Why do Asians love BWC (big white cock) so much? Why do they want to be colonized so badly? Are asian men the most cucked men of all time?
Why do Asian women want to be colonized?
They recognize a good thing when they see it?
Classic beauty as popularized across the world from antiquity till today? Apex of civilization? WAY bigger cocks than asian boys?
Lots of reasons.
Because we’re the best
Women have always been disloyal sluts. What else is new? This is why you control them and not listen to their inane shit.
Seems like bait. If not, internalized multiculti propaganda.
have been hit on by asian women at my uni before. its not right. I feel guilty- every asian woman a white person date is another chang deprived of his changette. Im not like thos niggers.
dont worry gook bros Im looking out for you. I still hate you and want you out of my city though.
If this was put on r/Hapas it would result in mass suicide. Okay can someone explain to me why Asian women are like this? Most of their countries weren’t colonized and western culture doesn’t impact them as much. Sometimes it seems like Asian women like white men more than white women do. If it was our Eurocentric society then other non white women would feel the same way (wanting white men) but generally they dont. Can someone explain this mentality?
How on earth are white women supposed to compete with Asian women?
The negro women love BWC as well. Thats why the negroes are always starting bmwf race mixing threads here. They're butthurt and are trying to get back at us.
Typical roastie behavior. She wants to leave what sounds like a great husband because she wants her kids to have rounder eyes
Asian men have become feminized or institutionalized. The spirit of the warrior is gone from them. Too much collectivism has driven the spirit from them. Asian women recognize the frontier spirit of American men and haven't been as broadly socialized to hate them for it.
now imagine thats a white girl. damn way better
She's right about her husband being the only one with smart genes.
shes only a roastie if she has the beef. She might be supa tight.
>boner stops
And that’s a good thing
Are you me lad? Its a fucking shame though, linglings are the only fish that have been biting lately.
Are white women in your country as bad as ours are?
Aus has the worst white women in the world
>inb4 thread gets deleted
why so many threads about asians get deleted?
We on some Voltaire level shit now?
Roastie is more than just beef flaps, just as race is more than just skin color
they who shant be named are cough roasties cough
must suck to be low-t. if pick related isnt nice to you youre probably gay.
I get you man. between festival thots and cosplay thots and chink thots theres very few nice women. Ive successfully turned my gf of 3 years national socialist though.
we're very culturally similar. id imagine.
why the fuck no pic related
yeah, this reads like bait to me, and I'm white with yellow fever