/pol, should I send this?

To all Jewish outlets?

Attached: 4ADCF336-2347-4F67-A743-5B79DD6C57D3.jpg (1242x1321, 357K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, are you Jewish?

Yes. I went to the local synagogue in my town and said I'm down with white genocide and now am Jew convert and do my JIDF shilling from my own home.

No but I want to overthrow the bourgeoisie

Why not just work hard and become one of them..?

Are you retarded enough to think you will be considered a member of the Party? Kikes will kill you too.

Do you really think that a member of the lower-middle class can become 1%? The only way I can think of is through starting your own business but with today’s economy that’s practically impossible.

sure, hasta la victoria comrade

So what you’re saying is only Kikes can be communists?
1918 has other plans

I think you should learn what the term bourgeoisie actually means before you call yourself a communist.

Attached: E9501323-8B97-486B-8B98-A185893CCD65.jpg (1242x945, 307K)

You specifically referred to them as the 1%.

Get secured card for $500\
Use it like a debit card and pay it to 10% balance every evening.
6 months later , use established credit to buy house for $0 down
Rent house
Repeat until wealthy like 90% of all millionaires do.

Murder your deadbeat, coward father, for not telling you.

You are the bourgoisie, rich ungrateful college kid, wants to smash the working man.

you just did.
they all read Jow Forums

Well that’s what I mean by bourgeoisie: the oligarch corporatist class

You have to be 18 to post here.

You forgot your mandatory Blacked.com promotion to the Goys.. Stupid.

With its overinflated prices? Other than healthcare and the fed, that’s the biggest scam of the century

Based $0 down mortgage poster

...go on?

Attached: 20171223_112838.png (650x527, 33K)

>buy house
With a minimum wage?
No thanks.
This is why I’m communist, min wage in 1970 was over $30 in today’s money.

Yeah I mean a Socialist revolution WITHOUT the kikes

That isn't possible. Look at all your (American Leftist) backers. Kikes.

Why don't you just join me, misguided one? Ever heard of Yuri Besmenov?

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Sorry I’m against Jew killing ideologies

Ah, so you believe in the Holocaust. If that were true, I would probably be wearing a communist flag as well. Unfortunately...


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The bourgeoisie are not the 1% you brainwashed cuck!

>Therefore the missing vav in the word תשבה, as written in the Torah ( which equals the number 6) was a prophecy that the Jews would be allowed to return to Israel minus 6 million of our people
Of course 6 million is propaganda.

Then why did hitler attack Russia? He thought Germans are superiors to Russians, although I believe all nationalities are equal

I mean the Goldman Sachs and the fed should be abolished. Also all businesses should be socialized.

>Trump is a dictator!!
>police are evil!!
>fuck the military!!
>fuck big busineess
Ok sure!
>hey guys lets make the government even bigger and centralize control even more!!!
>hey lets give a central committee- that acts like a corporate board- full control!

Communism is authoritarianism. That's why it never works out.


>Then why did hitler attack Russia?
Heard of Holodomor?
>He thought Germans are superiors to Russians
I think this is false. There is a quote I am having trouble finding. It says something along the lines of:
"German National Socialism isn't about putting other races down, but honoring the Germanic identity"
>Although I believe all nationalities are equal
Do you believe in Darwinian Evolution or Genesis 1?

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You cannot deny the amount of corruption going on because of big business and the banks.

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Even after the Holomodor, almost all Souldiers Nazis killed were ethnic Russians and not Jews

The Russians were basically the dogs of the kikes. Believe me, for most of my life I was very black and white against Hitler and Nazis. I liked Russia, I still do, and could never understand why we had a "Cold War". Learning about kikes really filled in all the blanks.

The Russians were peasants. Ignorant pawns, and innocent. At the end of the day, they could not untangle the kike oligarchy and flew their banner, fought for (((their))) ideals, and murdered (((their))) opposition.

Things changed with Stalin's kike purge, but by then 66 million Russians/Slavic peoples were already killed, and the (((invisible hands))) which seized those dead-men's assets(billions of dollars) had fled to America.

Attached: world plans.jpg (629x629, 143K)

>The Russians were peasants. Ignorant pawns, and innocent. At the end of the day, they could not untangle the kike oligarchy and flew their banner, fought for (((their))) ideals, and murdered (((their))) opposition.

Just substitute the word “Russians” for any group of people that aren’t the Far right, and ESPECIALLY the democrats.

>(((invisible hands))) which seized those dead-men's assets(billions of dollars) had fled to America.
Do you mean the Americans stole the Assets of the dead Russians?

>Just substitute the word “Russians” for any group of people that aren’t the Far right, and ESPECIALLY the democrats.
That may be true, but the fact remains: Russians took up arms against their own interests
>Do you mean the Americans stole the Assets of the dead Russians?
I am 1000% sure the Kabbalistic conspiracy was meant to create an American ZOG, and that the masterminds of 1918 ended up with Jacob Schiff in NYC.

I gotta go for an hour. In case this hits archive before I can come back, I sincerely hope you listen to this man


What parallels do you say do you see in today’s political landscape and the foretold Third World War mentioned by Albert Pike?

But you're not wealthy. Only when the debt is cleared 25 yrs later.

He attacked the Soviet Union because:
1) Ideological contradictions
2) Pre-emptive strike
3) Lebensraum

Because you need to attack Russia instead of simply investing in the infrastructure

Kys retard

You dont know what Lebensraum is

It means building more infrastructure

What parallels do you NOT see? Atheists have been unleashed and Secularism is historically, statistically and blatantly degenerate.

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Stop telling commies about the real estate jew. I just got my fuckung license and I don't need onions boys and purple haird tumblerites ruining this business luke everything else they do.

National Socialism/Fascism has a solution for businesses and banks. Hitler arrested Germany's Rothschild banker, seized his bank, and began creating currency based on labour, not debt. Any business that existed in Germany couldn't produce any product harmful to the people, and they had to pay a fair wage, otherwise they were shut down.

Attached: what fascism actually is.png (886x1322, 125K)

it means more living space for the german people you inbred fuck

This is the biggest problem with Hitler: he thought Germans were the most superior white people in Europe and instead of bringing the white race together he basically fought his own ally.

So when will “Luciferian Doctorine” be brought out and when is WW3?