I've seen a lot of hate for the Northwest Front lately on here

I've seen a lot of hate for the Northwest Front lately on here

What's the better plan? what will be more likely to bring about the white ethnostate?

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Mass extermination of Jews, Niggers, Spics and Jews. It's the only way and you and I know it. Do nothing, and you might as well sccept defeat!

The Owl and the Wolf lurk in the shadows.

you're right, I do know it. Now tell me your realistic plan to bring that about

The northwest front still exists? Didn't the founder die last year?

Yes it still exists.
The spokesperson died several months ago but it is still going.


>What about making communities in eastern russia
Landlocked. too remote. too big.

The only real hope is through seasteading. Look it up, do some research.

>The only real hope is through seasteading. Look it up, do some research.
So where's your group, plan and website to spread that plan and group to the masses?

>inb4 you don't have one.

The northwest front, back to europe en mass, or east russia are better options. Seateading it would cost too much shekels and would be destroyed by some military

More like the Pasty white front.

>What's the better plan?
Take our entire country back?

>Take our entire country back?
Too big. Not enough people. No way to make it happen. No way to deal with the hundreds of millions of non-Whites.

It could be like the volga germans. Settle a part of russia

MAGA, faggot.


>It could be like the volga germans. Settle a part of russia
we're not talking about settling. We're talking about creating a White ethnostate. Big difference.

How? you gonna vote your way into an ethnostate? even if you had the most charismatic and open white nationalist as president of the US what would he do?

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Which is an odd statement considering in order to actually take part in the NWF you have to do something real and worthwhile. Unlike endless talking about stuff on the internet, which is the real LARP.

>MAGA, faggot.
So how are you going to vote in pro-White policies?

Real and worthwhile like?

There's two problems that plague the WN community.

1) People are shit scared of government honey pot operations because they actually exist. People have had their families sniped by the government. Nobody wants to be caught in this situation.

2) Too many fuhrer autists. Minor disagreements turn into all out wars. People all want to be the totalitarian dictator of the race and fight with each other ferociously over this issue. Not just the men but the women too (the cat fighting in the PNW is on record).

The basic idea is good though. Pick a good place to live and move there on mass, learn practical skills so that you will never be out of work and start a family.

White Nationalism desperately needs a code of chivalry and honour so as to socially pressure otherwise difficult and dangerous men and women to be honourable and fair with each other. There's too much nastiness and it doesn't help anyone. It has been holding us back for fucking years in all honesty.

>Real and worthwhile like?
Moving to a Whiter portion of the country, meeting up with other pro-Whites, doing real world activism and outreach when you get there.

The NWF is the anti-LARP.

They cant even keep sjw in portland in check and the portland sjw are weak as fuck

>1) People are shit scared of government honey pot operations because they actually exist. People have had their families sniped by the government. Nobody wants to be caught in this situation.
the NWF advocates doing something which is completely legal. Which is moving to another state.

>2) Too many fuhrer autists. Minor disagreements turn into all out wars. People all want to be the totalitarian dictator of the race and fight with each other ferociously over this issue. Not just the men but the women too (the cat fighting in the PNW is on record).
Jow Forums admittedly is a horrible place to discuss the NWF because there's shills, trolls, and non-revolutionary types abound here.

>They cant even keep sjw in portland in check and the portland sjw are weak as fuck
That's not the purpose of the NWF.

Make anti-Whitism a crime.

>No way to make it happen
Aside from that being bullshit, moving whites to a more condensed area will make elections impossible to win. You think a democrat ran government will let an ethnostate live peacefully?

>Make anti-Whitism a crime.
How, exactly?

Move to Europe. We like bbq and bbc round here.

Well i dont know if its still going on the russian government was giving out plots of land in the east to russian citizens. Also they plan to invite a batch of 15,000 (possibly more if considered successfull) white south africans


>Well i dont know if its still going on the russian government was giving out plots of land in the east to russian citizens. Also they plan to invite a batch of 15,000 (possibly more if considered successfull) white south africans
But that's not a viable, White ethnostate now is it?

how could this be achieved if the kikes use niggers and the legion of spics against us? could we take on each group individually, sure but all together at once? seems like suicide, instead of preserving the white race be will face total annihilation against those numbers.

