My boss is an intolerable liberal. He's a typical drumpf-hating, funko pop-collecting, barcade-going numale type...

My boss is an intolerable liberal. He's a typical drumpf-hating, funko pop-collecting, barcade-going numale type... very much pic related. Well I met his wife last weekend at a corporate event and we started chatting. I was shocked to find out that she is actually quite conservative (in a normie female kinda way) and apparently they dont even talk about politics around each other. I was curious how the fuck that happens, so I asked her and she just said she was raised this way and they never even thought about politics until the 2016 election so it wasnt a problem until then. I thought I made a friend so we exchanged numbers.

The next day she started texting me and we've been texting continually since. It started off pretty casual but now she's getting a little flirty and cutesy. She invited me out out for coffee tonight because she's bored and wants to hang out. I'm not sure if I should go. Its not even like my boss is out of town or something, so I'm sure he'd think its weird.

I'll be honest, I want to fuck her... but I dont want to get fired. How can I escalate this far enough to find out if they have an open relationship without going too far that I cant recover?

Also, I found it odd that a married couple could have opposite political leanings. Anyone seen this before? How do you not sponge off each other and eclipse/balance out? Is this some kind of psychological red flag I should know about?

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Bang her. But first, post a pic of her

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Not your fucking blog.

Report rulebreaking cunts like OP.

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>she's quite conservative
>is willing to cheat on her husband, basedboy or not

>rate my blawg

Listen here OP. Your boss is a cuck, show him who's the boss. So, while he's busy going bing bing wahoo with his Switch you Bang Bang that hoe.


Nice try, shill. Man I miss it when sage is blue.

How big is your penis

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This. Your boss would probably be okay with it too.

I'm not sliding shit. Get your kike faggotry out of here.

>Jow Forums, like old /b/ but somehow even dumber

How black is your penis

>hurr Durr immma finna Smash some pussy yo

Every.single.male blogfaggot post.on the internet

Go kys

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>10 replies and only 1 post by this ID

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>Shit that never happened for 500
I wasn't aware this was a fan fiction board. Conservative women never stay conservative with a liberal husband. Either that don't get married or they turn liberal. I call BS

OP here... my wifi dropped so my ID changed.

Give her that MAGA penis OP.

He's a cuck... he knows it, she knows it, you're about to know it.

Well... if you don't fuck her, someone else will, so it might as well be you....

Update your resume'.
You may be fired soon.
Should never be palsy with boss' wife.
Back away from her!

Things that happened for 100

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If you want to implode their marriage then go for it. You can pump and dump the cheating whore, but for gods sake don't date her. If she'll cheat to be with you, she'll cheat on you later.

What kind of jewery is this?

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Go to her home and fuck your boss. You won't be fired because of confusion.

Fired? Come on man, chance are he's doing it with her blessing. Also barcades are fucking awesome, even if the people that tend to frequent them are soys.

Hahahaha the liberal sañt ITT is glorious.
But OP, be the better man. Dont cuxk the guy. Its not like hes not already cucked. A liberal will never satisfy a right leaning woman. They thirst the fash.

But honestly OP get off your hornies. Also idk I wouñd be fishy around liberals, maybe is a plot so you show your colors.
Make yourself a tinder, put some fashy ol profile and wait. Not too much conservative woman on degeneracy central but oh well use the delis tools to win war against evil I guess.

>Also, I found it odd that a married couple could have opposite political leanings
opposites attract dingus, not this is called homosexuality.
>Is this some kind of psychological red flag I should know about?
The red flag is that you're asking people on the internet for advice on how to fuck your bosses wife.

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Do you want to be as much as of a beta as your boss? Do you want to continue working for someone you deem to be below you?

Don't be a bitch.

Sounds fun tho. If it weren't a cesspool

just fuck her, and cuck your boss. he won't fire you because the woman will leverage him into not doing it (he's a big cuck), and start bossing your boss around, because he wlil take it. it's a god given gift you have here, DO it and don't fuck it up

This. Tape it and give it to your coworkers. Force your boss to quit out of shame and take his job.

Unironically this. The sole reason for men being onions sucking cucks are the women who are enabling that. I am pretty sure that if OP would go and fuck that whores brains out the basedlet would be watching the whole thing behind a closet door.

Fuck her and use discretion.

ah yes I forgot the fucking filter.

Nope, he will probably be coerced into fucking his boss with time. Imagine a beta cuck lusting you in work. Hold my puke pls.

Use soi mah man.

