The entire alt-right can't defeat a manlet starcraft streamer in a debate

> The entire alt-right can't defeat a manlet starcraft streamer in a debate

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since the alt-kike doesn't exist it doesn't say much for whoever this is

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Because he has no beliefs. It's very easy to "win" a debate, if all you do is criticise and not put any ideas upfront.

>ethical child porn wins debates

> If it has been backed up by studies that show it reduces the likelihood of molesting kids, ethical cp could be shown to paedophiles (those with tendencies, but haven't actually committed a crime yet) in an controlled environment by therapists to get rid of their urges
If you are against this, you are literally supporting more children getting raped.

If anyone disagrees with him u should try to debate him :D

He has already tackled like 99% of retarded alt-right pol talking points and even has even moved on to people much smarter than the alt-right fucktards and has begun shitting on mainstream conservatives. pol cannot imagine how based this little fuckboy is. The thing is he's not even exceptionally smart, he's just smart enough, speaks well, can take insults, and has the retarded midget masturbatory ego to keep talking to these conservative spastics.

Debate him about how he has no beliefs.

I thought we got gotten past the shilled faggot debony threads.

Just castrate pedos and you don't have to make weird porn for them.

Fuck off James

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The alt-right is dead bro.

He doesn't debate. He just fills up the air with words and his 4 followers eat it up. He streams a dead game no one cares about as well. Not so smart there.

The point of the CP is that it's already been produced, we're just making use of it. Obviously consent would have to be acquired, but I don't really see any arguments against it (provided the axioms are true)

Nick destroyed him on immigration

Liberally who

I'd just challenge him to a fight

Some creepy guy who used to be on Twitch that has a reddit fanbase that raids us from time to time.

It's used to groom children and I hope you get beheaded you fucking paki

Why exactly do we need to keep pedophiles WITHIN society, though? Is there some benefit to them being out there? Do people like Jared Fogle provide some value that other non-pedos cannot?

He never recovered from that video a homo larping as an ape online put out lol

>h-haha fake news

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What's an alt-right?

I know this must be a shitpost, but killing pedos is much better.

manlet leftist who literally argues for the right to fuck his kid because "why not"

"Ok so wait let me get this straight, you think that some minorities have problems that weren't caused directly by white racism..... Okay... I mean, it's just... it's, it's, it's..... I mean you have no discernable facts to demonstrate that. Name a study that proves that. Oh you have a study? Ok ok ok ok hold on on, WAIT. See the thing is to do this properly, I need to take about a week to analyze the inconsistency in your study. I mean, okay okay so you know racisn still exists right?"

He's living legend.

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Whatever you say, Destiny.

you are literally fucking retarded
you realise that it is not a crime to be sexually attracted to children you fucking dolt, only to act on it

He's is a single father
What more is there to debate?
He clearly has made very bad decision in his life.
Listening to anyone who is a single parent, ever, lol.

>Conservatives coming onto his stream to defend the honor of their movement from accusations of acting based on feelings, rather than facts

>Cannot cite a single specific example of anything Trump did, or prevented from happening, they liked

You can't make it up, folks.

Talk about him being a single father, get banned, because he is shit at life.

Ryan Dawson destroyed destiny in a 2 hour debate. Was more like a 2 hour lesson, destiny is just another npc. Go watch that debate.

> extra money in paycheck instead of going to nigger welfare

gas yourself faggot
>in all fields

If you havent noticed most of these people are 20 something kids who don't really care about politics, who are just NPCs repeating what they hear on CNN/MSN/FOX. they don't actually read into anything.
being so low IQ you have to debate people who aren't politically active.

is this an actual quote or are you just sperging out?

Destiny is a squealing moron who thinks quoting (((social scientists))) is a substitute for holding actual moral and philosophical positions
His response to literally anything he doesn't agree with is to list tangentially related statistics and refuse to acknowledge the argument itself

>you realise that it is not a crime to be sexually attracted to children you fucking dolt, only to act on it
Yeah, but, once again, think outside the box. The only people who go out and fuck children are the people who have those thoughts to begin with. Why not just cut out the middleman and remove the people who are sexually attracted to kids?
Just castrate them or chemically treat them to shut off their libido or something. No reason to put humans at risk because you feel bad for mentally ill people prone to cause extraordinarily disgusting crimes.

There is an easy way to defeat him in any debate:
Remind him that the views of a pedophile are of no worth whatsoever.


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Like, if "MUH NAZIS" are okay to remove from society, I'm sure every rational human being agrees that pedos are subhuman pieces of shit and proof that God hates us, if he exists.

Think your idea through you fucking moron
If paedophiles know they're going to get castrated/chemically treated, how likely are they to come forward?
Once again, the proposition is very simple. In this hypothetical world where it is proven that ethical CP therapy sessions reduce the chance that someone molests a child, if you disagree with these sessions being held, then you are therefore supportive of more children being raped. You don't want kids to be raped, do you user?

