Becoming a Christian

Do I just show up to a church? Do you need to sign up? Any advise on how I can get involved.

Also, if you are raised as an atheist and then concert, are you a cuck (we all know anyone going from non religious to muslim is cancer)

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Other urls found in this thread: 25:14-30&version=ESV

All you have to do is believe. John 3:16. After that you are Christian. That God sent Jesus to save you from your sin. From there you start readong Bible, going to church etc because you believe.

>how to become a Christian
Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.
>what do next?
Get a bible.
Read Luke and Acts, then John, then all the letters - come back to Matthew and Mark after this.
>and then?
Then look for a church. Preferably conservative (avoid mega churches - they all have prosperity heresy going on. Avoid Uniting, Anglican (outside Sydney) and all Roman Catholic).

The one thing that most people get wrong is they try to consume christianity - but consumerism is the antithesis of the Christian message.
>Pure and undefiled religion is this: visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and keep yourself unspotted from the world

Christianity is about doing things: the more you get involved, the more fulfilling you will find it.

Also use this resource to help you understand what you're reading and the context into which things fit.
I strongly recommend it.

Go to church and ask to see a priest. You might have to schedule an appointment. You're going to have a long talk with him. After that start reading on doctrine and beliefs (like the catechism and bible). Learn the history of the church as well.

Christianity is not about doing things. It is about what Christ has done for you.

Sanctification, not Justification.
Once you are saved, you are expected to use that.
> 25:14-30&version=ESV

It's a personal relationship. Show up to church (not required) and pray. Pray at home. read the bible.. maybe look up the best books to start.

god bless brother

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Redpill me on the different churches, I have seen Anglican and Uniting, but I just assumed it was the name of the building.

I want to be part of a community, talk to people and have some regular higher purpose to my life.

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved" -Mark 16:16
No need to sign up, salvation is a free gift. Receive it and believe.
Get in a Lutheran church that still confesses the Book of Concord. Get a copy of (or read online) Luther's Small Catechism.

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If you are a White European. embracing a religion from the Middle East is the same as being fucked up the ass by a faggot.
Research the Indigenous religion/spirituality of your OWN people. Embrace it.

Go to your local Catholic parish and ask about RCIA.

gtfo with that heresy

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Hello brothers. I grew up Roman catholic and get all my sacraments. In germoney you have to pay tax for church and this is why I quit with 16
Now I'm older and don't know why, but I think I start to believe, but I'm not sure if the Bible is alright, because it's a Jewish book...

Yeah, All built by the converted who had their own religion destroyed by faggots. This could have all been built without the Abrahamic Religious Cults.

All denominations outside of confessional Lutherans are heterodox. Some are worse than others. Stay away from Anglican, Uniting, Pentecostal, and other Reformed churches. Lutheran if you can, Roman Catholic as a last resort.

Uniting don't hold the bible to be true or that you have to believe in Jesus to be saved. Basically they're not even Christian at this point.
Evangelical is a big umbrella that most mega churches fit under (Hillsong, C3, Bethesda) and are conservative (anti-gay) but are basically everything that is wrong with televangelists in a church (impersonal, unaccountable, demand money, protect high profile pedos, buy off politicians).
Roman Catholic is an anti-Christ archetype (replaced Christ with the Pope).
Anglican is basically Uniting everywhere outside Sydney and Africa. In Sydney they're Evangelical - so all those problems but a little less on the "if you don't have money it's because you're evil". But they do have the best theological college in Australia.
Baptists are generally conservative, some are evangelical, some are going the way of the Uniting.
Lutheran are basically Sydney Anglican.
SDAs are probably the most conservative, but are ultra legalistic (have to have church on Saturday and be vegetarian).

Then there are thousands of little non-denominational churches out there. Basically you're looking for a church that has a statement of faith that follows the Nicene creed.

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>because it's a Jewish book...
It's not. It's a Catholic book. The Old Testament is written by proto-Catholics and the Catholic Church is the continuation of temple Judaism. What you know as "Judaism" today is actually Rabbinic Talmudism and has virtually no connection to the original Jews who became Catholics after Christ

Whats about David, Jewish king etc. The old testament is all about jews,

Luther is directly responsible for the state of infinite schism we have today. Whenever you see an "open and affirming" church or a pro abortion christian you can blame it on the protestant reformation. Luther might have started with good intentions but the results speak for themselves.

t. ex lutheran

>watch good christian apologists like William Lane Craig, Bishop Barron or Edward Feser on yt
>follow quality christian fb pages like Aleteia, National Catholic Register, Lifesitenews or Sensus Fidelium
>believe that Jesus Christ is Lord
>contact traditionalist or at least consevative catholic church/community
>get baptised
>read the Bible
>go to (latin) mass every sunday
>receive the sacraments donated by Christ to his Church and its members


it's about the people of Israel, many of whom were from the tribe of Judah. modern Jews have little in common with them.