>the NWF advocates doing something which is completely legal. Which is moving to another state.
Sure, but the government and various other groups that don't need mention have demonstrated historically that they are completely ruthless and have zero interest in ever allowing White nationalists to do this shit. A lot of people are quite frankly shit fucking scared of getting murdered and understandably so. That fear is absolutely one of the key things that retards the movement. There is a genuine sense of terror. The governments probably take this shit more seriously than the live threat of radical Islam, which really tells you something.
Jow Forums is admittedly a step up from some of the other websites there has been over the years. There's way more of us now that counter balances the predictable anti-social elements that will, by nature, understandably be the first ones to speak out against the problems as they don't really fear social rejection. This made most WN's extremely formidable individual opponents but almost ungovernable by their own communities. The large influx of less socially aggressive people is in part why we are having more success now, but, this lack of fanaticism can also have its draw backs.
Basically everybody needs to be the best version of themselves they can be and should act as honourable as possible around each other so that we can have the hard conversations we need to have without throttling each other.

literally what activism besides a few autistic hikes where people dress up in old nazi clothing

>White ethnostate
Step 1: secure a NATION, not a patch of land



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>ure, but the government and various other groups that don't need mention have demonstrated historically that they are completely ruthless and have zero interest in ever allowing White nationalists to do this shit.
You mean moving to another state? When has that been stopped?

And if it was a honeypot then HAC was the worst paid fed informant in human history.

>Jow Forums is admittedly a step up from some of the other websites there has been over the years
actually Jow Forums has been going downhill since the Jow Forumsacaust. voting for and unconditionally supporting Republicans is not the way to go.

The U.S is sitting on a Vermont sized pile of nukes so one side will have to go for good.

>literally what activism besides a few autistic hikes where people dress up in old nazi clothing
The NWF has never had a public parade nor do they advocate for their members to dress up in costume. In fact, the NWF has been against that sorta shit from the beginning.

You literally have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Basically the way people legally backed up political correctness.
Basically brand anyone advocating hatred against White people a terrorist and agitator who is intending to cause harm against people. It shouldn't really be hard to do this because this is actually what these people are doing.

We find ourselves in a time where we could actually employ the tools of political correctness against the left, and when they refuse to police their own standards we can then say "see? these people don't want equality and social harmony, they want to kill the White race".

When someone blatantly is saying they want to kill you, you do not have to be civil and it makes the situation much easier. This is why the left weaponised outrage and victimhood, because when you are a victim then you can defend yourself to the fullest extent.

Ethnostates in Europe

>Step 1: secure a NATION, not a patch of land
Yes, the Northwest American Republicn comprising the areas of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and the western half of Montana.

The border of the NAR would be closed to all non-Whites.

The NWF is about putting in place the means to make the NAR (or something like it) a reality.

I was on a discord a while back called "the new awakening" and some autists on there actually did that type of shit.

>Basically the way people legally backed up political correctness.
Political correctness is legalized though. Pro-Whiteness would not be.

The enemy will never allow the White race to vote ourselves freedom from them. They certainly won't allow us to vote for our racial survival.

>I was on a discord a while back called "the new awakening" and some autists on there actually did that type of shit.
I know of the New awakening and they don't do that sort of shit. They have meetings but they do not have public rallies in costume in support of the northwest imperative.

Besides, if they did that sorta shit you could post a pic or a news article of them doing it. You haven't...

It's straight up impossible to take over the PNW. Better go for Montana and Idaho. The PNW has the second or third largest concentration of US Naval bases/ships. Do you want nuclear submarines breathing down your neck? If it became an ethnostate the US would seek to choke it out, maybe even enlist the help of Canada.

