Now do you get it Jow Forums? Do you finally fucking get it??

Now do you get it Jow Forums? Do you finally fucking get it??

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>her abuser

Yea run for office as a cuckservative and liberal
dick mogs will pay their jewslaves to scream you raped them and no one will listen to you because the card has been played one to many times.

>waiting 30 years to write a letter to some politician
That's not how it's done. Women should "come forward" immediately to the police. Nobody fucking cares about about random tweets, either.

You do believe her, right?? You have gotten the memo about supporting survivors, right....?!

noice b8 m8

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women are a fucking joke, they should never hold any political power. im going to convert to islam, hold my beer.

Sgt Jow Forums needs your help. Sing up faggots.

Can someone give me a legitimate reason why a woman shouldnt immediately go to the police after and assualt or rape?

it was her boss, family member or someone else she depends on, or her career depends on (ie. weinstein)

there are literally dozens of reasons why

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Um, she shouldn't have to? It doens't invalidate her experience if she doesnt?

Because they'd have to prove it happened, which is hard when it didn't. Also you don't really need to pull the rape card for regret sex if your boyfriend or friends don't find out.

>it was her boss, family member or someone else she depends on, or her career depends on (ie. weinstein)
You realize that just makes her a prostitute right?

>it was her boss
That doesnt make sense, if the boss threatens someone with a gun shouldnt you go to the police? It's the same thing.
>it doesnt invalidate
It kinda does. Who is going to believe you? Go to the cops and get this sorted out

I think I do get it now.
>Some women, in a desparate bid for attention and social status, love to go around and lie about being “survivors” of sexual assault, but they know that at some point someone will want proof of these alleged assaults before giving them eternal victimhood status and they know that Chad not calling them back doesn’t count, so every now and then when it’s politically expedient one of them invents an allegation from decades ago that can’t possibly be proven true and often can’t be proven false enabling lying women to say “See?! This is why 6 million rape victims haven’t come forward!! Fuck you Patriarch!!!”
Is that about right?

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WTF I believe everything every women says now

>risking your carrer for a million dollars in Gofundme

Imagine being so retarded you can't even spot a liar by simple body language and fake voice toning

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It was her truth.

How about "why do women not come forward until half the country has a good reason to think they're lying?"

If i lost my wallet. I should be able to report it 35 years later and claim for and losses.
I may not want to as it might have been a family wallet, worried that people may not believe I lost it, or i shouldn't have been with someone and the somewhere I lost it.

Oh and believe me

Bad take: Look how dumb these women are!
Smart take: Women are finally letting us know how worthless their opinions are, and which women are worthwhile, voluntarily!

Just make a database of the NPCs at this point, if you think that this shitty lady is right/important, right in the NPC category.

With ya on that. Plus then we get to hate jews and everyone then understands. Lets all go to Dagestan!

>Implying they wouldn't (rightfully) eat us.

This woman really loves her rape culture.
I'd rather women go to the cops when they're assaulted but I guess just never coming forward will stop more rapists better than going to the cops will.
But hey, that's just the opinion of someone with a penis and a low-key rape fetish.

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>She didn't report it for selfish reasons
>still wants to report it years-decades later when she no longer has anything to lose by doing so
Certainly adds believability to it.

Your smart take is smart and does paint a slightly better picture. Many are learning the hard way now. But still the main problem remains that the state apparatus is completely on their side. They are 100% propped up in their position by the cuckolds we keep sending in. Weak men make bad times you say? Yes and weak men make evil women. But nothing will be done so long as the state protects and encourages them. From education to divorce courts to employment practices. Years back I bet they could probably bitch and moan and complain about men all they wanted just the same as they do now. The only main difference was they would have to wait for their fucking Saturday sewing circles to do so. Our satanic government is leading them down the path to death.

We're in Lysistrata type territory, but even in that tale their reasoning was OK. Preventing retarded wars. Now it is chiefly hatred as motivation. Our government hates us and employs them to do the dirty work.

Yes, it is better to shut the fuck up when you have absolutely no evidence of something you are accusing something of in front of everybody.

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wtf I believe women now

Fuck off nigger


Almost half the country thinks she's a saint. Shit could be way worse.

