Is Murdoch Murdoch right?The enemy opposes the 14 words?

Is Murdoch Murdoch right?The enemy opposes the 14 words?

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If you have to ask; you'll never know.

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Microchimerism is real

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these 14 words? - We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again
jk, seriously though. anyone opposed to either of the 14 words is against you and wants you and your people destroyed. does that sound like an ally? hmmm whats the opposite of an ally? let me get my thesaurus

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Is there a new one?

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pretty sure they are on holiday at least they mentioned taking off for a bit and not to flip out

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not since this episode

yeah well, it sucks to check cheeky and pol all the time to get nothing. I like MM way too much. My heart can't take anymore... also. enjoy this clip

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lil ben on suicide watch

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The saddest words of tongue and pen.

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I listen to Dr. Pierce in between episodes. Or maybe it's the ghost of Dr. William Luther Pierce... Not sure yet...

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Also, just want to share this shitty meme I made for the MM crew when I got to speak with them on a thread once upon a time...

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read that in his voice.

Little Murdoch Chan :3

lol. that wasn't hard to do actually!

>Pierce vs. Rockwell
who was right?

I think Pierce understood that Rockwell's mistake was intentionally recruiting losers. Rockwell had his reasons at the time, but the failure of the ANP shows that it didn't work.

The point he is making about Rockwell in this quote was whether to larp as a nazi or not. At first he thought it was stupid but when he saw how it struck fear into (((them))) and it gained so much free publicity... he started to admire it. But in my opinion on who was right, there's a reason why the ghost of Dr. WLP keeps coming back...
But I have to say who isn't attracted to the aesthetics of the Third Reich?

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>I think Pierce understood that Rockwell's mistake was intentionally recruiting losers

Rockwell simply didn't know how to use them. He tried to fit them into the mold of a polished, disciplined National Socialist. He could have learned a bit from Charles Manson. Manson's losers stole and plundered for him. When he couldn't find any men worth a dam, he used women as his soldiers. Rockwell wasn't larping, he was playing catch up. Manson used whatever worked. He didn't try to change the nature of those that he used. There is a good reason that the system feared Manson. He could have won. Anyone condemned by this twisted society is worth looking into. Not necessarily imitating, but worthy of study.


This would be more accurate if the Jewish family remained unmixed.

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He's a Jewish pedo

>There is a good reason that the system feared Manson. He could have won.
Lmao holy kek. Charles Manson's greatest feat was talking loser druggies into killing nine people and his only good idea was targeting celebrities would get him notoriety but even then he was a fucking retard who thought it'd get blamed on the black panthers if they left watermelon seeds at the crime scene. Most people do not even know he was a white supremacist and think there's only a swastika on his forehead just because he was tryhard edgy.

Also keep in mind that he thought BLACKS would win a race war but he'd somehow be in charge of them, so his goals were literally the polar opposite of what you should want.

That's what the TV said anyway. My point is that trying to make people fit the mold of your ideology is only effective if such people exist in your particular time frame. You have to use whats available.

>Is Murdoch Murdoch right?The enemy opposes the 14 words?

only as it relates to goyim that have an average IQ higher than (((them)))


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They lost their shit over "It's okay to be white." What do you think?

Murdoc Chan is a tranny