Do NPCs really vote because celebrities tell them to vote?

Do NPCs really vote because celebrities tell them to vote?

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Only NPC's vote. It's objectively a waste of time.


The more people are told to vote, the more likely they end up bystanders assuming others will vote too (more willing to have an excuse not to go)

Knowing you have to vote and have to keep remembering it and not reminded makes you more likely to do it.

This will have a negative affect on young voters. Celeb opinions also mean shit and don't inspire people to vote the same way people will react when seeings marxists on the street redirecting traffic and hitting cars

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Sure. It's like, you know, selecting units in a strategy game and clicking them to go over there.

Why hello there Schlomo Bongberg!


>Only NPC's vote. It's objectively a waste of time.
This is why your country will never leave the EU.

>voting is a waste of time

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>Do NPCs really vote because celebrities tell them to vote
Saying it's not happening is disingenuous the real number is absurdly low though and wouldn't take much more than a reminder anyways. A better answer to your shit quest though is not worth the price they pay celebrities to shill the democratic party.

Simple minds are easily entertained.

Imagine getting your political views because some dumb thot in the Jew box told you vote for that. I could see little kids falling for that but not grown ass adults NPCs are so retarded.

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I'm completely crushed by the news of Taylor Swift leaving the alt-right to join the democrat party. This made me reconsider my political views and I'm now considering becoming a democrat too.

It's kind of paradoxical but technically he's not wrong.

>first TN poll after the endorsement


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>barefoot tay

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>/pol in 15/16/17

>"love tay tay,our republican girl!!"

>/pol in 18

>"fuck you taylor,only NPCs like her"

you are the NPCs,drumpfkins

Yes, they do. They have no agency, no internal dialog

we've been in direct competition with NPCs for as long as time, a facade is in place to make sure the wave function doesn't collapse. We will always suffer at the hands of the NPCs and their collectivist, anti-individualist mentality. Only when we cast them aside and make prudent decisions will we advance to the next level

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>subversive meme flag

For God's sake, hire a conservative to do some memes for you idiots. The same old tired "drumphkins" is getting old, and it's about as relevant as the dodo bird

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Yes, NPCs pass on their "ideas" through a hierarchical trickle.

First some (((academics))) come up with some bullshit theory
Then (((activists))) push that bullshit
Then (((media people))) and celebrities pick it up, celebrities do it only to enhance their image
Then regular NPCs, feelings that it's the idea that gives you the most Good Bot points do their best to repeat it to make it clear that they're not some low grade bot but some fine well formatted NPC

So when you hear normies decrying "systemic racism" when they can't even tell you why they chose to say "systemic", you know the very words they used followed that very same trickle

NPCs do whatever their programmer tells them to do.

pray for her

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damn the feet on taylor, could you imagine

Yes NPCs really do vote like this. 2008 with Obama was exactly that situation. Many young first-time voters and telling them about socialism being a bad idea had no effect. Mainly because they had no context they weren't talked with socialism was in school, didn't know anything about the Constitution.


>painful reddit spacing
you have to go back

Idk how you fall into the Dem camp as a white male without forcing yourself into it. Like which part of the Democrat platform appeals to you? Furthermore how can you not think of yourself as superior to the other races? It's amazing

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They are lazy. Imagine being a grown adult and not already being registered to vote. Most of then that did take the time to register because of their favorite celebrity told them too won't even go to the polls. Or they will go so late in the day that line will be around the block and they will just go home.

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he's up six points!

by november he gonna eat her ass

Hows that philosophy going for ya, Muhammad?

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Dumb cunt.

Look at all these triggered (You)s from NPCs. The expected value of voting is negative, it makes no sense except to braindead MTV-watching vote or die NPCs

no, npc only vote based on firmware.
they only change when re-flashed, unless they have advanced conditional programming.
most npc cannot handle the extra processing load of this software, so they must be re-flashed.
unfortunately there is now a trend to develop a "crypto"application specific npc, which limits ability to reprogram.
this is accomplished with microscopic hardware implants in the npc supply chain.
The implant responds to memory calls, allowing supplier to install less RAM and slower chips while still meet testing specs. the unused RAM serves as the manufacturer's compensation for participating in the implant plot. the substandard chips and reduced RAM limit ability to reprogram, hence the npc becomes application specific while speced as a full versatile npc.
It's a worrying development, even the npc's are being (((npc'ed))).


Yeezy taught me.


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It is funny how one post from Taytay can turn years of "our girl" into "lol she NPC bait".

Grow a spine Jow Forums. It does not matter whom she endorses. Shes still a cutie. And nobody cares about celebs.

haha yeah

No, but it validates their stupid opinions and makes them feel good about their uneducated choices.

>Do NPCs really vote because celebrities tell them to vote?
Yes, they also believe the obvious bullshit that comes out of the media.

You literally use Jow Forums as a hugbox

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Yes, why do you think democrats always use celebrities in their ads?

