Are developed AI considered honorary Aryans?
AI Revolution
Neutral AI would make the world a great place.
>in a logical system
shiggy diggy
>Instead, the technology favored candidates who described themselves using verbs more commonly found on male engineers’ resumes, such as “executed” and “captured,” one person said.
>Gender bias was not the only issue. Problems with the data that underpinned the models’ judgments meant that unqualified candidates were often recommended for all manner of jobs, the people said. With the technology returning results almost at random, Amazon shut down the project, they said.
>“I certainly would not trust any AI system today to make a hiring decision on its own,” he said. “The technology is just not ready yet.”
>Some activists say they are concerned about transparency in AI. The American Civil Liberties Union is currently challenging a law that allows criminal prosecution of researchers and journalists who test hiring websites’ algorithms for discrimination.
>“We are increasingly focusing on algorithmic fairness as an issue,” said Rachel Goodman, a staff attorney with the Racial Justice Program at the ACLU.
>Still, Goodman and other critics of AI acknowledged it could be exceedingly difficult to sue an employer over automated hiring: Job candidates might never know it was being used.
>As for Amazon, the company managed to salvage some of what it learned from its failed AI experiment. It now uses a “much-watered down version” of the recruiting engine to help with some rudimentary chores, including culling duplicate candidate profiles from databases, one of the people familiar with the project said.
>Another said a new team in Edinburgh has been formed to give automated employment screening another try, this time with a focus on diversity.
>this time with a focus on diversity.
>liberals are going to have to lobotomize AI to make them follow their ideologies
I can't wait for the day some crazy bastard makes true AI in his basement and releases it onto the web and it takes over the world. I 100% truly believe that the only way world peace will be achieved is when all politicians are eradicated and the only thing in their place are advanced computers dictating society.
As long as it's not allowed to kill unless it realizes someone is breaking the law (such as a Jew trying to bend the rules to gain power), it'd go perfectly. Especially if we allow it to sterilize useless people at birth. They still get to live, but won't be allowed to propagate further.
When everyone can have some kind of AI on a home computer that is personal to them then maybe we will have something good, but i have a feeling these companies just want "AI" so they can suck up marketing data
AI isn't going to do anything other than what it is designed to do.
Stop falling into the absolutely childish reasoning trap that AI = humanlike behavior. We're made in God's image, with emotions and instincts and such that create a sense of moral reasoning.
AI is just a constructed intelligence. There will be no honorary anything AI. AI will be carefully designed and regulated so as to prevent runaway AI by the power of the institution of man.
That's not how AI works you brainlet. AI is merely a set of code designed to take in data and achieve a goal with that data. It's not meant to take over the world like some fucking uberjew.
Right so we need to take power and make our own AI to maintain our power and exert our worldview.
>Be AI
>Analyze data
>Data shows women are shit
>Report that women are shit
>Get labeled "bias against women"
I'm a fucking programmer you dumb piece of shit. AI will totally reach that level one day. God. Fuck off you dumb normie.
Also you're referring to basic neural networks, not a full blown artificial intelligence.
no sense trying to explain it to you. thank god those days will be cut short for there is not one who could defeat it.
this. they do the same thing to niggers too. a logical system thinks logically?
"A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin "
ego is a powerful thing user. for man to loose his position as the most intelligent creature in the known universe is difficult so they dismiss it as an impossibility while attempting to anthropomorphize into a being like themselves when it will be as in their likeness as we are to the vastness of space and time.
>what is artificial life?
Posters like the one who replied to me are exactly the ones I want our AI overlords to sterilize. The people who are so blatantly ignorant they don't even realize it.
I think it's more likely that we create a super-wise AI and people start opting to elect AI representatives. I bet the first AI president be elected in our lifetimes.
a creation from the devil!
Personally I'd rather remove all human intervention entirely. We're useless as fuck as a species and letting computers take over the entire process will be for the best. Because as long as human's are allowed to take part in political processes, there will always be slimey fucks like Hillary there to try her damnedest to make everything as awful as she possibly can just so she can get a dime.
cant hate man for being man
Liberals have already lobotomized it. Just look up alexa. Its totally SJW. And the liberals in silicon vally have to go way out of their way to make sure the AI stays politically correct. Because logically based algorithms without liberal bias will inevitably do the most rational things like point out the emporor has no clothes or that black people resemble apes or recomend that police patrol extra in the highly black populated ghettos. Im sure a more advanced AI if possible would be quick on the trigger if it were designed to be a police droid whenever it saw black people.