>When has that been stopped?
It's not about stopping it. That's the point. The fear is that it's a trap. "Hey guys, move to this area" and next thing you know people are getting arrested or shot dead.
That is what a lot of people are scared of. I've seen this shit talked about for years. This is something Covington was accused of a lot, trying to trap WN's in a convenient location so that some alphabet agents could take them down.
This massive level of fear and distrust is part of what retards the movement.
>actually Jow Forums has been going downhill since the Jow Forumsacaust. voting for and unconditionally supporting Republicans is not the way to go.
I disagree.
There's a lot of really good guys on this board and they come up with some very clever memes and plans. The bants and the honest conversation are a much higher quality than I've seen on other boards where people would get banned for being a little too edgy or moving away from the purely conservative lines of thought.

Stormfront for example seriously suffered under the rule of its female moderators. The corruption we started to see on that forum made the place fucking unbearable. Jow Forums by contrast doesn't have this problem and guys can openly talk about the particularly negative elements of female nature without getting banned or accused of being homosexuals.

I actually believe that something like a PLE could work now due to the sheer volume of WN's and sympathisers.

>Better go for Montana and Idaho.
You do know that Idaho and the western half of Montana are part of the NWF's platform, right?





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I wish i didn't have to be so mean but trust me boy, I have my reasons for breaking the hard truth to you

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Northwest is very comfy. Rural Oregon and Washington are still redpilled too.

Yeah I just did a bit of reading on that. Those states aren't part of the PNW though, strictly.

It's bigger than Germany.

Yes, because the point is carving off a piece of the nation for our race. It's called Balkanization.

And? it's not like the anti-Whites will have a say in the matter. And the non-Whites won't be allowed to remain.

So what's your plan to save the White race mr. caps lock?

>I wish i didn't have to be so mean but trust me boy, I have my reasons for breaking the hard truth to you
You don't have any issues that haven't been answered by the NWF a million times before. You certainly don't have a superior alternative.

And if anyone is the LARPer, its you with your stupid vegeta posting.

>Yeah I just did a bit of reading on that. Those states aren't part of the PNW though, strictly.
They're part of the butler plan/northwest imperative.

The real solution is too KEEP ATTACKING, that way when the kikes really turn the screws on western civilization and ramp up their tyranny we have a shot at an uprising. As the jew steps further out of the shadows more men will see them for what they are. Don’t play defense and obey their rules that’s exactly what they want.

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What kind of rock do you live under to meet actual redpilled Washingtonians or Oregonians? Everyone there is a complacent libtard. I only know one NatSoc and I redpilled him into one.

>Political correctness is legalized though. Pro-Whiteness would not be.
Yes, but it conveniently doesn't protect Whites. It could very easily be pushed to do this.

This rhetoric of "you can't be racist to White people" is a dream scenario for WNs because we've been fucking warning people about this for years and now the enemy have finally shown their true colours. Showing anti-White sentiment at high levels in society is one of the most powerful recruitment tools I've ever seen. Only mentally unhealthy Whites don't go "um, wtf?" when you start showing them the shit that is going on.

If there was ever a time to validate our concerns, now would be it, and all we need to do is ask for the laws to be applied fairly. When they fail to do this, then it's game over for globalists.
>The enemy will never allow the White race to vote ourselves freedom from them. They certainly won't allow us to vote for our racial survival.
The fact that we can have this conversation and have been having these conversations for years is proof that the enemies power has its limits and their power is shrinking every day.
Now is the time for us to start getting serious about organising ourselves, but we need to govern every step of this difficult process with an attitude of honour and civility.

>It's not about stopping it. That's the point. The fear is that it's a trap. "Hey guys, move to this area" and next thing you know people are getting arrested or shot dead.
Well then those cowards will need to find their spine and do what is right.

If they care so little for their race that the thought of facing hardship keeps them from lifting a finger to save the White race, they wouldn't be any use to the race to begin with.

You've no doubt heard the saying "the Jew cries out in pain as he attacks" or something like that.
This is the opportunity the White man now has in the face of political correctness, and unlike the claims of victimhood of Jews and other groups, there is actually very strong evidence to display to everyone that Whites are being targeted for attack. I've even got non-White people to admit and acknowledge that this is happening.