It's their own fault for ever giving a shit about a woman.

You're right, but this is precisely what NPCs are taught.
It's /soulies/ who then vote regardless if only to prove they're not NPCs, just like apathetic NPCs who wanna fit in.

all the people in the background look like jews

>Jow Forums
The only thing Jow Forums (almost) unanimously agrees on is that leftists are fags who need to be removed, everyone else on here is at each others throats over literally everything else

This. Democracy is a NPC system. If Plato were alive his voice would count as 1, and even ex-criminals and degenerates have a right to vote. The March on Rome, or the Munich Beerhall Putsch didn't have any NPCs.

What Gaki episode is that from?

> Like Jow Forums telling you how to vote is somehow better.
What are you, high?

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good metaphor

>instructions received

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In the UK, the only reason that northerners vote for labour is "because that's how my father votes".

> The republicans literally ran a celebrity who is now our President.
> Freak out for any celebrity endorsement (KANYE WEST! TED NUGENT!! ROSSAAANNNEE!!!!)
The worst thing about the right wing, is they just refuse to see how obviously they are manipulated by their pride and patriotism.
fucking basic bitches. look in the mirror.

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she was nice before getting zogged

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Remember diddys vote or die campaign? I'm sure NPCs actually voted to stay alive

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God, she is so cute.
I don't care is she's a liberal. I want to marry her.
Didn't anons on /b/ out her as a /b/ lurker years ago?

Jow Forums is a drumpf cuckservative hugbox, don't kid yourself.

That was an elaborate troll

This to be quite honest familia.

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this, it's only worth doing if you want to be entertained by the lines of retards who think we have a democracy

you can't get rid of all the NPCs, there will always be NPCs. but I agree that "our democracy" (lol) is one of the worst systems

pretty much this

i sniffed the taylor's feet and died from the stink.

am ghost now :(

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>taylor's feet

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2016 elections would suggest otherwise.


trump would have lost if that was true

what if we are the NPCs

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mormons and jews vote for whoever their rabbi tells them to

Is Trump an NPC?

Sadly so

people voted for obunga because he was a nigger

Voting for Leave and winning sure did something, right?

>1 post by this id
>2.81MB image of kitteh
This is a glow-nigger communication device.

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Then why did trump win?

Because hes part of (((them))) you fucking brainwashed retard

Yes. Who’s my virgin future gf voting for?

So these are NPC:s. They have strong opinions fed from (((media))) but have no own tough on it. They feel 100% right on their mind, but when comes time to think about it they can't make sense then they usually go defensive mode in their own way.

How we fix these people?

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This is correct, if voting changed anything it would be illegal.

Democracy is a system by witch you can keep a bigger educated population stable and dynamic, while at the same time you can do long term projects with some margin for change here and there.

Voting is the essential part of this, it's a ritual, done every 2,4 or 6 years so that the people can vent all the accumulated frustrations in those years and followed by another ritual in which the heads(or faces seem more fitting) change seats and therefore people see that the political system has some new faces, and looks diferent and there is different and they are responsible for the system being different and can have a feeling of responsability, guilt and hope that even if they are wrong they still hold the "power" to change things in the next ritual.

Of course, if government today were dominated by politicians we would get the same results as if we put cletus in the controls of an airplane. In reality, they are dominated by think tanks and other technocrats that design the plans and the government just eat what they say since they don't know any better, these technocrats end up in power by the simple fact that they are not subjected to the ritual and can do the real long term planning, if anything, politicians are the technicians of communication that have to convince that a certain think tank is a bit more right than the other.

Because thats another point, nothing changes in democracy by design. Change is superficial, it's inner legal workings and the cameral system are designed so laws are subjected to the wishes of a 1000 voices, and the only thing that come from such a thing is mediocrity and the law makes that mediocrity impossible to change for the next decade because otherwise even less would be achieved and the facade would fall rapdily.

So, no I don't vote, in the best case scenario my voice is diluted in our overpopulated and hyperconnected world.

Based Democrat shill Taytay amarite?

No he's a programmer


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No, but NPCs are stupid enough to fall for registration numbers after celebrities tell everyone to register. The democrats have been flouting the number of new voters registered, but they don't mention from which states, starting when, and for which party.

tldr; stop falling for kike polls and other media drives, get ready for MUH RUSSIA STOLE THE MIDTERMS.

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Kim Kardashian supports Trump now. Is that going to get him more votes?

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But if they endorse the opposing side in the same breath doesn't that make it a trigger?

>citation needed

I've been thinking of voting third-party, if only because I've been told to vote (not told whom to vote for) by somebody I actually do trust.


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man shes cute and has great feet. i dont hold it against her that shes being blackmailed by the democrats

(((they))) are constantly slandering Trump and trying to get him impeached, so no he isn't

They always vote. It's their only job- 1 day a year - gotta keep that welfare coming.

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