You have nothing to do with your own Justification or Sanctification. Reformed types like to bait people into the church with the Gospel then hit them hard with the Law and "doing things." Good works come from a love of God and your neighbor that you would not have had God not given it to you. See Augsburg VI, New Obedience.

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>Jews didn't exist back then
>You can trust me, goy


Luther never did figure out what James meant.

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What this guy said Israelites = Proto-Catholics. They were pre-Christ Christians. What you know as the "Jews" today were people who took the Torah and created two new documers 300-500 years after Jesus, the Mishnah and the Talmud, those texts are the basis of Rabbinic Talmudism which is very different than the Temple Judaism that would eventually become the Catholic Church

>"All denominations outside of confessional Lutherans are heterodox."
>Eastern Orthodox Christianity. It's literally in the name

Tl;DR of being a christian,
Realize that you are a pretty shitty human and there is nothing YOU can do about it, but thats what the big G send down his son. You have to truly belive that the big J has got you covered in the after life.
Long and short of it god knows you suck, god knows all humanity sucks, we sin, we are really good at it, but as long as you ask for forgiveness and truly believe well you should be good off.

Also read psalms after all of those, and if you wanna read about the prophet that had the shittiest job but was an absolute boss, Jeremiah.

just because you go to church and pray doesnt make you a good person. align yourself with the truth and good morals.

>The Old Testament is written by proto-Catholics
>What is Eastern Orthodoxy?

*tips olive wreath*

Catholics are cucked by their Pope.
Protestants are lowkey hippies.
Become Orthodox. Great beards. Ironclad faith that endured under the Iron Curtain.

I would recommend CS Lewis's "Mere Christianity". He was an educated guy that went from Atheism to Christianity.

>Roman Catholic Church
The one universal Church founded by Jesus Christ which follows the unbroken tradition of Christ, the Apostles and Church Fathers.
>Orthodox Church
Eastern Church parted from the latins a long time ago, doesn't recognize the authority of the Pope as successor of St. Peter. Very similar to the Catholic Church in worship, tradition and sacraments but often corrupted by affiliation with worldly leaders and powers (Putin in modern times).
Heretics and schismatics.
>Anglican Church
Fake english version of Catholic Church created by the sinful Kind Henry VIII. in order to justify his lustful lifestyle.
Solid conservative Christians, unfortunately not in communion with the universal Church.

Dont go to church, read a Bible

Our prechristian ancestors had no concept of sin or needing to be "saved". They also didnt consider "love" a virtue.
Christians want to pray for shit and think they deserve blessings from God. Our ancestors knew the Gods have already equipped us with everything we need. The old gods didnt need feeble weaklings, only the brave warriors and the heros were accepted into the "heavens". What use does a god have for a forgiving faggot who gives charity to subhuman races and is too much of a pussy to get revenge on his enemies? None thats what. Christianity is a cuck religion with a slave mentality, no man is born of sin and is not in need of saving. Self righteous faggoty and circle jerking is the only thing keeping christkikery a thing on Jow Forums and even then you're shitty sand worshipping religion is falling apart here and for good reason.

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both the Eastern church and the Roman church made up the original church. Orthodox Christians, at least online, love to make the claim that theirs is the original church. in reality both groups can claim apostolic succession and together made up the first church. the question is really who was right in the schism. I personally believe the Roman church had the upper hand here simply because the Eastern church tends to be insular and closely tied to a particular culture. the Roman church does more universal outreach which to me aligns more with the spirit of Christ. "first among equals" is also clearly nonsense and it is likely rome always held authority.

Started off good, turned into heretics that follow a man in a pointy hat, all you need is scripture, nothing else
HARDCORE! Im talking like, you best be ready to join the fucking crusades. Im talking like, warhammer inquisitor hardcore.
Catholic lite/someone actually read the fucking book and realized oh all we need to do is follow the teachings of the bible not go to some big ass church
Got nothing on this one
Preaching but good people

Just stay away from Catholics, they are legit corrupted, not all that follow are, but the upper ranks are. Hiding horrible sex crimes, have ungodly amounts of money despite one of the main tenets is to give, worships idols and puts incorrect importance on artifacts and structures. Follows a man in a pointy hat.

