>hates jews
>puts women in their place
>hates faggots
>warrior culture
>strong wörk ethnic
>promotes fertility (something that white people desperately need right now)
I love Islam
> "I love Islam"
Sounds about right for a German.
Based and redpilled.
ts going to trigger paid missionaries of /pol tho
>strong work etjic
Nice joke
Opinion discarded
You can have all that without pedo arab supremacy and retarded superstition tho
Though I agree anti muslimism on Jow Forums are jewish shills. Let them return to their nations and stop destroying them for greater israel.
Islam is based but realise it's used as a weapon by the jews. The Zionist far rights rethoric is retarded as fuck tho because it has a reverse psyChological effect so people embrace everything the muslims hate like perversion, sexual liberation and jew love.
bring back the white sharia meme desu
Actually some of us are Persian and have seen the Islamic Revolution in the 70s turn Iran in to an even bigger shithole with more and more Arabs moving taking over.
>hates iran
>meme flag
Can't you read? I hate what Iran has become.
t. inbred Ahmed angry I bad-mouth Islam
Half the world is under islam and the entire region from morocco to the southern philiphines is an absolute shithole. No thanks.
Fuck off you retarded gharbzadeh.
Imagine youre so cucked by jews you turn to sandnigger ramblings in a hope to fix the problem for you. (Protip: it wont)
>an even bigger shithole
You did not. Also
>I hate what Iran has become
I know Shlomo
Iran has become a dominator in the persian gulf and it has the middle east almost at its disposition. Even shart their pants when they think of Iran
i leave this here.
How do I convert to Islam
/nu/pol can't get enough Muslim cock. You're more likely the hand-wringing semites here, trying to make Islam look good.
Move to England or Germany.
Islam seems shitty coz the people you see following it are t*rks, a*abs and p*kis.
When it's practiced by based Caucasians it seems a lot cooler
>hates jews
Willingly works with them given the opportunity
>puts women in their place
Fair enough
>hates faggots
Man-love Thursday and Bacha-bazi are real
>warrior culture
Hit-and-run raiders
>strong wörk ethnic
Apparently you've never met a muslim. They're as bad as Mexicans when it comes to getting anything other than their sisters done.
>promotes fertility (something that white people desperately need right now)
With their cousins.
>From Germany
>Islam has good work ethic
Then why don't you go to war with China?
They hate Muslims and are currently eradicating the like vermin.
>Everyone marries their first cousin and entire population is fucked from incest
Le red pill'd :^)
And you're too retarded to see you're being played. I'm not saying we shouldn't fight back at the floods of invaders but we have to focus on the pupeteers who are orchistrating this shit while subverting the moral backbone and culture during it.
Holy shit. I remember the Jow Forumsack spreading this a few months ago. He must be so glad it gained visibility and have the manlet nafris seething.
It used to be that just being a man meant all those things. Now you need a crutch of a religion, the foreign one at that. Laughable, Hans.
It also has severe brain-drain after the revolution and inbreeding sky-rocketed with Islam's takeover. Also more Arabs started to move in.
Can you nuke your fellow whites in this thread. They are cucked beyond belief.
Islam and Arabs down to a t.
Iran/Russian joint nuking of Israel and cucked countries when?
>lots of non-existant things actually happened
>no source
>jewish flag
grow a beard and rape everything with a pulse
> defends Islamic Revolution
> Arab flag
Checks out.
Why is Islamic Revolution bad?
We had a good degree of social conservatism already but now everything has to follow this bullshit religion and now religious police will just fuck with whoever they please, Islam brought with it more cousin marriage and more Arabs so now IQ in Iran plummeted to 85 on average. Iran got fucked in the same way Europe is getting fucked and we didn't even need Israel to push it from behind the scenes. A lot of us have now move to US so now only the unfortunate or stupid are left behind (brain drain). Iran won't be the home of Persians for much longer. It'll be Arab and African by the end of the century, like Europe.
>Willingly works with them given the opportunity
So much this. Kikes greatly helped them with the conquest of Spain for example.
And if you read about Noahdism, you'll see jews would rather have islam as the goy religion.
This awful pedophile is the worst thing to come out of your country.
>Iranian IQ plummeted on average 85
>has renouned doctors world wide
>nation-made military powerhouse
>persian fertility rate off the roof even though sanctions applied by israelis and thier masters such as (you)
>potention and the means to produce nuclear weapons, doesn't do it because they are truthfull
>Based shia religion
>muh """""""social coservatisms"""""
>muh shah (UK, US, France, jewish puppet)
You israellis aren't very smart are you?
Lmao allocations familiales
Then let Islam takeover like the kikes want, see how you like it, you fucking idiot.
Not really khabib seems like a typical backwards uptight sand in his vagina brainwashwd muzzie. Theres no place for these extremists.
>European memeflaggot
>"based and redpilled"
>islam is better than no islam
>paid missionaries
Your newfaggotry shilling is extremely obvious, jew.
>I love Islam
*look at flag*
Story checks out. OP = faggot again