He is a liberal; just bang her, if he cares, just call him a cuck and continue, they get off to it.

Smash that shit user. Then send him pictures

People change. My sister use to be sane then she went to university and came back an ideological brainlet, the same can happen for any ideology at any time in your life.

For example maybe the husband was tolerant of the right but then indoctrinated via "Management Tolerance Courses", not unheard of.

>has a chance to cuck a soiboi
>having second thoughts
You better have your tube steak inside her within 12 hours faggot

This. The woman is either in it for the money so she pretends to be conservative for her job(Mary Matalin married to James Carville) or she will turn left over time.

The woman always molds to her husband.

Nigger who gives a fuck if you disagree politically with the person you're dating

Women in relationships with weak men like that are always craving cock because their men can never satisfy them.

You are doing her a great favor - bang the shit out of that and her cuck husband might even thank you.

Kys degenerate

Bro he will only be improving their marriage.

She will finally be sexually satisfied and stop bitching and the cuck husband will get off to it.

>but I dont want to get fired.
Pretty sure he can't fire you for fucking his wife without you being able to take some sort of action about it. If you've got a spotless record you can threaten legal action.

>funko pop-collecting
Grounds for immediate summary execution by itself.

Just take her. Your boss is a onions boy, so he will probably like it anyway

>Also, I found it odd that a married couple could have opposite political leanings

She probably settled for this beta cuck and (most probably) rebbitor. All wives and girlfriends of nu-males had to settle for them and secretly despise them (hence the vasectomy meme that's pretty big with Reddit). Maybe you two should be together, so go for it OP, fuck the shekels.

do it pussy

>The woman always molds to her husband.

Not if he's a faggot beta cuck that she doesn't respect, which is most likely the case

>junior in highschool
>both me and my friend were kissless virgins who had similar personality and interests
>i managed to get my first gf
>never been more happy in my life
>she is a bit racist, browses Jow Forums, into anime and video games, submissive. likes wearing girly clothes etc.
>she was perfect
>relationship did not even last two months as there was obvious signs she was cheating on me for my friend
>to no ones surprise she called me out one night to have a "talk"
>did not have a car at the time so had to get friend's dad to drive me over to her place (with friend tagging along)
>all to say she was dumping me in front of him
>not even a couple weeks later they start going out
>see them in the hallways doing the exact same shit I was with her
>they both lose virginity together
>not even a year of dating and they get married
>they both graduate and eventually move out to a place together
>eventually they have their own house and a kid now, still happily married and love with each other
>watch this all happen in real time like an atomic bomb going off is slow motion
>jump to ten years later I am more or less over it now
>visit them from time to time
>find out they want to do a threesome with me
>dont really know how to take it but am glad it turned out this way
>might be able to fuck my first and only crush with no strings attached so it's a win win
I mean I guess this is probably the best outcome for me. I dont mind this.

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Just fuck her without worries and have her call him a misogynist if he says anything about it. He'll eventually be cool with it after some whimpering, in fact it's likely he will give you a raise too.

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Steal her from her husband, get a new job.

> first and only crush
> 10 years later
God I hope I don't turn into this

>Is this some kind of psychological red flag
Obviously, go ahead and ruin their marriage and get fired for it. I can somewhat promise it'll be worth it in the long run.

You're so pathetic they're probably just make you watch them fuck in the corner like the pathetic cuckold you are

I would gladly die alone as a virgin than give it up to some thot or tinder one night stand. Fucking hook up culture is the worst it has ever been and there is no point in sifting and wading through all that shit.

I dont know man she told me she wanted me to stick it in her pooper.

>describe a cuck
>surprised his wife is trying to fuck
You're fine
You'll probably get a raise for helping him get off

I mean, you stayed friends with both a cheating whore and a backstabbing "friend". They're probably planning on humiliating you, don't fall for the trap.

I admit I’d be up there like a ferret up a drainpipe just for the nasty pleasure.
You don’t have to marry her, just do what this cuck boss you describe is espousing to all society. Who knows if he finds out what has happened a few years from now it might cure him of being a twat and trying to destroy civilisation.
Pretty fucking big. I’ve posted it four times today already. Wasp cock is best cock the BWC works unlike the BBC which is perma- floppy.

I was beating myself up a lot, thinking i am a loser, but then I read your post. Thank you user, you lifted me out of depression a little today, because compared to this, I am a monarch.

