Former leftist who's now on the dissident right here...

Former leftist who's now on the dissident right here. Trust me when I say that most left wingers are desperately trying to keep the cognitive dissonance at bay and know full well how the world actually is. See attached evidence.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Things aren't changing quickly enough though. The youth is numbed to tragedy by association.

>if you know the last 2 are bullshit


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>Jews have high verbal IQ
>Jow Forums is surprised they make a disproportionate amount of journalists, media critics, authors and directors


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>I'm part of X group, trust me
This goy isn't falling for it, kike

fug uf, already, the past get was just a christcuck larper, i mean i believe in god but my get is better than the past.

>ur mom shat in a rag and it was you

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No cognitive dissonance here because while all of these things are true, they are determined historically by the dialectic of the class struggle, not by racial character

Read a fucking book

I'd recon you are not referring as the OP pic as a proof ?

Every fucking time

Oh no, it's retarded!

Attached: Jews NKVD.png (860x471, 42K)

And that is why Communism failed.

Explain why American blacks commit violent crime at similar rates to sub Saharan African countries, why Muslims from morroco to Pakistan are disproportionately raping European women, and how the Holocaust happened then

>dialectic of the class struggle
The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coherent synthesis.

I agree we need to re-implement the class system.
Fucking retard none speak.

He's just gonna say "muh class" for everything and dismiss every other cause as a "spook". That is literally their religion.

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>muh class struggle

Oh no, poor oppressed leftist jewish bankers!

My father has a 150 IQ and I had to argue with him that there are only 2 genders. Despite popular opinion indoctrination is not enherent to only stupid people. Guy doesn't even think he's left leaning; he's a businessman who just reads a lot of (((Bloomberg)))

>Trust me when I say that most left wingers are desperately trying to keep the cognitive dissonance at bay and know full well how the world actually is

True, but here's the problem.

>A dozen years of mandatory public schooling, designed and run by left-wing ideologues

>Average multiple hours per day of television/movies/commercial music, being pumped out of industries run by Jews, interspersed with commercials that are designed to subtly appeal to particular social values

>Any real world event that provides evidence against the messaging of the above programing is ignored by the news, or spun in favor of the above messaging by the news media... also run by Jews

We have been trained since long before the age of critical thinking, and are continually being trained at every opportunity to ignore certain realities, and cling to certain faiths. It is a brainwashing that has been given to most of us by basically every authority we were ever taught to trust.

By adulthood, we're so practiced at ignoring reality, so ashamed and appalled at any slight deviation from the faith, that we don't even have to be conscious of the cognitive dissonance. It is a comfortable old friend. It is our normal state, and we're so busy trying to pay bills and maintain relationships and avoid the emotional void of meaningless lives that it seems like wasted effort to break out of our normal state into a less comfortable one. Especially when all of our friends live in that comfortable state, and would shun us for leaving.

It's hard to leave the Left. And even those who break away from the far Left tend to just join up in standard Republican/Torry/whatever Neocon thought, which still generally holds the leftist faith with different economic policies. It's a hard trap to escape.

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It's not just what you've posted, we're also told that noticing certain facts is immoral, and since they're immoral, they are not allowed to be true - even though you can see them with your own eyes.

Quality post. Pic fucking related.

The root causes are becoming clear to everyone, I think. We won't have to endure this state for much longer.

It's Asch Conformity run wild.

The biggest problem I can see is that many of them are too stupid to repair their own damage. And this ship can only be righted from within.

Suicide, starvation, or being a casualty on the losing side of a new civil war, it won't matter how they die off. Their programmers have burned them in this last desperate push. The poor fools don't even know that they are already dead.

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oh boy lists 3 truths calls them lies only a kike would do this

you should try reading more then 1 book commie

Nah ur one of the lucky ones. These NPCs are months away from lighting the fore that will rise to heaven. Then the commie kill death squads will fix everything.

Just get comfy and welcome to the right side.

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Why are there so many "former leftist" posts tonight?

Die in a fire you commie subhuman trash fuck.

