What's wrong with globalism? I want the whole planet to improve, not just one country

What's wrong with globalism? I want the whole planet to improve, not just one country.

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The real redpill is wanting a certain race to improve, not countries

"""countries""" is like 75 IQ tier

Move to some shithole then and give away your own labor

Cool story kike. Thank god your opinion doesn't matter.

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> race
Social construct. I want a world where every race consists of good people.
It will hardly help them.
Pic won't pass 100%.

Sure thing Rothschild scum. Your world is over.

but I'll bite anyway.

Basically read this: quora.com/What-is-so-bad-about-globalism

If you're feeling too lazy for that:
It guts the economy, creates massive bureaucracy (which is liable to rapidly become massively corrupt), crushes culture, crushes the voice and worth of the individual (one voice among billions is worth fuckall).

If even that's too long: Look at China in culture and corruption. That's the best case to what the world is like under globalism.

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Short, unbelievable answers.

This is bad bait, sage

I hope you will find a qt asian gf to cute your hatred.

>> race
>Social construct. I want a world where every race consists of good people.

One, that's not globalism, two that's impossible.

There's no race (and that's not a social construct dumbass) NOW that's consists of good people. In part, because good is at least somewhat subjective and tied into culture.

The closest we could get to 'all races are good' is you eradicating all races but the one you consider good and spreading them across the world. Which, I assume isn't something you would be okay with.

Its the invisible hand, my friend. By focusing on your own country and making her do well, you will uplift all your neighbors. This creates a feedback loop and everyone approahes prosperity by trusting in the order that is chaos.

Elementary, really.

> This is bad bait, sage
It isn't tho. Why can't I desire all races to become equally good?

Wouldn't it be globalism?

Sure you can desire it, just realize it's impossible.

globalism is as an abstract mission as the idea of it. What is globalism?

> The closest we could get to 'all races are good' is you eradicating all races but the one you consider good and spreading them across the world. Which, I assume isn't something you would be okay with.
We should spread good(ie smart, nonviolent, creative, honest, etc) people of all races around the world.
If we had the system which encourages good people to have more kids than bad it cam work fine.

glabalisms goal is to errode national authority and state actors so mega corporations like google and amazon adn apple can take over as regional hegemons and pass policy

you dont want that user trust me

It can happen on the national level as well. There should be some global gov to regulate them.

>What's wrong with globalism? I want the whole planet to improve, not just one country.
What's wrong with putting all your eggs in one basket?
What's wrong with distant unelected bureaucratic bodies making laws?
If you don't understand, ask your wife's boyfriend

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raise china factory min wage to 15/hr

ill wait

Your iPhone was made by slaves.

I am okay with the idea to support my neighbor improving his quality of life if he is able to do himself and without taking the fruits that I worked hard to grow on my land. Too bad that’s the opposite of what “globalism” is about.

If this continued invasion of our living area by Asia, Africa, Latinos continues, we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of US in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Yellow and Brown population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet

How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our technology and medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Latin America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?

If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world

Nothing, I guess, when it works in your favor.
Isn't that right Akhmed?

Yeah, make everywhere else equal to how you want it and we can all get along.
Until then, the wants are a bit lopsided.

Lol you're gay.

wish in one hand and shit in the other. You might want a world where every race gets along or whatever, but the other races don't. you'll find that out the hard way once you're outnumbered

globalist huh....I tried that once, gained 2 stone in fat and went gay. Went through my entire homosex video collection that had been sitting there for years. Started listening to Lady Gaga music and couldn't like the classical european songs I used to listen to. lost my job to poojeet and lost my house to Mr. Chingchong. now my daughter is being raped by Akbar and my wife pimped to Tyrone to cover the rising costs of globalism.
But got out of all that and I'm a depressed SJW again now thank god.

>Huge immigration pressure
>Parallel societies being created, especially in the cities
>Any critique of immigration politics of immigrants is labelled as hate speech
>Government becoming more authoritarian to deal with the threat of voices opposing their politics
>The growth of the police state with mass surveillance
>Economic stagnation and declining growth rate
>Globalization and liberalization have caused huge income inequality that has grown incredibly since the 80s
>Automatization is going to destroy low-skilled jobs to a hard degree
>People with low-skill jobs are going to become a poor, slave-like class
>Meanwhile those with access to high tier education are going to see income increase and incredible new technology
>Lower classes will eventually revolt, fueled by nationalism, economic stagnation, hatred towards cheap immigrant labor and the Islamification of religious life.

before globalism:
>affordable housing, higher education
>plenty job opportunities
>quality cheap native goods. cheap petrol etc
>no diversity or identity politics
>intact communities
>stability, prosperity and safety

with globalism:
>unaffordable housing, unaffordable higher education
>no job opportunities (native workers replaced w/ foreign diversity)
>shitty expensive foreign goods
>expensive petrol
>broken communities
>instability, chaos (crime, terror), economic collapse

why would they deflect from real issues and just spam identity politics?

because the globalism (((they))) want is the one where (((they))) are still in control

a monetary system will most likely continue to be implemented to maintain that control

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Rothschild Khazarian mafia, your world is doomed. Trump is taking you fuckers down.

