I'm a liberal. You automatically think I'm a hypocrite so let's address that

I'm a liberal. You automatically think I'm a hypocrite so let's address that.

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I’ll humor you.

Ready? Well do a Q&A and see if you are consistent (not a hypocrite).

First question:
1. Is Existence better than Non Existence?

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>you automatically think I'm a hypocrite
You are condemning "us" (whoever we are) for making an assumption about you, but your condemnation is itself based on an assumption made about others. This is hypocrisy.

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You could say that you're a faggot and I really would not be able to tell the difference

Everything's Relative. So to answer your question it depends on who you're asking

i knew you were the real racist

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lots of people are going to have to die soon, so watch what you call yourself. liberals will be gassed. you are added to the list because of this post. doesnt matter if it was a joke, goodjob faggot

youtube.com/watch?v=i6295uXZQmc JEW IN THE DUNGEON


Nah, I've dealt with enough of you retards so I'd just call you a faggot and sage your shitty thread.

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You are so deluded in your death cult that you cannot unequivocally declare that life and existence is better than death and non existence.

Literally, kys if that’s the case.

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This makes me completely certain that I am fighting a true enemy and not just some larper because you genuinely believe this shit

Based and checked

don't you ever use his face to represent yourself you dirty kike. Goku deserves better.

It's pretty ironic you telling me to kill yourself when your entire ideology is based around being dead. You literally can't get more ironic than that

Typical NPC answer.

Every Muslim hates your guys so much for being cucks who can't even fight for their own beliefs much less stand by them.

After all, everything is relative to you deranged lunatics

>I'm a liberal. You automatically think I'm a hypocrite so let's address that.
Why, we've been here before and it's all just so tired some. You can't fix stupid.

Do POCs have a right to self determination?

Stop yelling at people in elevators.

>Everything's Relative
How can everything be relative. How can you even say that, the fact that there are no absolutes, like i absolutely know that tomorrow the sun will rise, i know that my dick will let me pee standing. How stupid are you?

And yes i do believe that libtards are the cancer of this earth and when bullets will fly, your skinny ass and your gay bffs won't have the guts to fight back. WHo's gonna defend you? Some libtard 590 kg land whales that you call empowered woman??

is Trump objectively evil/bad?

Nothing you said was actual substance it was just you shiting on me. You sound completely delusional on psychotic.

As long as they agree with the liberal agenda. Can't be allowing the POC off the plantation.

I think I already have my answer.

I'm going to be very serious here, things are gonna get ugly very soon, probably in 10 years or more. And people like you will be the first to go

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No I don't think he's evil I seen true evil. He's just really dumb is all and it's kind of embarrassing

Why do libfags always think they know what other people are thinking?

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>everything is relative
>i'm completely certain that you are the true enemy

And with the first answer we can leave satisfied

How old are you?
Are you financially independent?
What level is your education?

Based on your answers it'll be fucking obvious why you're liberal

how can you have seen true evil when you JUST said everything is relative? lol
freakin low iq liberals

Oh look it's that shitty old argument.
>this thing I made up exists because part of its definition is it exists no I don't understand the difference between concepts and reality yes I did eat a lot of paint as a kid why do you ask

Excuse me?

Conservatism is founded on:
1. Metaphysically:
a. You do exist
b. with everyone else in one objective reality (no matter how much you try to change those pesky definitions - like man, woman, rape for instance.).
2. Ethically:
a. Existence > Non existence. Life > Death.
3. Politically:
a. Pro life
b. Pro individual liberties

You are too stupid to understand Metaphysics > Ethics > Politics > Culture.

You are literally a 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional MAX, being.

Us USERS, us PLAYER CHARACTERS are 4th/5th dimensional beings (some 6th/7th). We understand time and the multiverse. You literally can not comprehend how unfathomably incorrect you are. I pity you

>everything is relative

you have no idea who I am. you made a huge mistake

I'm financially independent 27 year old with a master's degree in psychology. One day I hope to run my own practice but for the time being I am an Apprentice of a practice if you know what that means in Psychology terms

Does Absolute truth exist?

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let me ask you why you are:

1) pro illegal immigrant

2) hate law enforcement

3) want open borders

4) allow people to insult you for being white

5) allow yourself to be a tool of BLM and other worthless shit

6) why you vote for retards like Hillary and Schumer and Pelosi

7) why you like socialism

8) why you hate a strong economy

do tell.

>resorting to the old trick of calling people that disagree with you sick in the head and deranged
I see your kike masters have taught you well.

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>I'm a liberal.
Same. Can't wait until we get back into power after all of Trump's fuck ups. It'll be glorious. Common sense gun laws that can be followed up by banning more and more weapons. Can't wait.

I hate you OP because I think you hate me

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This is the absolute state of this board

>supports abortion
>protests death penalty

I think it means you're one post away from giving away enough information to find your dumb ass on facebook you dumb fucking NPC


>Begins with an epic fail of a strawman and a children cartoon power projection pic
A bad start. But no, not an hypocrite. Hypocrites are the ones who brainwashed and weaponized you.
No, you are legitimaly retarded.

You are opposed to racism, yet politically allied with black people, who are THE most racist people in the country.

Yes user, you are a hypocrite.
t. Former Liberal, so please tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, no wonder you're a dumb leftard high on your own fumes.

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>master's degree in psychology
kek, this explains a lot.

2. Are you Pro life, Pro abortion, or Pro Right to Abortion?

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>yet politically allied with black people, who are THE most racist people in the country.
Get bent. White people aren't oppressed. You're just upset that people of color are finally gaining ground in this country after the white majority ran everything for so long.

