Blue Tsunami

People here keep saying trump is winning... winning what? He hasn’t competed at anything. His poll numbers are abysmal as are Kavanaughs. Last time this happened with Clarence Thomas there was a huge blue wave. At this point reality points to the GOP losing big time. Cruz is on the ropes in Texas, women are furious... have you seen the polling on how the GOP is losing a shitload of support from women?
Kavanaughs confirmation was a given 2 years ago. What’s the big meltdown over something we knew was coming 2 years ago? And we even got a strange gift- they confirmed someone who has pissed off women even more! He had the lowest number of votes in history and a female republican senator voted against him! Does that sound like winning?
And Trump is being investigated for 500 million in taxes he never paid? And Mueller is still out there? You need more proof that republicans should be scared shitless? You think some of these old ass conservatives on the court are going to live another 20 years? And who will be president when they die off? Not a republican. Not after all this.
Tell me who the fuck is winning again? On election night we’ll see who the fuck is winning.

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>98% certainty clinton would landslide it.

When you kill yourself, no one is going to miss you.

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You sound like some smug liberals I knew that told me there would never be another republican president after Obama was elected. 10 years later and we have not only almost secured our country with the Oval Office and Supreme Court but we have exposed you for what you are and the people are starting to notice. We also know the words of power. JEW

>blue tsunami
that's a lot of tears

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they can't accept that their nigger president was a fucking failure

not true. she would've been overthrown and all liberals gassed by now. they should be thanking trump for saving their lives.

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Sgt Jow Forums needs your help. Sing up faggots.

well the good thing is that Russian counter-intelligence has had full access to the voter rolls and machines for the last 2 years. American democracy is fundamentally compromised and Russia won the cold war.

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Shut up libtard

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>this fucking thread again
Biggest accomplishment is TWO justice appointments. After that it's Korea, economy, no war in Middle East, taxes, fixing Obama's fucked up healthcare, trade and it goes on. But that's what he's done already in two years. Wait for another six. And as far as what he's doing? How about surviving one smear campaign after another. 500 million tax evasion? After pussy grabbing, Russia collusion and Stormy this is their latest one, huh? Mueller? That fucker still around doing some some investigating? Ok. Cruz? Fuck that Israel shill. Woman and poll numbers? After that last election you still honestly believe polls? How about he's waking up normies to the left's bullshit tactics, not cucking out, religious revival of the people and he's promoting his base like a mother fucker. He's probably done more rallies for the midterms than he did for his own election. Does that answer your questions. Now fuck off shareblue shclomo and quit fucking up my board. Sage goes in the option box.

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'old ass' = nigger speech, wrap it up we are done here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018. It's over.

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>Polls XD
>Hillary Clinton has a 98.1% chance to win
Lol, we're hip to your retarded suppression (((polls))). Talk shit and I'm going to turn your thread into a WikiLeaks dump of info found in the DNC and Podesta files about how you (((poll))). Pack it the fuck up. Click the little white box next to your name in the Op, scroll to the bottom...and click delete. That, or I'm going to turn your thread on it's head, nigger faggot. Choice is yours...

do mods ever prevent people from replying to their own threads? cause i think that happened :(

captcha works here but fails on my thread (doesn't give me prompt or anything just displays an error), even though it's pretty popular and getting lots of constructive posts

Fuck off, idiot. The American people saw what a charade this bogus rape accusation was.

This election is going to be fucking hilarious. Can't wait to see these 14yo conservative/don't tread on me/literally have nothing to live for besides talking about SJW's, children lose their shit on this board

Going into a mid term election with a president who has broken every record of disapproval ratings. Even the high approval rating presidents lose seats in the midterms.

Red seats that were considered unlosable have already been lost in special elections.

A frontrunner for the republican presidential candidate only 2.5 years ago is now dropping out of a town hall with his opponent because 1 wrong answer cements his loss. (When in reality no showing and giving his opponent a 1 hr free ad on CNN also cements his loss LMFAO)

Not to mention the shitstorm the right has caused with kavanaugh only weeks before election.

All this and we are still ignoring the publics response to dozens of trump campaign people pleading guilty while the president himself is still under fucking investigation,

Holy fuck they are so fucked. This timeline watching the GOP burn is better than anything a shitty candidate like Hilary would have given us.

Hilary was polled as the favorite in the high 60's dude. Pay attention with your tiny rube brain if you can. Guess what a 68% win chance means? It means she loses 32% of the time, aka pretty fuckin often.

Math and stats are hard for you guys though huh? Also go ahead and turn this thread into whatever bullshit helps you sleep at night. You wasting your time is probably a net gain for humanity.

538 Red Seats coming up

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lmfao, using a magazine cover from decades ago when this same magazine is literally mocking you party in multiple covers since trump was elected. jesus fuck you guys are stupid.

>Biggest accomplishment is TWO justice appointments.

You mean taking by taking down required confirmation votes from 60 to 50? Making it infinitely easier for any future demos to pass their own. Great long term strategy bro


We have already confirmed they are back to building nukes. Nice try tho


wow cool that economy Obama built for us is still going strong, what a guy he was huh?

>no war in Middle East

LMFAO, I just spit my water everywhere


Rich got big tax cuts, everyone else got next to nothing. This is something to brag about? Or maybe you are bragging about the 200 billion trump added to the defecit? I am not sure

>fixing Obama's fucked up healthcare

they literally couldn't pass anything on healthcare they tried for months and failed remember? Is your brain that badly damaged.

> trade

Yep this dumbass started a trade war and now we are seeing the repercussions. (I guess he was ignoring what we knew for decades that free trade benefits everyone, take any econ class ever to figure out that brain buster) Ford announced literally today they are having huge layoffs due to the tarriffs. We have also seen lower guidance in the stock market from many companies that is beginning to slow the rally he inherited from Obama. Great job Donny!

Watching GOP get BTFO in a few weeks is going to be the funniest shit ever. They already have lost unlosable seats in special elections long before half of these stories have come out or before Kavanaugh was confirmed. FUCKKKKKKKKKK IM SO HARD TYPING THIS

>[Initiate playback]
>Hey hey
>ho ho
> [Insert here]
> has got to go
> [Repeat program]

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Take your shit opinion to reddit

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>ITT I explain in feminine uptalk how democrats are really winning and will continue to do so.

K. Keep me posted.

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Screencapping this for future keks after Nov.

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>there was a blue wave after Clarence Thomas
If by “blue wave” you mean Democrats lost a few seats in both house and senate then bring on the blue wave.

Bush lost to Clinton because he raised taxes after promising not to, not because of Clarence Thomas.

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Previously on Liberal faggots never learn... (it is going to be as bad for you as you think when we take over cunt)

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>being this triggered over an old magazine cover

Bush lost because of Ross Perot.
Perot was supposed to be the original Trump. He was winning at one point and then cucked and dropped out of the race (probably threatened). He then jumped back in the race but the damage had been done. He literally handed the Clintons the White House.

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Poll numbers don't matter for a supreme court justice you fucking moron.

They seriously never learn. They are overplaying their suppression polls and it will backfire again. If they were any kind of smart they would portray themselves with a slight advantage. They'll end up suppressing their own turnout and firing up the R base just like 2016.

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not because they voted for clinton
right wingers dominated that election
people have been begging for a trump since 1992 and gotten nothing but globalist shills

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2016 the year of the trumpslide
2018 the year of the trumpageddon