Even non-Whites admit that there's a lot of anti-White shit at the moment.

>It could very easily be pushed to do this.
No, it can't. The enemy gained power legally. It is legal for a law to benefit minorities. It is illegal for a law to benefit Whites.

Even if you passed a pro-White law, a judge will declare it unconstitutional and the conservatives will go along with that.

And a pro-White politician? Look what they're doing to Trump and the anti-Whites call him a White supremacist falsely.

The only solution is white revolution.

I had SS at one point but i forgot where they went too

>I had SS at one point but i forgot where they went too

screen shots

>move to a homoerotic compound in a liberal controlled area goyim
>we'll use our control of local and federal government along with the media to label your gay marriage project a fortress of hate as the ATF burns you all alive
>listen to the shill who will make 1 out of 3 posts ITT he's your friend trust me

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Racemixing indoctrination camps across the nation of Poland. Spread this far and wide, anons

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>screen shots
How convenient. You had the proof but you don't anymore so I should just trust that you had the proof to prove yourself correct and me wrong.

Making shit up: The post

What happened to Ludwig of the New Awakening? At least they finally got their Programme on pdf, though the format seems a little wonky.

They probably have the screenshots on their Gab.

There was a based mormon bro in there, we had some good discussions, im mormon myself.

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Austria is where you want to go if you insist on not being apart of the MAGA Trump civ nat empire.

But when you get there people will ask you about Tupac and of you don’t have the right answers they will not share pretzels and beer with you.

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>26 posts by this (((ID)))
You're doing a great job leading them into a self defeating death trap that we will infiltrate with federal agents from day one. Keep up the good work. We wouldn't want these guys starting families and integrating in their own communities. They might influence people that way and it would be terrible!

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The way the NF proposes to be organized is to form small 3 man groups that work independently but towards the same goal. Thus the are impossible to infiltrate and if they are infiltrated then it does minimal damage to the movement as a whole

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A patch of land can be bigger than germany

There's thousands of nonwhites moving there as I type this you delusional kiddo

>We will just kill all the nonwhites and live happily ever after
Whatever helps you sleep at night dude

I've knowm "traditional" white NW chicks and many of them crave the racemixing trend

You don't understand how white extremism makes foreign cock a forbidden fruit

You can't just try to ban it or waman rebel and crave it more, you have to be more desireable

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Asian mafia will eradicate you guys within a week. Stop being an asshole.

>Superior alternative
Secure an uncucked nation in Europe

That will be incredibly difficult, but it's the best bet because then you can actually close a border and enforce laws.

This user is on the right page

If Austria is the least cucked white Euronation, fortify that at make your stand.

Total cowards are a problem, however, bravery can lead to death and defeat.
It would be better to be foxes than lions in this situation. Our cautious and fearful instincts ground us in reality and keep us away from harms way.
Do you remember when people used to call WN's net nazis? "I bet you would never say this in person". Or, another favourite was "I bet you would never say that to a Black guys face" (because liberals view Blacks as violent creatures and get very angry and mean when Blacks do not follow the programme, as we've seen with Kanye). They were always egging WN's on to come out into the open and be "brave" so that they could wipe them out. WNs stuck to an area of strength which was internet communication and that allowed them to gradually expand the movement through conversation and debate until the point we now have right wing guys beating the shit out of antifa terrorist trash in the streets.

In the same way the Romans were trained not to give in to taunts and break rank when challenged to single combat, we must hold our lines in our position of strength, and like barbarians we would be wise to pick our battles carefully and play to our strengths.

Anyway, all I am saying is that the PNW movement was plagued by the two problems I mentioned.

1) Fear.
2) In-fighting.

Problem one can be solved through a combination of bravery and cunning. We have to act.
Problem two can be solved through imposing a culture of civility and honour upon our ranks. We should be honour bound to speak the truth but also honour bound to admit error. We should give guys fair hearings and we should not be above assisting those who display leadership qualities while also being honour bound to perform a leadership role if it is required of us.