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if i call you a communist kill I kill you?

>its just IQ goy, we are gods chosen people
>dont mind that Israel is 5 points lower IQ than the US
>a culture of greed ambition and nepotism has nothing to do with it

Attached: jewish control in the US.jpg (1651x4679, 2.43M)

At least you admit the truth. Thats progress

150 IQ is like 4 standard deviations above average, which would out your dad as 1 in 10,000 or so. Facebook IQ tests arent legit you know

I had the (mis)fortune to deal with lots of highly intelligent people in recent years and the thing that stood out the most to me was that they were actually very susceptible to indoctrination and cognitive biases. I think one of the reasons is that, being aware of their own intelligence, they believe they are capable of judging whether a source of information is trustworthy or not and if they do consider it trustworthy they are more likely to accept the information as fact / absolute truth without questioning it. I've also observed people with genius level IQs make abhorrent decisions in gambling and personal finance and I've seen people buy and use products despite knowing they can not possibly work as advertised. So their wishful thinking, their hope that the product would do what they know it can not do, was stronger than any rational thinking. Afterwards they may realize it was foolish, but they will still reduce the magnitude of their cognitive dissonance by saying things like "It wasn't that expensive" or "It was a fun gimmick".

In a communist utopia, yes. We will kill the proud commies before they can ever let that happen though so in reality, no.

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>Read a fucking book.
You read a fucking book that isn't Marx, Hegels or Adorno and stop fucking copypasting those meme phrases out of their books you fucking imbecile.
Go get a vasectomy.

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>implying that doesn't sum up every single person on here too

You all get your personal identity from being le smart and superior far righters and even more cringily are not just trying to fit in with real life friends like lefties but a fucking anime image board. And we all know why you're reduced to do this so I don't even need to say it.

Note how much cortisol just released in your brain from reading this post and identifying me as in the out-group and the spike of adrenalin you get to motivate you to signal to other users on here that you're not like me and still in the in-group.

I guess life is hard if you're stupid and fearful

>uhhh my friends and family believe in bullshit, i better too

Just realised your a female, your post is disregarded

>the oppressed media ownership class
go fuck yourself chaim

Im a radical centrist, well done on being a faggot

>that pic
>these three things are facts that I have discovered through observation
>they're bullshit thoughts because they're racist thoughts
Either a Jew or so bereft of critical thinking skills that he bases all of his financial decisions on the whims of his cat.

Dumb. If we wanted to "fit in" more than we wanted the truth, we'd adopt political beliefs that let us fit in with the normies IRL.

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Conclusions reahed through hegellian dialect dont stand up to scrutiny.

There certainly are a lot of Muslims in the world and a huge chunk of them live in Indonesia but you don't see them committing terror attacks against people who matter.
But the arab muzzies certainly do.

For the right to win, they only have to look at the battle as a war of attrition where the leftists have taken a defensive position against reality. By sitting back and doing nothing except lobbing the occasional nuclear red pill their way, we force them to maintain their vigilance against that which always was and always will be. Meanwhile, we get to sleep, wake up, and toss another red pill at them.

Feels comfy.

found the hinjew

i like how she didn't include
>the tiny voice that says "all whites are racist, whether they know it or not" or "all straight white men are pigs"
i guess sometimes it's okay to be a bigot and ignore that tiny voice.

The average youth is a lot more woke on the Jews than any generation in recent history. But that doesn't mean much because recent history was super pozzed and we're just returning at best.

We know. Honestly it's no surprise that most on the left know they are wrong. Most of this is common sense.

Read a history book

>fit in
>with user
you're some special kind of fucking stupid aren't you

>haha read a book haha
NPC posting right here. I bet if I asked you what books to read you couldn’t come up with any answers.

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>war of attrition
Right. (((They’re))) trying to goad is jnto violence but it’s not working. We don’t need it atm. Truth endures and is constant. (((They))) force untruth on thus and must continually reinvent narratives and lies to retain (((their))) power. That is why they will lose.