The planet wants to kill you.
If you keep improving it, eventually it will succeed.

>I want the whole planet to improve, not just one country.
All globalism does is make the ultra wealthy even wealthier.
Globalists want open borders because they want the most desperate, cheapest wage slaves to freely move around. That always hurts the commoners of countries that aren't poor shitholes.
It also causes huge cultural problems which the ruling class is too busy counting their dollars to pay any attention to.

Let's say you're a sprinter on a relay race team in a racing competition. You have 4 sprinters on your team, each sprinter runs one leg of the race. You're fast, fit, and in shape, so are 2 of your friends, you've all worked at being the best athletes possible for your entire lives. Your 4th relay race sprinter has spent his entire existence stuffing his fat obese face with pastries, and is completely and utterly incapable of racing, let alone standing up without wheezing and stumbling around as he waddles. The rules state that you have a choice. You could either cut loose your 4th obese sprinter and tell him to come back if he ever gets himself in shape, and then have one of your sprinters run twice, or you can spend the entire race trying to get your morbidly obese 4th sprinter to run fast.

Which of these is a better use of your time, and most likely to keep you competitive in the race?

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>Chinese commies defend globalism
>Jihadist Islamists defend globalism
>Yids defend 3rd globalism
>Neocohen trotskyists defend globalism
>Drug cartels & mafia defend globalism
>Corporate dictators defend globalism

which side are you on?

globalization has decreased the standard of living for EVERYONE up.
We are the first generation whose standards of living are worse than our parents'.
Go suck Soros wrinkled dick.

Globalism means:
Open borders resulting in social conflict at home and brain drain abroad
Centralization resulting in less power to the people than otherwise, less individualism, more collectivism and easier indoctrination.
Lack of care for your nation, your extended family, in favor of abstract and often detrimental ideals like being part of a "world community" or being a "citizen of the world who cares for the starving children in Africa just as much as their neighbors"

Globalism is an effective means to cultural marxism in the same way rounding up Jews is an effective means to kill them.
It is pure evil and it needs to be stopped.

Globalism/Internationalism takes away the power from the people of certain nations and increases unaccountability giving all powers to a de-facto oligarchy. Just look at the EU for the perfect template. It disguises itself as democratic while being opposed to democracy time and time again when things don't go the "correct" way the leecher politicians want, censoring speech inside the parliament with the pretense of not offending people, and censoring the Internet to reduce access to knowledge of your average person, negating the electors any kind of law-making powers, and stealing money from certain countries while subsidizing the failures of others in the belief that all races and cultures have equal value and giving them aid and time will help these lower IQ populations reach 1st world status.

Globalism damages the economies of dumpster countries in Africa just as surely as it damages developed ones. Look into the way the IMF treats them, for example. Or the fact that overproduction of goods by Western countries gets dumped on developing markets and annihilates local industry. They would benefit from protective trade barriers, but the IMF and World Bank hold the aid and loans they are fiscally dependent on hostage if they ever consider it.

That's just the tip of the (((iceberg))) but it's a good start.

This nigga gets it.

>wanting the whole planet to improve
>by dragging everyone down to nigger-tier level living conditions

Globalism has failed. Also, the UN should be disbanded

The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.

Globalism is updated colonialism.
Huge International corporations killing trade laws so they can go into any 3rd world shithole, exploit its lack of labor laws and it's lack of environmental protections to raid its natural resources unencumbered.

globalism has made me a lot of money.. and it's not 1954 any more where we are all one big happy country.. its 2018 and every man for himself so if I made a ton of money off of outsourced labor its not my problem and I wish factory workers and younger people well but you are both probalbly fucked and should consider suicide.

nothing is wrong with globalism; only the application of it can be wrong. right now the application is wrong

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Globalism isn't improvement, it's enslavement

It's not economically beneficial. It's essentially a case of exporting businesses overseas, enabling archaic and socially unacceptable working conditions that don't benefit the people there at all - automation's implemented before the working class gets a chance to become industrially diverse - and results in the loss of thousands of jobs at home. Economic, as well as social globalisation, is thus far a failure and the root cause behind the BREXIT referendum and Trump's election.

