How do people come to the conclusion that crying on the internet will get them what they want?
>Uuuuuuh pls apologize jpn you so mean uuuuh
Yeah, because Shinzo Abe spends all of his time watching videos and reading comments.
How do people come to the conclusion that crying on the internet will get them what they want?
>Uuuuuuh pls apologize jpn you so mean uuuuh
Yeah, because Shinzo Abe spends all of his time watching videos and reading comments.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because corporations tend to respond
Are you being sarcastic?
Chinks got JURCHENED, what Japs did was a mercy kill
yes I would call mass rape and murder "unacceptable behavior"
I dont even get why you would ask a country to apologize for something they did in the past. Is there any country that has never done something wrong in history?
He's being realistic. There's a couple more steps ofc- you need a hashtag movement and the shithole media outlets to carry the torch, but you can get incredible things done with enough whining and shouting at whatever is deemed to be the problem. Progressivism on the internet 2k18.
Name a single time anyone calling for a public apology has received one and accepted it and dropped the issue from there on out.
My favorite part is that the same guy who called Japan a hypocrite uses an anime profile picture.
No, I asked that because the Japanese government is not a company.
Yet these inferior Asians keep circlejerking their agenda trying to justify why their countries suck
A sympton of modernity
People do not really lack anything in life, but since all problems are relative to the subject they still perceive minor issues as big problems so they feel the need to try to achieve a solution to their own feel of wrongness and start by voicing out their opinions in giant hugboxes that inmedietly results in a dopamine release and therefore the end of the feeling that started it, since it wasn't really important to begin with there is no real incentive to keep pursuing a solution and therefore people just jump to the next minor problem that they feel there is something "wrong" about but are not even cultured enough to say exactly what it is or how to solve it effectively.
And the cycle keeps going on... until cynicism sits in and change their views to: Everything is just bad and there is way to fix things so just live your life and forget it.
You nailed it perfectly, yet your answer is only disappointing.
Not because it is a bad answer, but because it's correct, and I wish it wasn't.
stop being stupid hue, he is saying they think it works because it works for corporations. A few times Japs have had to apologize to sensitive Americans.
You can't apologize for actions that aren't your own.
Leftist have no brains.
>he is saying they think it works because it works for corporations.
And I'm the stupid one?
>A few times Japs have had to apologize to sensitive Americans
And was this motivated exclusively by YouTube comments? Didn't think so.
google is not going forward with the Pentagon Drone AI project after March 2019 because their employees started whining on the internet. This is the third instance where their own employees are keeping them hostage.
The Japs were fucking subhuman savages though -- they should acknowledge this and just move on.
Does anyone have the screen cap? I missed it.
Every single country on this planet is responsible for some sort of massacre. I am so sick of this whiny bullshit.
>hurrdurr you're responsible for things your predecessors did
God I hate those people!
Imagine getting dicked so hard you make a statue about it
Ye/Kanye 2024 Confirmed.
Your people should have been stronger and protect their borders and citizen. But gooks can't fight and are weak. Your entire country has been enslaved throughout it's history and been complacent to it until the white man came to your defense, pathetic.
>>you people
Sorry mate, on vacation, not a SK national. Interesting the replies I get flying a different flag tho.
Japan was more powerful, not much they could do, every weaker country gets savaged during wartime. Japs were special type of barbarians to everyone though, it isn't really debatable.
>don't want to apologize
man! leftists really ARE mentally disabled
hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
what has japan claimed with regard to massacres?
and how does apologizing erase the hypocrisy and put japan's moral standards in line with their behavior?
the retard that wrote this is projecting so many worldviews on to japan with this post.
Bitching and moaning?
Its either a marine or a woman
If a sufficiently heavy pot falls off a sufficiently tall stairwell onto your head and kills you, we'll all laugh and say "survival of the fittest".