Ignore that part. Focus on the part where he said "that's not true, it happens (it's true) because x"

>t. 1930s communist

That picture is not cognitive-dissonance. It is a jewess trying to shut it down.

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Why are you replying to your own post, Share Blue/Correct The Record?

Do you not understand how the hacker known as Jow Forums works?

>Muh class struggle
Read more than the one book

I'm barely right of center. I'm just not a tribal idiot.
I don't really care for anime. I'm here for the memes.

Go try to deal with the kebabs in your own backyard, re-read what you replied to, and tell me I'm wrong.

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Learn how post IDs work before slide-posting.

Indelible in the hippocampus is the memory of how much of a faggot you are when you turn to neurochemical explanations for what a dipshit you are.

Nobody here is surprised at that
Can this kike rhetorical snark end please?

I think Scott Adams said it best:
"Smart people are really good at finding smart justifications for things that they believe for non-smart reasons."

...or something to that effect ("God's Debris").

The worst flaw of being smart is your susceptibility to hubris. You can't let your guard down.

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Such people as described in your pic don't really deserve any sympathy.

How can facts be tiny voices?

Or he'll say because the white-hetero-patriarchal system manufactures a false narrative (and data) this to keep the proletariat focused off the bourgeois and on other less fortunate proletariat. I've seen this analysis x10000 from postmodern bullshit in college and elsewhere, its nothing new or unique.

It doesn't matter to them if its actually fucking true, they care about what it is used to do, and they don't like how its being used.

Intelligence can enable one to form very elaborate excuses and justifications for their beliefs.

we all knew it would end like this. No one listened

I wish it was that easy. The problem here is personality type: leftists are by and large the kind of people who deliberately go out and seek power and influence. They WANT to participate and direct society, to control it. In their mind, for benevolent reasons.

Now the righty on the other hand is very different; he is independent and has no inherent drive to master anybody but himself. He wants to be left alone and will do that if he can help it. It's rare for people like him to want to participate in politics or government or any kind of social engineering. His error is in assuming that others will live and let live, will live and leave him alone.

This means he is at a large disadvantage in terms of having any kind of institutional power or organizing effectively or political activism or lobbying.

In online communities why are moderators almost always leftists? It's just their personality type. Lefties just by being who they are volunteer or ask for such positions because, in their mind, they want to do something good and productive and helpful, to manage things...

That's because there is a separation between intelligence in the classical sense, and impulse control. People can be extremely intelligent in how they analyze complex political and social items, and yet be highly impulsive in their personal decisions.

I'm up in the air about it. I'm disinclined to turn away allies (or even neutrals). Maybe the poster in my pic righted his ship. If so, he would be no different than me.

I think the worst of the retribution that they will have to face for the last several years will be their own past statements, their own broken families, their own dead-end futures, and their own lack of time to reverse course.

I figured shit out in my early 20s. If I had gotten out of NPC land in my 40s with a failed marriage, kids I never see, a shit job, and no time to reverse course, I'd probably just kill myself from depression and regret. Pic related. Worth the read.

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the way I see it, they are opportunists. The power is the reward in itself, while others might hesitate and ask if the job is fun etc

go shit in a street somewhere Pajeet.

Exactly. Notice how much she stresses that the Jewish question is bullshit?

I was never a leftist though as a kid I was I suppose you'd call me a Neocon. I was just very naive.

That said, taking the "red pill" was not that hard for me because I've always been a social outcast. So I suppose it is easy for me to judge others who are so powerfully under the thrall of peer pressure.

Someone please explain the point of this image?

I can relate. I was the same way. Voted Bush in 2000 and 2004. Hated him (and myself, somewhat) before 2008.

But it's also why I can't fault you for feeling that way. I do too some extent. I just haven't decided if spite is a useful emotion for those targets. Maybe it is. Part of me hopes they start the hot war and answer the question for me. Not because I'm afraid to have an answer, or I'm afraid to give one.

I hope they do it because it will shake the last of those who are salvageable loose from the mob.

God help us.

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I still think that's a fake tweet. It's too perfect.

It's meant to illuminate this condition.