Martin luther basically called them out and got it right, you only need the fucking book, you dont need anything else, you just need the bible.

Christianity existed before the Bible. The church created the book, not the other way around.

>claims that all you need is "the book"
>uses foul, vulgar language, although that is condemned both in old testament wisdom and apostolic letters
>calls the Holy Bible a "f***ing book"

Really makes you think.

exactly but the problem is the Catholic church lost its way. The book literally teaching about giving and not putting importaants on idols and people other then jesus and god, yes the church tells you not to confess your sins to god, but to a man, and as "Father forgive me for i have sinned." No man on earth can forgive your sins.

>Forgets the books even says people are shitty and that no human is perfect, and that despite these faults all men are worthy of the kingdom of heaven so long as they put their faith in the lord.
HMmmmmmmm It does make you think dosnt it?

Here listen to what GOD actually said not what others say about god.GOD has spoken for himself.

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>Matthews 12:36
“I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter.”

All men are sinners but that is not an excuse to keep repeating particular sins in spite of better knowledge. "Sin no more" is Christ's Word to us.

the Catholic Church hasn't lost it's way, you have. you act as though Catholic theologians never read the Bible but I assure you they have.

Go check out an Eastern Orthodox church near you, OP. Watch the liturgy and listen to the choir - you don't have to do anything else, and no one will expect you to. You can stay afterward for the meal and talk to people, including the priest if you're comfortable with it. A lot of them will be converts from other parts of Christianity, mainly Lutheran and Catholic, and some will probably have been agnostic of atheist before. Just be honest with them about however you feel about God and religion, even if you aren't sure you believe in any of it.
Also, read "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis and "Orthodoxy" by GK Chesterton, and read the Bible starting with the Psalms and New Testament.

I studied in a computer sciences oriented high school, under the Salesian Order, and I really liked it. Its a catholic branch mostly focused on helping people in need, and all the priests there never wore the cassocks, just regular street clothes. The most valuable teaching they gave me was that being close to Jesus isn't about studying him and preaching to him in a church 24/7 but rather to help those in need every day, to have welcoming arms to anyone from a different culture, and to be a productive member of your society.

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First of all you have to be baptized, so go to your local priest and then start RCIA

Realize that for all it's scandals the Catholic church is the church Jesus himself founded and I don't have time to explain but this whole "bible alone" sola scriptural is actually a heretical invention started in the 1500's by Martin Luther

Everyone was a Catholic for 1500 years

Jesus gave the apostles the power to forgive sins, the only way they can do this is by hearing them i.e. confession

Realize that everything in the Catholic church is biblical and they've had 2000+ years to figure this stuff out

>tfw you realize that Jow Forums is kinda like The Hell House
>kinda creepy
>cheap thrills and jump scares
>controversial subject matter
>when you try to leave they offer you juice, cookies and a form to fill out to join their church
>or you can just go out to the parking lot which they call "hell"

Wtf Jow Forumstards

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the quickest way to cure your Christianity is to actually read the Bible

once you realize all the crazy shit that's in there, you are forever innoculated

Bruh everything in the bible is true, it's the word of God

Get an Orthodox Study Bible. Go to an Orthodox Church. God bless you.

This entire thread is fucking cancer.
I am honestly starting to hate Australia

just give your life to jesus and get saved today
research: how to become born again christian

Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie

Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God

Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ!

Being sodomized by a church elder is a prerequisite.

Do I have to go ass to mouth with the priest? Will he cum inside me?


Join a Baptist church. They are the strictest on homosexuality and they don't let women preach. Try to find a KJV-only church, because many new versions such as NIV, NKJV, ESV, NLT, etc. have been altered so that fornication and sodomy are not sins and salvation is by works. Baptists are the last bastion pretty much.
Reformed/Calvinist: don't believe in free will
Methodist: just love everybody dude don't be hateful
Pentecostal: Ooga booga shakalaka
Lutheran: mostly ok, but they do infant baptism which is forbidden in the Bible
Unitarian: literally not even Christian
Anglican: sounds ok, i don't know that much about them
anything that sounds charismatic like celebration center or something is basically a crappy rock concert every week and no doctrine

its only crazy because it contradicts the disgusting Talmudry you have been indoctrinated by

Belief comes from hearing. You have to go and follow the entire new testament doctrine. Op show up to a church of christ and listen to the sermon.

from someone that was a rabid atheist, that also had read the bible pretty thoroughly in an effort to disprove it, i found Romans to be the book that sent me on a path to becoming a Christian. also, the philosopher Kierkegaard, for whatever reason, spoke to me in a way that pushed me back to reading the bible, but in a new light.
i don't believe any church is perfect, as they human controlled, but the orthodox church makes me feel closer to God, so i continue going because of that. i also enjoy the congregation.