>Masters in psychology
Still paying off those loans? Could have picked a useful engineering degree

I used to consider myself to be a liberal, but then I realized that welfare dependency and things like affirmative action was sucking the self esteem out of entire communities. People want responsibility, they want jobs, they want to be accountable for their lives. Hard work needs to bring greater rewards and no one is entitled to anything because they learn to take pride in achieving (with the exception of health care, I think people are entitled to that)

>white people aren't oppressed
>but shitskins are taking over
You're allowed to choose one and only one, hypocrite

Why can't they take over?

>White people aren't oppressed
Note how I was talking about the attitude of racism, and you pivoted sharply to "oppression".

Your efforts to conceal your hypocrisy are pathetic.
YOU get bent.

Nice ad hominem shill.

I would love to debate with you. But then again you hold no informed opinions whatsoever because everything is relative to you.

If you want to stop being an NPC then please go and stand for something. Every belief will offend someone if you stand by it. That's how you cure the NPC disease and start taking matters into your own hands like a true protagonist.

He asked for it

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One job. You had one job. And you conpleted it perfectly!

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Black people can't be racist in this society. Get bent.

liberal logic in a nutshell. Detroit wasn't enough you want the whole country too

Not the argument at hand, hypocrite. What is is the part where you are objectively and fully a hypocrite by every definition of the word for believing there's nothing wrong with it.

Come on liberal, is anything absolutely true?

Don't accuse me of an ad hominem if your immediately going to use it yourself. Your comments sums up every come in I've ever seen here. It's the most hypocritical thing in the world you guys basically project exactly what you know you're doing

>you are just upset foreigners invade, infiltrate and conquer the country, at the expense of the local population, and for the profit of billionaires
Fixed for you. Sophisms won't get you far here Mr meme degree.

Alright, I can now sage and move on

Ha it’s my go to question to fuck liberals/npcs up. Anyone who doesn’t answer YES emphatically, immediately is a NPC

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>white people aren't oppressed

when I got into a good school I didnt get bonus nigger points, you know!

tell me how affirmative action is not oppressive or unfair to white people. go ahead.

>1+1 = 2

Welp, that was quick.

Look at what's happening in South Africa. Those boers are gonna get their lands taken away just because their white. That's pretty racist honestly

That Pseudo-intellectual slogan is another tool you use to enable your hypocrisy.
You have to convince yourself that "black people can't be racist" to make up for the fact that they obviously are INTENSELY racist.

Your hypocrisies used to be my own, you fucking child. Your mental gymnastics are impressing NOBODY.

I agree. We should no longer be allowing billionaires to profit off of unskilled labor and should regulate them more harshly.

>ideology is based around being dead.
if our ideology is dead why do you waste your time on a Mongolian basket weaving board?

>Everything's Relative
>This makes me completely certain that I am fighting a true enemy

It only took two posts for you to confirm your hypocrisy

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They really fucking hate this question.

When you question their metaphysics, and then question the consistency of that metaphysical view with their ethics -> politics...they break

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You can not be a liberal AND like dbz, it's not allowed.

I'm constantly owning the shit out of these Nazis and they pretend like they can't see what I'm writing. It's like fake victories all around in this Echo chamber

Ha I’ve never blown someone the fuck out so handily before

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Well, we're waiting for OP the faggot to deliver on these points.
It's always good to hear why open borders are good for middle America and fuck laws and shit

Where is Goku on the political spectrum? Awaiting all answers.

hahaha OP self BTFO

Why can't European colonial powers take over Africa? Was colonialism right?

Dude I fucking love dragon ball everything let's be friends because I'm not Jewish word nigger so... oh right I'm not gay either. Who knows you hate so much shit who how the hell am I supposed to know you won't hate me for some stupid bullshit

He was very clearly Natsoc. Believed in helping his people above all else, had no problem usurping the rightful king of another planet because he was bored

No meme degree. We should hang them for high treason, expell invaders, and put laws into place so people like you, who serve them, to never ever be again in position to influence society and destroy our civilization.

Answer the question faggot.

Can you 100% declare that Existence is better than Non-Existence?

If yes, why do you support abortions?

If no, why haven’t you kys yet?

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>Everything's Relative
Is the migration of black Africans to European countries sometimes a bad thing?
Is diversity not always a strength?

Protip, if you don't want normal people to hate you, don't do any stupid bullshit and they won't have a reason to. Jackass.

>the white majority ran everything for so long
A nation founded by whites, explicitly for whites as stated by the founders, shouldn't be run by whites and their descendants? So you're telling me in a country whites created, whites can't build anything for themselves exclusively without violating the "law" and being deemed racist, can't defend their borders without being called nazis, can't define their own identity and seek a future for their own people, can't make a town or home exclusively for their own people, yet somehow this isn't oppression?

>posts le ultra asspull pic
you are not helping your cause

inb4 "go back to /a/"

Existence and abortions have nothing to do with each other you Ultra unbelievably based Mega redpilled super Maga faggot

you dodged my questions, faggot.

why do you like socialism, hate law enforcement, like illegal immigration, and hate capitalism? also, why do you think liberals blaming "white males" for everything is ok when it's clearly racism?

you people are a blight on society. get cancer and die.

Conservatism, ethically, is much more than the humanism you described. I presume you do actually care about honor, truth, righteousness (principles that transcend life), otherwise individual liberties wouldn't have been listed as a political goal.

Nothing marks a hypocrite more than sanctimony.

Protip: predicting the extremely likely civil unrest in the future (which leftists are currently trying to start, in case you didn't notice) is not the same as murderous intent or avocation of violence.

As it stands, mr. sanctimony, all the political violence right now comes form leftists.

>non whites being ruled by whites is oppression
>whites being ruled by non whites isn't oppression
That's certainly not hypocritical, very principled

Today's liberals do not believe in the full freedom of speech.

Thats one reason why we think you're a hypocrite.

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