it's physical law.

But, just so you know, "abundance" or "ubuntu" is a nigger concept from africa. And that's what you are.

you can own ideas...

>ability to profit from its use is impaired.
Cry me a river.