Samuel Alito

Is it agreed he has the lowest IQ on the Supreme Court?

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Sonia Sotomayor has that honor.

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After Scalia died the court lost half its power level. Will take a couple hundred years to recover.

Sam is a reliable "joining the majority/dissenting opinion" vote. He doesn't make any powerhouse decisions, he doesn't fuck anything up. Just a good boy to keep the seat warm and in safe hands.

Fuck you. Thomas writes the best opinions, and every interview is kino. Alito seems like a literal simpleton. Nice, but not Supreme Court smart.

Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh are literal GWB level brain dead GOP party hatchet men.

Thomas is the dumped of course, except neo/pol/ treats him as a BASED BLACK MAN now

Roberts is at least 100 IQ.

Lawyer here.

Scalia wasn't that great. He compromised his "originalist" views whenever the outcome disagreed with his own personal prejudices. He supported federal regulation of marijuana grown for personal consumption on Commerce Clause grounds, even when the product never entered interstate commerce, on the basis of the notoriously leftist Wickard v. Filburn opinion.


and she is getting chopped down part by part due to beetus


>He doesn't make any powerhouse decisions, he doesn't fuck anything up.

That's the point you histrionic moron.

>even when the product never entered interstate commerce

Uh, you believe that? That legalized marijuana doesn't cross state lines?

What’s the styling of the marijuana case


>marijuana grown for personal consumption
>crosses state lines
wickard v filburn is complete and utter cancer

Alito wrote Janus
Wickard is filth

Alito is a bro.
You have no idea how much of a clubhouse this is now. Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh all go back DECADES working together. They are all 100% on the same page on everything that matters.
Thomas was the original dogwhistler who used "natural law" to get confirmed before they figured out what that meant.
Shit's gonna be wild.

We're gonna undo ALL of Douglas' faggotry and we're gonna undo it all in record time.

>Lawyer here.
That's fucking hilarious - like that makes you an expert opinion or something.

Scalia wasn't some right wing savior. He's done a lot of harm to gun rights. Technically all of the Justice's have, but my point still stands. Assault weapons ban should have been immediately struck down when it hit the supreme court.

I'll believe it when I see it. I think it's more likely that Roberts moves leftward.

It's a common retard trick. Like "Doctor here, yes, it's true that butt sex can make a baby, but only if you're a squirter. Squirting cum can still make it to the womb the long way, oozers are out of luck."

Gonzales v. Raich

Journalist here.

Ask me about the shoah, the ovens and gas chambers, all of which I escaped many times.

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Lawyer user, if I graduated from an ivy league school, but not in the top 10% of my class, and got over 170 on the LSAT, as a political refugee who moved here during high school with hollywood-tier life story about why I wanna study law and serve the country, could I get into UPenn for law?

Lol, you have no idea what kind of beast Roberts is and what history all 4 of these people share.
They all studied Kennedy to get confirmed. There are key issues which all the shitlibs ask, specific cases they want to hammer on.
Eisenstadt, Griswold as well as Morrison are just as, if not more important than Roe. Overturning any of those fucks up the entire liberal agenda. The key to getting confirmed is to dodge all questions and being vague. Flat out lying about a stance is bad, they can't do it, well, they can, but it will poison all future nominees and set a very bad precedent.
Bork got fucked because he dared to say that Douglas was a fucknut that ruled the right way but then linked his rulings to crap that didn't even make fucking sense. Those rulings are the precedent for everything else.

This has been a long march agenda. Getting this group in no matter what. There has been no reason or point in accepting cases that would be ruled on. Revealing the power levels would be bad and motivate the left and it would only result in Kennedy cucking every single time.

But now... Oh baby.

You should get a refund on your education. Scalia was an originalist, but also felt compelled to follow stare decisis on long-settled precedents that were nonetheless unconstitutional at the time of their ruling. It was on unexplored constitutional matters that he applied strict originalist methodology. Thomas is the originalist that has the more open hostility towards stare decisis.

I know of the importance of e.g. Griswold, I just think our current group of judges is too cowardly to try anything like that. I can only hope for an end to penumbras.