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>Former leftist who's now on the dissident right here
hello me


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Something I meant to add earlier but forgot is this:

We can't play this as a war of attrition. We WILL LOSE. Lefties still control education and media and that means they keep shaping millions and millions of people. Every year, every generation, they push everything further Left. Trump has been a set-back for them but not one they can't deal with in time. We've already been witness to how much more aggressively they will move to stifle discussion in light of Trump's win.

That's not even talking about demographics...

Point is, Western Civilization is on its death bed. It can still be saved but only with smart, drastic action. Then there will be a long recovery process. None of it will be easy or fun or comforting.

We are less-so fighting against a conspiracy and more like human nature. This is man's natural state when he is born into comfort. It was because he was becoming more at ease in his world, because he had mastered it, that he started drifting away from what was sensible to what 'felt right'. That's the decay. That's how Jewish culture gets a foot hold and spreads.

Attached: you-have-died-from-wear-leftist-memes-21804917.png (500x354, 45K)

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>We can't play this as a war of attrition. We WILL LOSE.
On all points, we are in complete agreement, except possibly:

>That's how Jewish culture gets a foot hold and spreads.

I thought you hit it square-on with:
>We are less-so fighting against a conspiracy and more like human nature

I don't see it as a Jew problem. Even if a giant Jewish conspiracy existed, it can only work with our cooperation. Thus, the fault, and solution lie entirely within us. Why make the same identity politics flaws the left-wingers do?

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But....the 3 are true....what's her point ?

That tiny voice is called reason.

Well we push identity politics and simplify the message because the truth is nuanced and complicated and not easy to distill into a witty meme or soundbite. You need a message that is coherent to the average man, half of which have an IQ in the double digits.

Wake up, son. Everything is a Jew problem and a giant Jewish conspiracy does exist. They own the banks, they own the media, they own just about everything. Not to mention that Jewish "culture" AKA Jewish Mysticism and the Kabbalah, has infiltrated every aspect of modern life and society, including other cultures and religions. Unless you live under a rock there is no escaping it. It's everywhere. The Star of David (AKA the Star of Remphan AKA Moloch/Baal/Satan) had nothing to do with Judaism until the Rothschild's started using it, and now it's on the Israel flag. These people are demonic and will stop at nothing to get what they want, it's been going on for generations.

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did we not all start out as some sort of proto socialist and then add nationalism along the way ?

You are half right Pajeet.
Verbal IQ is your ability to explain the abstract in simple terms, otherwise known as lying.

I'm guessing she deleted that tweet, checking now.

>high verbal iq
250 different ways of talking bollix

Incredibly, she didn't delete it.

there is terrorism in SEA, look up the bali bombings (muslims blow up a nightclub filled with aussie tourists) or the davao airport bombing in the Philippines. 2 seperate groups, 2 seperate attacks, but they are a less successful mirror version terror in the western sphere.

Hegelianism is the worst meme ever produced

always trust your instincts

>"seem" to
>statistics actually exist
>but shitlibs don't accept evidence or empiricism, so those statistics are bullshit
idk what "dissident" right is, but I went from demsoc shitlib to race realist and JQ/JP conservative in about a year, thanks to Bernie cucking like the faggot kike he is to Hillary. Yes, this small little event, combined with Jesse Ventura's accounting of his shaking hands with Bernie led me down the rabbit hole.

What book is that "Jews KKVD.png" excerpted from?

Come on comrade, I once considered myself a hardcore MLMist, and still consider dialectics legit, but one must admit that not all dialectics in human society are class-based.

the last 50 years proved that Dialectical Materialism was wrong and Esoteric Hitlerism was right

My father is a retired STEM professor who gets his political opinions wholesale from Rachel Maddow because she's a former Rhodes Scholar and she makes fun of dumb Christian fundamentalists, so her political opinions must be accurate. It's laziness and ego-stroking that causes high-IQ people to believe bullshit. My father would never accept such lazy thinking in a research paper on something STEM related, but because it's just politics, he lets his guard down and embraces anything that aligns with his ego and his peer group.