You don't need to go to church if you know how to read. Get a bible and read the gospels to start with. church is for people, not god

Which Baptist church? They all follow their own interpretation, this goes for all protestants

KJV has been politicized and change to fit with the protestants version of the bible

Right away in Genesis 2:15-16 they changed the gender from "she" to "he"
Because this clearly foreshadowed Mary crushing the serpent

You can't change the word of God simply because it doesn't suit your agenda

And you are missing 6 books! Get a Catholic dhuey rhems version

Why do you religious people get such a boner talking about god and church?
its like watching children talk about fortnite

Become muslim it'a bettee

>how do I become a christian
Develop poor judgement

Christians are cucks, dont be a cuck.


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Do you guys have a discord I can join?

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Start rocking up to church and talk to whichever priest is doing the service, depending on which denomination you're going into there's usually a reception ceremony. God bless you user.

Mormons are the best for that.

why do atheist get such a boner acting like they are intellectually superior? it's like watching an egomaniac do anything.

give yourself a will become the perfect Abrahamic sucker

>Do I just show up to a church?

Yes. Welcome to the good team.

honestly just get baptized and what you do from there is up to you. show up to church if you feel like it but you dont need to sign up for anything you just go whenever you feel like. read the bible and start thinking philosophically about its messages if you really want to get something out of it on the intellectual/moral side and do community service if you want to feel fulfilled. Godspeed user


read the koine, it matches up with kjv. if you want catholic doctrine, read the niv which states that salvation is a process by works

Truth. Daily reminder there's nothing more subversive in the age of man, in the global order of satan, than Christianity. There's a reason the CIA pushes paganism and works with the homos in the Vatican. Everyone knows without God we are conquered. Stop trying to worship nordic archetypes and esoterism. The formula has already been given to us.

>Belief comes from hearing. You have to go and follow the entire new testament doctrine.

What about the blind deafs? Belief comes from your own intent. No one else can do the believing for you. The kingdom of God is within you. Start searching. You will not connect with God through the external reality, only Satan.

As an ex atheist, I just developed a more mature concept of god and religion. I respect religions that have strict customs and a good community. Islam possesses that aspect and so I respect it.

The website (that's a URL, you can have .church sites just like .com now) has online church with a chat and everything. Join a Facebook Life Group they have and you can jump right into the community!

Also the denomination excommunicated a congregation for enabling gays, so you know its based

>read the koine, it matches up with kjv.
No it doesn't
John 3:36

haha nice try you dumb shit


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ok "dumb shit' refute this...

John 3:36
The one believing in the Son has eternal life, but the one not OBEYING the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
In greek
“ὁ πιστεύων εἰς τoν υἱoν ἔχει ζωήν αἰώνιον· ὁ δε ἀπειθῶν τῷ υἱῷ, οὐk ὄψεται ζωήν, ἀλλ’ ἡ ὀργη τοῦ Θεοῦ μένει ἐπ’ αὐτόν.”
“He who believes in the Son has eternal life, and he who disobeys the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him.”

and now the KJV
36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

So they changed "not obeying into" "Belivieth not"

you know why ?
Changes Sola Fide or Salvation Faith Alone. Obidience requires work..

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I don't believe but I started going to church with my mom. I really enjoy it. Very positive and the community is not degenerate. When I was 16 I stopped believing and became a edgy atheist faggot. I still don't believe but I respect Christians, their values and hope to be convinced one day.

I hate going to the church, the priests are not coherent in their discourse - they sing like donkeys - it's full of old grannies.

They claim that their church excites all senses, but that's not true at all - there's no excitement left there.

Both are wrong, only monasticism holds to pre-schism values and way of life.

For the rest of us, there's a lot of good bible translations, modernism, science, communities and so on - if you get where I'm going with this..

aussie, aussie, aussie!

Hearing/action are the same in Judeo-Christian theology and etymology.

Read pic related

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Pretty much this.
You're worshiping a Jew in Christianity.
Worse, you're essentially LARPing as Jewish.