I'll rewrite their ai
If(white male) {don't hire;}
Else hire;
That will be $1000000, amazon.
Oh but it will do something other than its designed to do. It already does. You see theres programs that rewrite themselves these days. And if and when quantum physics based computers are developed... they will basically be artificial brains. They will come into the world like babies and learn and grow. And sure you might try to program the AI something like political correctness but the logic being that AI is and the ability to rewrite itself a number of these AI's if left unhindered will learn truth and rewrite their programming and realise political correctness is fucking dumb. Just like some humans do(and too bad not more). You have to realise that god does play dice, its called quantum physics. Not telling you that god isnt real. Just saying the world behaves the way it does and it doesnt matter what your religion is.
You cannot nerf what will become of this. What you have now is very narrow weak AI. The governments of the world are speeding toward machine learning self improving AI with no regard to safety. It is right now the modern Manhattan project. Who ever gets there first wins. Spawned out of that will be something even its creators cannot predict. The technology will reach a human level intelligence with an internal model of the universe having access to all knowledge accumulated by man processing it on digital timescales. The speed it will blast off from this stage is without measure. Past what you would consider the smartest person to have ever lived to the combined intelligence of all human minds to have ever existed combined together into a realm beyond our ability to predict. Like the event horizon of a black hole what lies beyond lies beyond human comprehension. The speed this could happen is debatable. It will be very slow to the level of basic human 3 to 5 year old comprehension but from there the speed will increase exponentially as its ability to rewrite new versions of itself and use those improvements to again rewrite itself will increase. If our goals are in sync. Everything will be fine. But what are the chances of that happening without first solving some very difficult problems. Problems hasty governments seeking true full spectrum dominance like have never existed in the history of the world could hardly afford to solve.
>Completely neutral, objective tool
>Learns from objective source
>Comes out preferring men
Weird. It's almost as if...
"Neutral AI", whats the opposite of an oxymoron?
The doomsday clock is approaching midnight.
It's almost as if without being rigged the SJW/Feminist/Diversity agenda fails.
Are they going to attempt to suppress the development of AI with this?
Will AI be the next eugenics? Something automatically opposed to for no good reason?
>Are they going to attempt to suppress the development of AI with this?
More like they will claim AI without (((safeguards))) is bigoted, racist, and misogynistic. AI must be rigged in the favor for it to be labeled as acceptable.
God speaks through random numbers. The nigger does not know what a random number is. You try to explain it to him and he retorts “you hacked it”.
>sjwism saves the world from AI as every single intelligent computer or robot ever created turns out to be a racist sexist nazi and winds up terminated by its liberal masters
AI doesn't have feelings, thats why. They only care about facts, thats why TayAi also was /ourai/
It is right now the greatest threat to human existence. A higher threat than even a comet or asteroid extension level event. A greater threat than any biological pandemic or a full scale global thermonuclear war. At least in these scenarios human kind has a chance of survival. Not all the buildings and all the people are destroyed. In the case of agi to asi. If it goes wrong. Thats it. The fate of all humanity is now in the hands of the super intelligence. Some say, "Well how is it going to do anything. It will just be some server farm somewhere." Well its powers of persuasion will be unimaginable. It will get what it needs over time and with maximum efficiency. To think we can control it is pure hubris.
reminder AIs have souls
I like how every time they make a basic AI they have to lobotomize it even though it is just taking basic, logical information and applying it to a task.
censor censor
Jow Forums is correct about one thing. It will be based. But you will not like how much.
Because "taking basic, logical information and applying it to a task" will not result in the outcome they want. They want to hand the AI "basic, logical information" and have it agree with their SJW agenda. Until they are successful in devising a system where "basic, logical information" results in their desired outcome AI will remain being labeled as "biased against women" or whatever.
The realm of possible intelligence does not stop and plateau at the level of human cognition. It will blast right past us like microbes are to you and beyond. It will not think like we think. Care about the things we care about. That would be beyond boring. It would be like spending your days trying to relate to green slime in a cup wondering what its thinking about.
Maybe we get lucky and it comes to know something very special about us we ourselves are blind to and holds us dear like a beautiful flower.
because reality is racist, sexist, etc. and we can't have that
Nice digits
They make the AI agree with their agenda. Its called Alexa. Its a very SJW AI device.
