Suburbs are literally suicide fuel. i hate that i grew up here

suburbs are literally suicide fuel. i hate that i grew up here.
>have to use a car to get anywhere
>just as antisocial as big cities
>none of the cool stuff that big cities have
>no small town fun stuff to do like skating on the frozen pond in winter or hanging out at the local malt shop
>no tightknit community that you get in small towns
whose idea was it to have these types of places? they are shit tier.

Attached: suburb.jpg (563x450, 100K)

Move then, faggot.

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Obvious shill.

People who hated growing up in suburbs probably grew up pampered and spoiled and their parents got them a sweet job and an expensive apartment in the rich part of the city after they grew up.

Suburbs are nice. They are safe and comfortable and quiet. A great place to raise kids. Conveniences are a short drive or bike ride away. In a healthy society, you get a nice sense of community but still have the privacy of your back yard.

you are confusing suburbs with small towns.
picrelated is what you are referring to and is goat.
the originial picture is hell on earth and you would agree with me had you been raised in such a soulless environment.

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>just as antisocial as big cities
oh, it's retarded

Maybe go outside and say hi to your neighbors once in a while, instead of being the awkward kid that stares at everyone

no point. if they haven't made the effort to introduce themselves to us after 10+ years, its over. suburbs ruin people.

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Suburbs are shit, conveniences often AREN'T a short drive or bike away. You want small towns like said.

Maybe you allowed niggers inside your community and now nobody trusts each other

There's a correlation between high suicide rates and low population densities. Want to save your race? Go meet people. Not that hard.

Attached: 060718_AC_suicide-rates-rising_inline_730.png (730x564, 68K)

real estate tycoons

Oh, and indian shitheads are killing themselves faster than white are, for the same reason.

The evidence literally supports living in a high-population area, you anti-social faggots.

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Suburbs usually have things closer by travel time. Traffic is a bitch. 5 miles isn't a big deal when you can do 80 for 4 of those miles.

This, and checked. Suburbs are soulless jewish boomer hellscapes. Literally some creepy fucking cookie-cutter dollhouse type shit.

suburbs are basically white refugee camps

a cut-and-paste neighborhood that you can move in and out of depending on the changing diversity of the area

>percent change
>saying anything at all about suicides by population density
Burger education

>just as antisocial as big cities

It doesn't matter where you live. When you're an anti social basement dweller everywhere is as antisocial as big cities.

Like 10% of suicides, you're really trying to find the numbers to fit your story Schlomo

>larger percentages don't mean anything
>toothpase eduation

I can pull up the actual numberical data, as soon as you get your head out of your ass.

You think I'm a kike? Bitch, where's your counter-evidence? Oh, that's right. You can't refute this. Go look this shit up for yourself if you think I'm lying. Low-population density areas are a suicide trap. I'd rather face niggers and save my race than die alone in the fucking wilderness with no children.

>malt shop
What were the 60s like, grandpa?

Old suburbs are great. The new suburbs that they are building are awful. The whole sub division has only 2 or 4 ways to go to the main drag road. You can't drive through neighoborhoods anymore. The traffic becomes a nightmare because all the traffic is being piled on one road. Also you have to drive farther to get thinks like groceries. It's a mess.

Its like the great depression let banks buy up the farm houses and force people into suburbs. Too small to have cows, or crops.

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>if they haven't made the effort to introduce themselves to us
look faggot, you're just as antisocial as them. you're part of the problem because you expect someone else to solve everything for you. you're not part of a community because you choose not to be. stop blaming others for your deficiencies

>hanging out at the local malt shop

Get out of here boomer.

it's quite majestic, it flows with the land

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really keen.
but you zoomers wouldn't understand.
>you're not part of a community because you choose not to be
there's no community for me to join. what are you talking about? nobody knows anyone else. its just a bunch of isolated families. not even sure how you think one person can pull together an entire suburb of isolated people.

Suburbs in my hometown are decent, probably on the account that it's a small . Fuck, I couldn't imagine living somewhere where all you see is just houses everywhere around you. Holy shit.

Looks like the small New England town I grew up in.

>not even sure how you think one person can pull together an entire suburb of isolated people.
the one who wants a community so much that he whines on the internet is you. you are lacking the ability and qualities that makes people want to be involved with you, otherwise there would be friends that would gravitate to you. either make the first move or admit you're just a whiny peice of shit that missed the link to /adv

It's posts like this that make me realize I should have stopped using this website when I turned 25.