Why are these cucks so committed to stare decisis if they're self-proclaimed originalists? Either the Constitution has a fixed meaning, which necessarily means that every law means what it was intended to mean when it was written, or it does not, in which case Constitutional Law amounts to a power struggle over language and the right to rule BY law.

They're gonna nuke it and they are gonna smile.

At the very least, isn't it critical for there to be a 5-4 majority in favor of Trump being able to fire government employees for any reason, as in, unitary executive theory?

He basically says it's water under the bridge. Too much time and case law has been built atop these admittedly-wrong precedents.

supreme court rulings are done through focus group results now days OP. they are just figure heads and meant to simply generate the illusion of a system still in place that was abandoned

thats why they give odd answers some times that later are changed despite in the past a supreme court ruling almost never being overturned. prime example ghey marriage. let the states decide to its available nation wide within like 2 years. same people. also letting the patriot act through and allowed to be used for years to all of a sudden it wasnt constitutional a couple years ago but they still allowed it to stay. thast a complex denial of the system that the masses would do (its not allowed legally but its ok) but that people given the task of upholding the law in a clear cut does this law abide by the constitution and the amendments wouldnt permit as it would seem they would be unfit for the job assigned to them. like a clear admission that they were incompetent and needed to be replaced (pillows over the face while sleeping)

Stare decisis doesnt apply to scotus ffs

He looks like he def has velcro shoes.

It does in the sense that it is a principle that the sitting Justices have held themselves to throughout the centuries though they are not bound to it as strictly as lower court judges are, obviously.

20 years from now, critical mass of hispanics:
>democrats pack court
>penumbra up an excuse to restrict the first amendment or ban guns
30 years later
>Well, we uphold stare decisis on this matter, there's too much case law and time invested in it...
The irony here of course being that Progressives ignore stare decisis constantly and declare new precedents and laws all the time, self-proclaimed originalists are simply too cucked or deferential to The Process to do anything about it.

Imagine the literal shitstorm if beetus offs Sotomayor after Ginsburg dies

Moron. Watch some interviews of based Thomas and tell this man isn't high IQ.

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>Sonia Sotomayor has that honor.
The wise Latina?

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I liked Alito until his dogshit opinion on Snyder v. Phelps. "My feelings are hurt so 1st amendment is bye :( :( :(".


1L here
I am depressed and teetering on the brink of suicide
please give me advice or something

2L here, I made it, so can you. What specifically is troubling you?

hahah ginsburg

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>be me
>drug abuser
Why even masturbate for the 3rd time today?

everything, user
I am so overwhelmed
my brother got through it and runs his own firm
I feel like I made a huge mistake, but now I've taken out a loan and told all my family and friends I'm in law school, so theres no backing out
I can't help but think the depression will only get worse if and when I become an attorney
even if I did quit now, I would be saddled with debt and regret, and I have no desire to do anything else
every day I hope I get hit by a train
the only reason I haven't an heroed yet is because my family and my dog would be devastated
idk what I'm going to do
three years seems like forever and idk how im going to feel better in a year or two when I've doubled and tripled my loan debt

Yeah, well, you're in too deep to quit now, and all this will have been for nothing and you will forever be a failed lawyer. You gotta just press on and get your degree so you can pass the bar. Don't worry about grades so much.
Remember, 1L year they work you to death to weed out the quitters -- don't be a quitter.
If you're overwhelmed, just focus on the big ideas. I had this conlaw professor who would assign 100 pages of reading, with concurrences/dissents. I pity the geeks that read all that shit, because I just went to wikipedia or oyez and wrote down a 2-sentence summary, which was good enough to get a B+ in the class. They act like you need to "brief" every case, which is bullshit. Work smarter, not harder.

thank you, user
seriously, God bless you
and good luck to you with your continued studies

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Thanks user, and God bless. You can do this. I believe in (You).

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Smol people live longer.

yup. all on board with that too

Imagine if it happened before RBG. They're expecting RBG; Sotomayor would just exacerbate their panic.