Scratch that - it's very economically beneficial to the business owners. It amounts to jack shit in terms of public welfare.

globalism for the corporations, but not for you

They're free to shift jobs overseas or import more workers, but you're not free to move to another country for jobs overseas, or to buy goods from them without going through a controlled middleman

globalism was nothing but a huge conjob scamming the entire middle/lower class of the west for the profit of industry leaders. All it has achieved is fracturing and weakening the west and enriching a few oligarchs

corporations created a financial matrix in which the goyim have become enslaved

Everywhere around the world you see an uprising against globalism. While it was temporarily amusing to see millions of strange chink and poojeet faces flooding your homeland, now people feel threatened by it. Loss of home, job, and income security, influx of people, erosion of national power and a reconsolidation of that power and wealth on another level has made people weary and distrustful. People then fall back on the familiar: home, country, culture, etc. This all could have been foreseen but the people in Brussels are living in their own bubble and don't see (or care) the reality that people are facing in their daily lives.

globalism is a socialist's excuse to steal. You don't have to be a globalist to want to work together with other countries for a better future, but globalists always want to take your shit to give to niggers, or to push you down for being better than others.

>mfw when China is colonizing Canada and we are a 3rd world country

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>whats wrong with globalism?

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Because in theory globalism would mean spreading the resources around from predominantly Western Nations in-order too boost up the quality of the rest of the world. Why should 1 group of people who advanced technically, faster and attained such a high quality of resource gathering, production and use be held responsible for the rest of the worlds problems? Why should the white man pay the ticket for the world too ride on our train?

A banker, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies.

The banker takes 19 cookies, uses those 19 cookies to fund globalism, civil unrest and increased immigration, while the worker has to share the last cookie with the immigrant that considers him more disgusting than a pig and would behead him and rape his daughter if he had the chance.

>the government, a worker and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies
>Government takes 19 cookies, and then demands from worker to give the last cookie to immigrant

the (((banker))) takes 19 cookies for himself, he then takes the worker's cookie and breaks it in half and gives half of it to the immigrant that he invited in.

He then says to the worker "if you say a word about what I just did I will tell everybody you are a racist!".

Then he offers to loan the worker a cookie at interest.

the 90s is where Clinton setup large scale globalization and outsourcing that Americans have suffered from

the mexican economic crises of the 90s and threatened the US with 20 million Mexican economic refugees, this led Clinton to pay Mexico billions of US tax $$ in ransom

and after the billions were paid to Mexico to stop the Mexicans, the Mexicans conquered US

Policies under his administration were part of what led to the 2008 crisis. Basically the idea that "every smuggled spic/chink/poo should be able to get a house from the White man" led to banks giving out more mortgages than they normally would particularly to subprime borrowers.

yep The fundamental source of crisis is the diminishing vitality of White economies spanning the last 40 year business cycle, a result of sending White industries to Yellows/Browns

As a result of offshoring White industries, the West experienced Rust Belt, stagnation, and was thrust into a depressionary period known as the "Long downturn". The long-term weakness of capital accumulation and of aggregate demand was rooted in the declining profitability of capital, stemming from an oversupply in global manufacturing-- a direct result of transferring White industries to Asia and Latinos. White industries that were once solely based in the West, were transferred to agrarian, primitive races, who never reached industrialization on their own. White industries were copied throughout the 3rd world which resulted in severe excess in production, due to uncontrolled, exponential population growth of the primitive 3rd world

The offshoring of White industry to Asia coordinated with the severing of the post-war Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971 signalled the profitability crisis of industrial capitalism’s Fordist ruling contract was coming under acute stress. Neoliberal geopolitical shifts to Asia, unfettered by race realism and buoyed by military-industrial expansion, White capital, from your private bank accounts, began to colonise Asia

The 1980s ushered in more globalism by White nations to combat the ongoing turmoil of stagflation, resulting from offshoring White industries. Governments pushed deindustrialisation, higher unemployment, White population reduction, suicides, homosexuality, mass migration, demographic replacement, and austerity measures, as they sought to alleviate the globalist crisis by resorting to greater borrowing and subsidising demand of offshored products. However, stagnation intensified and debt escalated, and a wave of devastating socio-economic crises rocked White nations throughout the following 3 decades

Fuck off, rabbi

I'm anti-globalist for the same reason.

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Because it's like trying to fix a leaky bucket by pouring more water into it.


McDonald's® and Burger King® will make every country in the world a better place!



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This picture is Jarod Taylor.
Not racist, I just want to know if I mind my own business I will be left alone.

>What's wrong with globalism?

it's a global dictatorship run by plutocrat oligarchs, who are also inbred and retarded, and think that only their bloodlines deserve to survive.

I am a boomer and globalism made me a ton of money as corporations offshored labor, but I do admit I feel a little guilty about it now..but there really is not much I can do accept say i am sorry.

>not racist
neither is jared taylor

you got yours mate, you got yours

>Lets massively increase the population of Africa then have them all move into our countries