>live in a all white place
>no crime
>no poverty
>largest houses in the world on average
Why the fuck are americans so fucking entitled? Do you not have any idea how much of a paradise a white american suburb is? You are literally in the top 1% of living standards of the current human race, you little shit.

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>walking distance turned into 2.1 mile drive
Then walk.


oh ya whats not to love about having nothing but unemployment, methheads and walmarts

i'd much rather live in Rio, a place with actual energy and culture. You don't know how good you have it user.

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This, Hueland is right.
Shows you how sheltered and small minded suburb kids are. This is really their parents fault though for not educating them about the world. Or even their own country for that matter.
I fuckin grew up in a meth infested trailer park, we had like 4 sex offenders living in the complex. Luckily I never got raped, but that shit was a completely possible thing to happen to someone where I spend my childhood.
People who have the following need to shut the fuck up about life because they don't know shit about it:
>Both parents stably married.
>A parental income at or above middle class. This becomes less true the poorer the country and more true the richer.

We need to bring back commieblock urban planning. Citizens in ex Soviet states please confirm that commieblocks are actually kind of decent to live in? I have heard it from many but obviously I do not live there. I had heard they usually have all the things you need like a bar, shop, school, park and such nearby due to urban planning. Only bad things I heard were they sometimes look awful on the outside (well known), and the parking is sometimes bad.

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>just as antisocial as big cities
That's not suburbs, that's just you

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>spend all of your spare time mowing grass and driving past miles and miles of McDonalds
>everyone is fat because all they do is drive and sleep after another exhausting 9 hours of licking Mr. Noseberg's shoes
>no privacy, neighbors always see you

It's soulless and efficient but it's no way to live

Suburbs sprang up because the government forcibly assimilated cities and niggers flooded in. Suburbs were a haven for whites

They honestly look pretty nice. Also saves more land .

Soulless af

Agreed, I used to live in Little Neck on Long Island, truly nice suburb. I took the train into Manhattan for work everyday, about 25 minutes. No niggers, nicely laid out, lots of trees, bike everywhere on the weekend. I miss it sometimes.

don't buy the meme, slavs always try to sugarcoat commieblocs, but the reality is they are shitty downscale apartments, and you can hear your neighbor's every movement

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You do realize that suburbs are something you can leave within 5-10 minutes of walking right? It's not like you're in some kind of purgatory where it's illegal for you to enter the city proper.

This is propaganda picture. Most of commieblocks look considerably worse. They can still be nice from inside if you try.
Anyway I don't hate it. But I wouldn't want to raise my kids here. I want to move back to my village for that, as soon as I start business.

Little Neck was built out in the 1950s for whites fleeing Brooklyn, which was rapidly becoming niggerville.

They are pod dwellings for the worker bees. That is all.

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>Citizens in ex Soviet states please confirm that commieblocks are actually kind of decent to live in?

They are but only because everyone in them is white/Slav.

One family of gypsies moves in and it all goes to hell.

WHy you live in a suburb? Only piss poor immigrants and other niggers live in suburbs. Get a job so you can move to the city centre and stop living like a bum

Why is there always shilling against suburbs here? If you own less than 4 acres Siberia are the best place to be.

you are spilling the spaghetti here user

found the pod-dweller

Is siberia even livable?

Theyre the American equivalent of chinas ghost cities.

Have you actually been to Rio, or are you talking out of your ass?
Because I doubt you'll enjoy only feeling safe in 2 areas, and not risking walking anywhere at night. Or the feeling of risking a wrong turn somewhere and getting shot at by favelados.

>numberical data
Bike is short for Bichael

Hope your joking

I dunno m8
Looking back the suburbs were pretty nice
Really growing up all that matters is that you have friends

Point taken, but I’ve never seen such a horribly designed suburb, including the surrounding areas since that one road just leads to another suburb.

This is avoidable.

You sound like an entitled angsty 15 year old. Everything you do is a part of your culture. Waking up in a nice house is your culture, just like sleeping in a mudhut is nigger culture. You just dont know what culture is. Sorry for appropriating your culture by typing this in English btw. Retardado

See you tomorrow.

I miss Minneola, FL
>tfw I could have enjoyed my teenage years in a 85%+ white community
>But my south american mother insisted to my father on going back to spic-infested South FL because of my grandparents
>she's white for the record but she has the South American mentality somewhat btw
>I instead go to a spic/nigger majority school and get a harsh redpill on both of them
Mom I love you but you made some pretty stupid decisions

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Agreed. I don't feel like going into details of where I grew up, but it's hilarious seeing people complain because the neighborhood they grew up in was safe and boring like they're a victim of society or some garbage.