Yeah probably you never know

any time :D

>Fucking hook up culture is the worst
Agreed. So move the fuck on with your life and find another woman. It's been 10 years. I thought I was pathetic because it's been 2 years since my ex dumped me and I still haven't gotten over it. But damn dude, she doesn't like you. She's married. Let her go.

Man if he knows ur a trump supporter that will destroy him...its like trump fucking his wife hahaha

You dont just "find another woman" in this day and age. I just explained why.

>she doesn't like you
uhhh no shit? She wants me to fuck her not get into a relationship


It's alpha time patriot, time to claim what is yours.

10/10 he will raise your kid

>he hasn't taken the bugpill
You have to inoculate yourself bro. Ingest the virus in a weakened state and develop the necessary antibodies to survive in such hostile conditions. You will not survive if you don't act.

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>things that never happened for 100
fuck off
and fuck your blog nobody cares


Why the fuck can't I see the post

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>You dont just "find another woman" in this day and age.
Especially if you don't even try and orbit the same girl for 10 fucking years
>She wants me to fuck her
Sure, pal. Sure.

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Racist mods deleted it

I mean whatever helps you sleep.

Nice blog, a lot of people commenting, congrats

Conquer dat ass

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what a waste
but thanks anyway

>talking to/entertaining women without the express purpose of fucking/breeding them
You're a faggot and trying to tred lightly will make you seem like a bitch. Tell her you want to fuck her or stop responding

Quit your job

Kill yourself faggot

>she browses Jow Forums
>ten years later
>2018 - 10
>Board created in 2011
Look user, i know this might be hard for you to believe, but i think that whore who dumped you, is actually John Titor in a female skinsuit.

Cuck the shit out of that onions faggot.

You didn't explain shit
There is no "true" love
I don't say this to sound cynical. There isn't a 1 person for every other person
There are people who can make you happy
Just because hook up culture exists doesn't mean you can't or won't find someone
What will block you is exactly what you're doing
She was not perfect
She was a cheating whore who deserves nothing better than the scum who would get with his friend's girl

Well I meant to say she browsed it when it was called /news/ or whatever

Stfu, cuck him, and knock her up you baiting faggot. Before you put cock in vageen, make sure she can deep it on the downlow. After that it's time to make babies for cucky failure to go extinct raising.
Enslave the liberal Enemy. Now!

my boss watches infowars and is redpilled on the jq.

I dont know man I tried going to proper dating sites and it is just so tiresome looking through all those profiles and going through the motions all the time. This trial and error shit I dont care for.

Thall shall not commit adultery.

The weak shall fear the strong

>How can I escalate this far enough to find out if they have an open relationship
Just ask her if they do, and if she says yes, tell her you want to talk to her husband about it, you lying, larping faggot.

It's not easy and it isn't supposed to be. If it was you'd just end up with people like her again
If you don't do anything you're gonna be stuck licking the shit off of that guy's shoes

And here I thought that Jow Forums was anti-degeneracy yet they have no problem with adultery.

Nigger what? Nothing wrong with a Switch. I love my Nintendo Switch, and guess what. I drown in pussy all day. Every now and then I pay for it at asian massage parlors, but damn near half the pussy I get is totally for free. So fuck your stereotypes of switch owners

Hmm interesting, I'll keep that in mind for the future

She's a piece of shit. Don't debase yourself. Think with your brain, not your dick.

Who cares when you are cucking a piece of shit

You know you're one of the biggest oneitis cucks the world has ever seen, right? I orbited a girl for a year or two. Then I stopped. Because that's disgusting. One of the most embarrassing things I have did with my life was chasing an unappreciative woman. You're being a bitch. Stop being a bitch, user.

She is spitting at you and deep inside the very core of her being, she thinks you so worthless and unworthy to mate with her that you're sexually the attraction equivalent to some retching puke hurled onto the floor, and now she's going to use you in an absolutely freakish and mutated/warp sexual fetish scene, solely because of what an utter bitch you are. You're like some malformed Igor sexually speaking to them that they're going to get off from letting the Loser have a little fun for a moment. This is your dream. Being the brunt of a joke. Even still you're so desperate you come running like a clown.

You legit don't deserve the respect given to an incontinent dog. I laugh at you.

If my wife turned liberal traitor, I'd divorce her.

That will never happen. I red pill her almost daily.
She's just as pissed about stuxnet as I am, for example.

>shes bored and wants to hang out
>she wants my dick
Slow down op, ur gonna sperg urself into a sexual assault case with a thought process as stupid as that

She's going to invite you over to fuck her while he watches. check'em