That's a patch of land spanning 2 countries, NOT A FUCKING NATION

Austria AND germany are good.

Canada is a chinese colony

The hate is shilling
Large amounts of shills = good idea

Doubt intensifies

You need to become sexually attractive more than learn how to fight. Both are required to survive if you wish to attract white women.

The US and Canada will Balkanize sooner or later

Most migrants in germany are europeans. And germany has lots of jobs so its shouldnt be that hard to get into.

Basically all ideologically driven political action is a mistake for the right wing right now, IMO. There isnt a fleshed out ideology, there arent good optics, there isnt real organization, there isnt any leadership whatsoever, there are no powerful/wealthy allies. Unfortunately, its just not feasible for the right to do some sort of big political movement right now. Eventually, when some of the things from that list exist in the right, feasible goals will become obvious

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>No, it can't.

Sounds like you have already been defeated then.
So I wonder, why bother showing up to these kinds of discussions if all you want to do is say "we are already dead" having not fired a shot.

Also, no, anti-racism laws also protect Whites but it's rarer and it needs to be pushed a bit more, but the powers are definitely there. See this article from the Guardian no-less


>UK news
>Racial murders: nearly half the victims are white

The anti-racism laws are SUPPOSED to be applied equally but they are clearly not, and this needs to be exposed. This is an extremely wise strategy and it definitely works. This issue red pills people more than any other issue I've really seen. Even more so than shit about biology and IQ.

>The only solution is white revolution.

These things we talk about are not mutually exclusive, they can be part of a grander operation and actually work best as part of a grander operation. As the saying goes, the best generals don't fire a shot. If you're so convinced that talking is worthless, then why are you here and not voting from the rooftops?

>What's the better plan? what will be more likely to bring about the white ethnostate?

why don't you faggots define white first. you won't. but you'll shit on actual white people, that is for sure.

probably a kiked fed op anyway. covington is a fat neckbearded fuck.

Go to bed Harold


you live in a jewish mason protty country...white people are doing this to you


>You need to become sexually attractive more than learn how to fight. Both are required to survive if you wish to attract white women.
Truth is, right wing guys have never had a hard time attracting women. They have a hard time believing that they are attractive to women and for this reason don't try as much as they should.

WNs, especially nowadays, embody all the classic qualities women find attractive. They are the "bad boys" at the moment, but not in such a way that it is not now socially acceptable (real bad boys are fucking terrifying to everyone). This is why we're seeing such an influx of pretty girls into the movement. They don't want "feminist men". Even feminists don't want male feminists.

The only thing that can bring about a White ethnostate is for Whites to demand an ethnostate. Unless Whites want to be alone and have their own country it won't happen.

Prior to the 1960s the US was a defacto ethnostate. >85% White with legal segregation, racially restrictive immigration laws, and a White ruling elite. It fell apart. Yes the Jews pushed hard for it, but Jews were never more than 3% of the population. It was our tacit consent that enabled the defeat.

Until a philosophical or spiritual revolution comes there can be no White ethnostate. There can only be temporary White majorities.

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'ytes wunt der own cuntry tew? das raycis.'

"White" isn't a nationality. Either you're baiting or retarded.

>Or waaaayyy later
Like I said, if it helps you sleep at night, go ahead and fantasize

>In response to the William S. Lind quote.
Consider the "you first" rhetorical method when dealing with progressives, globalists, and liberals.

They conveniently never seem to want to suffer the consequences of their policies, viewing themselves as a protected caste of honouraries of some sort. So when they complain about the lack of diversity within the work place, ask them.
"when are you giving your job up then?".
When they complain about White imperialism, ask them
"So when are you giving up your property and moving back to Europe?".
When they say there are too many Whites then ask
"So when are you killing yourself?"

Force them to "jump first". When they don't, call the liars.

>liberal stronghold
>super earthquake any year now