My ancestors fought the British government for Magna Carta and then they fought them for the US constitution. The Brits that remained in the UK don't even support gun rights. All I see is a bunch of leftover cowards that will bow down to a queen that wants to replace her own people.
Every Brit that was worth a fuck moved to America
Other way around. Only uncivilized failures who couldn't hack it in Britain went to the states.
>My ancestors fought the British government for Magna Carta
Have you done your genealogy?
You probably arent anglo-saxon but some half breed mutt.
1/1024 British
>My ancestors
>Meanwhile even our poorest state has a higher HDI than Britain.
>My ancestors fought the British government for Magna Carta
But Magna Carta was created 492 years before the British government existed. Also, no-one fought for Magna Carta. The Barons presented King John with their demands are Runnymede and he acquiesced.
American education in action.
>then they fought them for the US constitution.
Highly unlikely in a statistical sense, since over 90% of Americans descend from people who migrated to the US after 1783. However, assuming the truth of your claim, it's more accurate to say that you had France and Spain do your fighting for you so you could establish a plantation oligarchy in which the plutocracy was unrestrained by royal power.
Over half of us are Descendants of the original settlers and I'm one of them. Your Amerimutt meme doesn't apply to actual Americans.
>Over half of us are Descendants of the original settlers and I'm one of them
56 percent?
Is your ass sore from all of the bullshit you pulled out of it?
Ok Rodriguez Hernandez el Anglais
>he Barons presented King John with their demands are Runnymede and he acquiesced.
And then he turned around and said fuck off with your magna carta and they had to fight for it, with the battle at Rochester Castle.
>Over half of us are Descendants of the original settlers and I'm one of them
Post genealogy.
You fuckers can barely go back to the 1800s with your family history.
You're a nation of immigrants and mutts.
Thousands of irish and Scottish were forced to go to burger land. they raped uk ,then they started to rape usa.
Even famous Americans, like politicians struggle to trace their history back to the 1800s.
There's no fucking way in hell your Mr Burger Mutt user have trace you family history beyond the 1800s, let alone back to before 1776, let along back to the magna carta.
Retard Larping mutt.
>turk island calling anyone a mutt
I bet I have far more British blood than you do and my family has been here pre-Revolutionary War.
>anglo saxon calling everyone a mutt.
So yes.
the term "nation of immigrants" came from the ADL in the 1960's. We only took in 1,000,000 a year before the (((Heart Cellar act))) and they were Majority European.
>my family has been here pre-Revolutionary War.
Prove it.
Dox your family history pre 1850.
You havent a fucking clue who your great great great grandfather was.
So fuck off with that you mutt.
Ops retarded.
Every Brit that was worth a fuck was sent to Australia
>they were Majority European.
Yes european immigrants.
Anglo saxons dont see themselves as european you stupid mutt, their see themselves as anglo saxon.
You a mutt of an admixture of european identities which means you're a mutt.
>worth a fuck
Pick one
You dont know how underdeveloped the north of england and parts of wales are man.
Its actually silly at points.
>My ancestors fought the British government for Magna Carta
Fucking kek nice grasp of history you got there. Were your family peasants or Lords fighting this British government?
>Muh 1/64th hurrrtugge!
>Anglo saxons dont see themselves as european
Anglos are part of the European race and the UK and USA were always considered extensions of Europe. kys faggot.
This is an exaggeration, maybe half have a single ancestor who was a colonists but full colonial stock is likely almost non-existent now.
You would be surprised at all if the documentation there is concerning the colonial era, it's fairly easy to trace.
We have a meticulously recorded genealogy user. Handwritten records from great grandparents and modern testing just confirms it. Well into the early 1700s, and some pretty strong clues to even earlier dates.
>let me tell you about your country
*a single set of ancestors, rather.
>Anglos are part of the European race and the UK and USA were always considered extensions of Europe. kys faggot.
No they werent you faggot.
No Brit who is English and Anglo-fucking-saxon considers themselves European.
Europeans are:
NOT Anglo-fucking-saxon.
I prefer Boris' stand, honestly. Local is always better.
That fucking flag you posted is all wrong.
Don't forget we have loads of forces lads stationed out in Cyprus
I used to be Mennonite until roughly 2008. It's rare but my genealogy is quite pure, although I'm not an anglo. I believe I've only found 1 instance of mixing, and that was with an Anglo. However, that was many generations ago.
This is actually the truth, it was mostly criminals and scum who left for colonies. Who else would have a reason to run away (yes, run away) from their homeland? And here you are 300 years later and you're 56%.
Post the real one.
fyi the original American colonists were religious weirdos who couldn't fit into mainstream Anglican society. That's why America is so fucked up.
>Jewish American
Fuck off cunt
Keep bowing to your monarchs, cuck. You fags are so weak you will be totally destroyed in less than 20 more years and we won't save you this time.
You bow to Jews instead, good job
Ayy, that's me
>he thinks he saved anything and didn't destroy
Keep being delusional mystery meat
We've really done a number on you lot
Bold Anglos went to Australia and the US.
Cucked, inbred, Jewish ones stayed mainly in England, but also migrated to Canada.
This is WELL known
Can I sign up for American military and get citizenship?