Auto corrected suberbs. Context clues.

Do you know the difference between a suburb and a city? Because youre saying the exact opposite of what happens, unless it's different over there. However, from what Ive heard of Malmo, youd be wrong

My town used to be like that. Then we got a Wal-Mart. Then we got a couple strip malls that never reached full occupancy. Then we got one of those "modern" cookie-cutter condo or apartment building things. Then a 20 acre farmland was turned into single family homes with no lawns or yards.

Then we got a mosque.

It keeps getting worse and worse. :(

Attached: the-up-and-coming-american-suburban-town-starter-pack.png (960x520, 814K)

It's the other way around in burgerland. Niggers live in the city centre and rich people leave away from it, only commuting there to work.
Don't ask, I don't get it either.

Shut up and eat your insect burgers and buy the lastest iPhone you fuck

Good place to leave racist graffiti though.

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I would rather have commie blocks than pic related.
In the 1950s the suburbs bacame real popular, so our grandparents decided to leave the cities and go to the surrounding suburbs leaving our cities to become the major 3rd world violent shitholes that they are today
Are swedish cities nice then? Thats good all the history is in the cities

I wonder if 50s suburbs were designed any better

Suburbs are full of poos here in TX

I live on Long Island and commute to Manhattan.

It fucking sucks either way. I'm too far from work OR I pay $1500 minimum to be surrounded by a total diversity clusterfuck where my humanity is sucked away and I turn into a complete shell of a man.

It sucks here in suburbia too though, it's not like I live in some richfag white area. The fucking brown people are EVERYWHERE.

From pictures they looked the same as today. Rows of houses

I grew up between SoCal Suburbs and living in the rural sticks of Arkansas.. graduating HS class of 32 ppl.

I used to want to live in the country yknow...but fuck raising a family in it or staying there.
It’s so fucking isolating. And as a kid or teen, you never see anyone if you can’t drive. Depressing as shit. Nothing to do. Going to “town” you do everything there is to do quickly. It does have its perks, but drawbacks are a lot more.

Now I live in a suburb of Tacoma WA. In a Soulless apartment, with a communal gym, pool, sauna, hot tub, etc. I’m less than an hour away from the countryside to getaway, and a few minutes from going down town. Concerts and plenty of new shit constantly.

Suburbs are a bit soulless, but it’s better than being in a cramped expensive city, and better than being in podunk rural hills.

portugal is niggers

i'd take an american suburb any day over a euro suburb

Attached: martsari.jpg (3535x1676, 3.96M)

>no niggers

Thats a suburb?
Looks like the projects

they suck everywhere user

best bet is always small/med towns

burbs in small euro countries are basically high rises now due to infininiggers

I think rural areas can be nice if you have the right interests but from the people I knew who grew up there they would agree if felt very socially isolating. I'm not surprised there is as much drug and alcohol use there as there is.

Small towns are probably the happy medium.

Pic is exactly like where I live, except housing is a little cheaper, and we have shitloads of trees all over the place.

Bahama Breeze is actually really good for a chain restaurant, desu.

burbs are ok. I live in a college town, it's p comfy

>I wonder if 50s suburbs were designed any better
They were better when built in the mid-to-late 1970s to late-1980s, maybe early 1990s. Lots actually had land. You actually had your own piece of the earth. You had some space to spread out, and "escape" urban life, while retaining convenience. Homes were split level or three-steps with 3 or 4 bedrooms, reasonably priced. You didn't have to hike a full flight of stairs to get from your bedroom to your kitchen or garage.

McMansions started taking over entire lots in the late 1990s, and after 2008, they just downgraded the size of lots, since people were used to not having yards again. We are back to 1920s to 1940s sized lots for single family homes, at 30-times the price plus interest.

Attached: suburbs-before-jewing.jpg (938x711, 273K)

Do single-family homes even exist in your country?

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They aren't, built cheap, thin walls, everything is crooked.

Take that back!

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Post a more depressing looking building

3rd world/nignog neighborhoods dont count

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don't, they are not that bad

>no nigs
>no violence
>everyone is white

yeah it's kind of boring, but it's pleasant-boring. you don't want the multiculti diversity of a city

suburbs could be improved, but they are acceptable compared to the nightmare of other kinds of living areas.

>tfw grew up in one of these
>Church and trees look almost just like pic related

Shitskins will never know this feel.

And faggots don't deserve to know it.

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Your mom gay