ITT we post things NPCs believe. I’ll start

ITT we post things NPCs believe. I’ll start

>”I believe the holocaust never happened”

Attached: 73A14F29-1958-4401-9352-DA0A6966CC3A.jpg (220x229, 12K)

>Crocodile Dundee is a good movie

Attached: 1538947199626.png (490x586, 44K)

>Hitler was the bad guy

Attached: ciUs270.png (630x1073, 392K)

I know you're trolling but why should i believe neo-nazis about the holocaust?

>"I believe OP is not a faggot."

Fuck off back to plebbit boomer.

>If you don't support Israel you are going to hell


quick question, why would i believe geologists about rocks?

>the npc meme is serious and it is an effort to dehumanize people and isn’t just a meme

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