He has one belief, and that is the belief in ethical child pornography.

>is a pedophile
Opinion discarded

Some irrelevant pedophile commie midget being investigated by the FBI for diddling kids and CP.

FPBP, but also, seriously who?

Everyone ITT sounds like this

Destiny, a twitch streamer

I don't have an agenda - Destiny

> ancap

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He's doing better than ever right now. He has had like 7k concurrent viewers the past few days

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not partisan btw

That's a very good description of his "debate" style. Don't forget the only thing this guy does is play video games and watch youtube.

he loses heaps of debates - most of them from what I've seen - but he's a whiny faggot and after each debate ends he has a monologue where he badmouths the opponent and says they were wrong about everything. the guy has a massive ego and zero clue about anything - last one I saw he got schooled on foreign policy and the level of salt once the opponent disconnected was insane.

Why does he only go for low hanging fruit then? He only "destroys" dumbasses in the debates. It would be like me challenging him to a physical fight in real life, he'd probably die but I don't really think I would fight him because I've no desire to hurt some scrawny manlet who isn't physically capable of doing anything. It might make for good entertainment but I wouldn't feel good for doing it.

someone post ryan dawson's picture

Autism intensifies

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Your logic is circular

lmao link me one instance where he 'lost'.

Good thing the alt-right doesn't exist

Why is he always trembling?

>Gets rekt by Quadroon of Stepdad

This thread was made by the braintrust in op's picture.

Just a heads up.

low hanging fruit? People like sargon, lauren southern and shit have massive followings. Also he wants to talk to shapiro or crowder, but there's no way they'd engage with him coz there's no point. They know they're disingenuous shills, they don't even believe the shit they themselves say and wouldn't want to expose that to their fanbase - it's easier for them to keep milking their retarded fnbase.

I'm old but when I tried to watch one of these "debates" it was just him acting like a mealy mouthed little shit talking over people. This is what the youngsters consider a debate?

fuck off destiny you lost ever debate you ever had and you look ridiculous every time sage

Off topic..
Why does it seem like every Destiny poster is a fucking pedo?? Is this his niche demographic?

imagine thinking Ryan Dawson came out on top in this considering what has happened to the US and Trump. lmfao user sterilise yourself.

Destiny argues in bad faith lmao why would you have him on

yikes, he dished out quite a bit of asspains to you guys, huh?

Only pedos defend pedos

Laughter comes from the deli of my hippo campus at this thread

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Has he actually ever taken part in a formal, structured debate?

Trump was the right choice

and you are a dumb ass.

No, I don't think so, but he set something up with Shapiro in the 2019-2020 school year.

Sometimes I wish that Hilary won just so that you dumbfucks could've seen just how bad it would've gotten.

>if you don't watch cp you will molest kids

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Destiny raped lillypichu some one needs to #metoo this motherfucker before he rapes any more Asian girls.

doesn’t matter, only ugly people support Destiny.
Bad optics = doesn’t matter
People meme about rightists being ugly but I’ve quickly learnt it’s the exact opposite. Jow Forums is chad

hahaha ok now I know why you think the way you do. Dunning-Kruger in effect. Trump supporters literally are literally less educated and cognitively worse off than the rest of the population, you can't comprehend of your own stupidity.

P sure JonTron rekt this fgt

this is 100% truth and this is why the media push for pedo acceptance is so revealing

all chesters should hang

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He's a big fan of ACA and socialized medicine LMFAO

>Communism is just an economic theory

What more honestly needs to be said about someone that forces their way into the gladiatorial arena but doesn't have any actual fighting equipment?
There is no glory nor progress to be found in crushing this sad little attention seeker. He doesn't even know anything about the fucking subject matter. He does not have the required level of education to even know what it is we stand for let alone be against it.

Not really, but those would be a hell of a lot more boring to watch allows for a lot more gish-galloping.

It would have been war with Russia. Putin even said this. The media has been prepping the population for war with Russia for the past two years as if Hillary had won. They didn't change the script. Luckily Trump won't go to war with Russia. Putin is still a Jew though.

Yeah him and his 8 fans that you have to debate in front of declare him the winner, while he says absolutely nothing and doesn't clarify his own beliefs.
>impressive stuff

You and I both know Destiny got owned, don't pretend to be dumb.

So he's literally a child fucking pedo. There's a shock.


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Don't even know what starcraft is.


Rulebreaking troll thread.

This is not political, just bullshit off topic spam.

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What disgrace to browning.

Have you ever considered you might be dumb tho? Like for real? I mean I have for myself, but given how my life has gone and the people I surround myself with, I think I'm reasonably intelligent, at least slightly above average. Did/do you get good grades? Do you regularly participate in intellectually rigorous tasks in your workplace? Do you come from a family of high achievers? do you usually hang out with people in top professions? Just curious. Coz usually when I speak to someone like this, it ends up being some fucktard that's shit at school, has no prospects, hangs out with degens that somehow manages to convince themselves that they're clever but just dont try hard enough.