Just believe women. If she asks for your credit card just believe her

Smart poster: I'll just build wealth for 10 years and marry an 18 year old that I can impress with my money and allow to adopt my views, I can be patient, I guess in the meantime I'll read, develop my talents, learn hobbies and skills, make money, enjoy fine food and wine, live like a Roman patrician, the list goes on.

Just punish their early game with defense and ignore their chimpout. This is all just because they want daddy's attention and their daddy is a fucking kike puppet.

>Why don't women come forward?
If Dr. Ford came forward 30 years ago, back when she could have remembered ANYTHING useful, maybe Kavanaugh wouldn't have become a supreme court justice.

feminist logic is so twisted.

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I get that the world is full of morons who are incapable of objective reasoning, if that’s what you are asking

>jam 4 fingers in there while I'm at it

Thanks for giving us the first justice of the Supreme Court who is actually redpilled.

If she had come forward any time between 2012 and kavanaugh being on the short list of possible nominees, he would never have been the nominee, or on the list at all if before it was released.

The entire point was as a ploy to foul up the pricess.

Why dont them Dems want to remove him as an appellate judge?
Because they're full of shit.

She put her life on the line but gained half a million dollars in donations. Nothing lost really.

She’s in California. When the emotions die down she will be giving paid speeches to adoring feminazis on the university circuit. Speeches in vocal fry with a 15 year old’s personality for added emotional effect. Probably got a pay raise at the uni. Probably of indefinite paid leave.

>believing "Dr. Ford" is a real person
NPCs are the real world threat

I was legit assaulted by my boss once, didn’t report him because it was a mom and pop shop and 10+ people would be out of work. I quit that day and never looked back.
Shitty things happen and the only power you have is how you react to it.

But she gets to walk away from falsely accusing him as though nothing happened, whereas if he'd been convicted on those false charges, his life would have effectively been over.

Isn't she a college professor at a notoriously leftist school in California with a majority of female students and faculty? If anything she advanced her career not jeopardized it.

>wanting to get fingered by random men
>claims it's to fight rape
fucking roastie must have hit the wall

No she's 100% CIA spook. Definitely not a real identity.
Protip: do a facial recognition match against Amy Schumer... shit bricks
She just happened to get arrested at the protests a couple of days later... lol what a coincidence

Isn't this an argument to support Trump as president? Or are we playing the "Democrats play by different rules" game again?

So women don't come forward with their stories because they fear maybe suffering the same fate that men do automatically in such cases

How do they quote a statistic of people that purposely withheld being part of that statistic?

Take your medicine schizo


I went to a judicial nomination panel last night where the ABA representative that investigated Kavanaugh spoke.
This guy, John Tarpley, wrote a 1600 page investigation and he and the ABA somehow never discovered anything about Ford.
He said that none of Justice Kavanaugh's colleagues (judges, politicians, attorneys) had a single bad thing to say about him.

He was struggling not to just scream that this whole fucking thing was bullshit.
Thought you anons might like to know.

Post-Blasey, if a woman tells me she was raped, my laughter will be indelible in their hippocampus. I simply do not care anymore.

Cunt made a shit load of cash.
Wait till the book deal.
Poor 'doctor' ford.
What a vile bitch.

Let it go!!!

I got into an argument on Twitter over this. They claimed it was because of relationship between the abuser & abused, it’s often someone they know. So they don’t report it in fear of reprisals from family or losing friends...etc.

I think it’s even more important to report early if it’s someone you know/related to. So that rape kit can be performed or the police can investigate the abuse.

> i got into an argument on Twitter over this.

Imaging arguing with an NPC in a video game.

why do these cunts always call themselves GHOUL and WITCH

We have a new informal policy at work. Don’t travel with female colleagues, nor socialize after work with them. No closed door office meetings, book a small conference room.

I saw a friend have 17 years flushed down the drain because he made a silly joke and some women complained.

Why don't women get a gun?
Why don't women not put themselves in risky situations if the world is so terrifying and dangerous?

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Do you trust a woman PMSing with a gun?

Police even say not to take a shower afterward because it washes off evidence

>tell the cops

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She's being given awards for her bravery. The freaking mayor is giving her an award.