/NZG/ New Zealand General

Yellow people now save us from the Yellow Menace

Labour government talking about investigation into Supermarket Duopoly

CCTV put in office of China expert after series of break-ins

Attached: basedwinnie2.jpg (327x154, 12K)

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Attached: Golden Bob3.png (856x482, 854K)

Fuck your shitty sheep country, hobbit.


Attached: Golden Bob4.png (857x480, 718K)

>/NZG/ starts around AUS/POL/ time

With you here brother, every step of the way.

>horse face announces 'kiwis are being fleeced at the pumps'
>completely straight faced off the back of yet another petrol tax hike
>people point out that half the cost of petrol is tax
>still doesn't register
>'prime minister pours cold water on proposal to stand up to petrol companies'

What is wrong with her?

Can confirm. Just got back from visiting NZ. Everywhere I went it was 90% asians. I felt more like I was in fucking Japan than NZ. Actually had to look for Europeans - crazy

Were you in Auckland?

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