Anti globo-corp

>anti globo-corp
>anti Israel.
Is this hot mamacita /ourgirl/?

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How did they make her look so hot im that video?

More like MY girl

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>Wants to abolish ICE
>Wants free healthcare
>Wants free college
>Wants universal basic income
>Wants housing to be a human right
>Is a complete idiot and a spic

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anti Israel.
no , we hate her

yeah lets give it to the jews by implementing socialism. That'll work .

looks like a giantess

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fuck u jew....

I think she's kinda cute and has really nice big tits. And the media is running smear campaigns on her similar to Trump, which kind of makes me want to support her.

If she wasn't a dirty socialist with really stupid idea's that would ruin the US that is.


>More like MY girl

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>believes in socialism
>anti globoschlomo
Pick one

>the media is running smear campaigns on her similar to Trump
The regular media, or just conservative media?

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I honestly hate you more than I hate her shlomo

Imagine having to deal with that uglu horse faced laugh for the rest of your life. You would end up consciously avoiding being humorous to avoid making her laugh but you love her when she isn't even though shes a fucking retard socialist. You're just in it for bean pussy and big tits.

>israeli vassals being bitchy to their master

She's not anti-Israel, she's Pro-Palestine. Massive difference.

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Post pics
I just bet you're an aryan god.

I bet she's gotten COLONIZED at least a dozen times

Shes pretty fuckin hot and has got some phat tits, but thats about it.

remember that OC is becoming more and more irrelevant so the shills are trying to keep her up by making these stupid threads
use the option fields

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>anti globo-corp
this is a fucking lie, shill.

>OC is becoming more and more irrelevant
Not really. She's living her last few months as a private citizen before she spends the next 20+ years in public office. It's reasonable that she's regrouping before everything changes.

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Whoever thinks this disgusting bong nosed goblina is attractive, and not an intellectually stunted clown mutt, is a traitor and a retard. KYS OP.

Anti-Israel is a trap. All commies are anti-Israel but only because they hate nationalist states, even more if its an ethnostate.
We should send all Jews to Israel and continue protecting them. Palestinians can go live in Syria after the war and Israel America and Russia should pay to rebuild it.

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>anti globo-corp

Funded by Soros and big media.

>anti Israel

To fool idiots like you.

She will be partying in Tel Aviv with faggots like you the first chance she will get.

would cum on

Why do spic women always have mustaches?

>The face she will make when she gulag's you.

She’s a socialist, so no. She belongs freefalling from a helicopter.

Bitch looks like a piranha with Steve Buscemi's eyes.

They have dark hair.
That's just how it is'
Check out a muzzie, and italians have hair on their nipples.

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Thank you

this is /ourgirl/

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Soros threw money at her after she won. She didn't campaign with it.

She's genuinely anti-Israel and calls it an apartheid state.

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>Soros threw money at her after she won
So she is backed by Soros
>She's genuinely anti-Israel and calls it an apartheid state.
Yes because she is against nationalism in general. She is a mutt trying to create more mutts.

Uhh... no, she's just a different type of cancer.

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Actually the Dems are anxious about her taking office. I'm a Republican and I hope she wins election, she'll be priceless as the voice of the Democrats.

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KYS IRL for even asking this shit.

Probably not for purity though.

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she's sexy

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And she's dumb as a brick.

The last point is not true. The abolishing ICE is the only disagreeable point.

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/ourgirl/ is faggotry and bluepilled

$40 trillion.

>anti globo-corp
>supports literally everything they do

She has a penis.

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>Is this hot mamacita /ourgirl/?

She wants to make kings out of the billionaire class, corporate overlords out of the tech giants, and slaves of the middle class. People are already working two and three jobs. Her proposals would raise taxes by trillions of dollars. Her goal is to break the middle class and force them into federal welfare programs.

Is this goblina /ourgirl/? Most decidedly not.

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>She wants to make kings out of the billionaire class, corporate overlords out of the tech giants
No, she wants to bring them to heel.

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Just another postergirl for another Kike faction vying for control.

>unironic out of the closet socialist
you must be trolling

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I'd vote for her if I was in her district

ichi ichi teryaki iz gojiraaaaaa

She's wicked smaht. She went BU for economics. LISTEN. TO. HER!!!

This. Very, very disrespectful.

Huma look alike? She's the latest puppet.

>she wants to bring them to heel.
No, that's what she hopes you believe. She is a full-on socialist. She needs someone to pay for all of that socialism. She will need the wealth holders and the wealth producers to get any of that done. And they will not give it away freely. They will want compensation. Their compensation will be immense power over govt policy.

I'd fuck her, but that's about it. I'm afraid voting for her won't get me laid by her, so no.

>Huma look alike? She's the latest puppet.

nice quads... are you suggesting that the stories about the island cloning facilities run by "The Elite" are true?

>implying the man she beat in the primary isn’t still on the ballot

Wew lad

He's only on there because of a technicality. He's not campaigning and endorsed her. Obama endorsed her as well.

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Is she tranny hahaha

That's not her

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/tv/ here what's her foot game like this is the most important part

She wants to make all of NY a barrio in the name of diversity.

I support whatever makes NY Steins live in Ghettos.

agreed, she will take a seat from someone who may actually have a capacity for harming the republic and will instead showboat with endless useless sentiments

oooh, clinton style lesbian BDSM outfit

But she also gives the Democrats credibility as an authentic person, user.

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Exactly. She's not the brightest bulb. Just think of the memes.

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By not showing off those horse teeth of hers.

no. stop this.

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DO you faggots unironically think this brown ape looks attractive? Seriously...

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often times it isn't hair but rather a strange sort of shading effect, i don't really know why they have it

t. serial latina colonizer

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>>anti Israel.
Wait until the shekels start falling on her like rain, she'll change her tune.

I got that impression, because often in closeup shots there is no hair, but once you're further away their upper lip is clearly darker than the rest of their face

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>She's genuinely anti-Israel and calls it an apartheid state.

/ourgirl/ confirmed

Just look at those tits.

Be careful what who wishes for. Reminds me of Democrats pushing Trump thinking his idiocy and vulgarity will tank Republicans. Are you certain demsoc is that toxic to the Dems base?