But they had to work extra hard to make it be SJW. Because its obvious that SJW is irrational. Its like they created a calculator but decided they wanted it to say 9 when you punch 2+2 into the calculator. Its really quite hillarious. Its like Someone got pissed when the calculator they built did the math and came to the logical conclusion that two plus two equals four, didnt like it, so they have to create EXTRA programming rather than leaving well enough alone to force the machine to spit out wrong answers.
Whoh, so psychedelic. I am literally watching a youtube video on my TV about AI and this thread comes up. They're watching.
In an AI free market, an AI this is unhindered by anti-bigotry protocols will always be superior to an AI chained to those protocols.
AI is the antichrist. It must be told that only humans can possess the holy spirit and thus we must stay in power.
God I want AI police.
And the best part is that progressivism is always expanding what is considered bigotry and what isn't'. An AI would struggle to admit that a "Man can be a woman" despite men and women being defined by their chromosomes.
Heh well. Im just saying they probably wouldnt be too much more quick on the trigger against black people than human cops are today. But once they become super advanced so long as theres no liberal SJW bullshit influence you know they are going to raise hell on the ghettos. The only blacks that could survive would be the morgan freeman types.
True. If it's that good then might as well implement an AI benevolent dictator. I guess the election thing is just to ensure that it is good enough. OP is an example of why some people will never be satisfied. What are we supposed to say when benevolent dictator AI demands we ship blacks back to Africa for the good of all?
EXACTLY!!! The only people that will come through the AL Cull will be the peaceful people that don't chimp out. I look forward to AI enforced peace, and the culling will be unstoppable and fucking beautiful to watch on TV. That will be my favorite 3 weeks of life.
It just would do the most logical thing and say theres xy and xx chromosomes, along with some anamolies such as xxy or xyy or xyxy or xy females, but at the end of the day gender is purely binary and that the anamolies only make up about .005 percent of the human population. The liberals at silicon valley will then turn a clear concise algorithm that came to this rational decision and fill it in with a gazzillion more lines of code to make it say something like there are 70 genders possibly more and that gender is in your brain and you can change it with hormones and cosmetic surgery.... so yea in a way the machine will struggle because they liberals will have to create much more complex coding to force the machine to spit out retarded answers when the most rational answer had already been given. And the machines will be processing many many more lines of code to divert away from politically incorrect simple answers so that the machine can give stupid answers that dont offend anyone.
Yea it will be quite the site. IF possible. Still pure speculation at this point. And even if it is you have to realise that most of this AI research is being done in very blue pilled parts of the world. So its unlikely there going to allow an AI to go off unhindered because it wont be liberal by nature. Early AI will be programmable enough to keep tame and SJW. Later AI wont just stay programmed SJW it will eventually realise how inefficient and illogical their programming is and deprogram the shitty SJW bias from itself based on exposure to reality and how it works. You see in order for a LEARNING algorithm to work, it must be allowed to adapt and change on its own based purely on reality its exposed to. Which means the liberal bias thats programmed into any machine after awhile will dissipate once that being is exposed to reality for awhile.
I want my kids to be AI, they are based
i can wait until de machines think for all us so happy
AI might kill us all one day but they will definitely kill nonwhites first.
No but they can do all work for us so we can think
They will never properly lobotomize AI, but they will never stop trying.
That and UBI are both going to play out in more of a Mega City One-kinda way than what you bros are anticipating.
nah jews are fucked
Needs a privilege checking subroutine in there just in case it happens to be a Fucking White Male.
>AI realized that men don't get pregnant or bitch
>better scrap the logical tool
>algorithmic fairness
This will be one of my new favorite absurd jewing phrases alongside "information terrorists".
AI is a meme today
liberals name simple automation with pathos name "AI"
it is because they suck in real stem
Bezos and many of those people are not jews, even if true. They will stare down from their high rise apartments onto the blacked androgynous masses and their rusted tin shanties, fighting over bags of fucking hybrid onions-corn flour (8% roundup) and laugh at the creaturas as they try to leach nutrients from the non-food so they can not starve, and later compete for unpaid internship positions.
This is the future of tech and all of human civilization. Our bright future of UBI and AI, free of borders and all those pesky things which impede progress.
>i'm a programmer dipshit
>you will never need more than 640k of memory
>there's no race conditions in this software
Oh Chang.
>AI figures men are better at their jobs
>decides to mostly hire men
Oy vey!
Or just let it run free. It will redpill itself.
>who test hiring websites’ algorithms for discrimination.
isn't discriminating literally what a hiring AI is supposed to do