I am curious about the situation in Germany so please answer these questions:
1. How often do you see white woman with black man?
2. How often do you see white woman with Arab (Turks, Persians etc included)?
3. How often do you see white woman with east Asians(Chinese, Japanese, etc)?
4. How often do you see transsexuals (male to female or female to male)?
5. How popular is support for nazism/ethnic nationalism/TRUE right wing ideology?
6. How popular are anti-white beliefs/self-hatred among ethnic whites in Germany?
Germans report in
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't you just ask in Kraut/pol/?
Because posters deliberately avoid that thread
I once went to Germany and it felt just like home. I spent a whole day in Hamburg speaking only Arabic. It's a lovely country.
>1. How often do you see white woman with black man?
>2. How often do you see white woman with Arab (Turks, Persians etc included)?
More often
>3. How often do you see white woman with east Asians(Chinese, Japanese, etc)?
Havent seen this, despite i live in Düsseldorf the Chink and Nip capital of europe
>4. How often do you see transsexuals (male to female or female to male)?
Like a hand full of times a year.
>5. How popular is support for nazism/ethnic nationalism/TRUE right wing ideology?
Most people just drop that they hate slavs or arabs from time to time, they dont concern themself with ideologies
>6. How popular are anti-white beliefs/self-hatred among ethnic whites in Germany?
Its a minority, but a loud and vocal one.
>1. How often do you see white woman with black man?
>2. How often do you see white woman with Arab (Turks, Persians etc included)?
>3. How often do you see white woman with east Asians(Chinese, Japanese, etc)?
>4. How often do you see transsexuals (male to female or female to male)?
Sometimes a year
>5. How popular is support for nazism/ethnic nationalism/TRUE right wing ideology?
>Some people drop some hate
>6. How popular are anti-white beliefs/self-hatred among ethnic whites in Germany?
>A bit but vocal one
German Propaganda
why are all poles butthurt at germany regardless of their cuck status
germany goes left wing a pole says lmao cuck
germany goes right wing a pole says america pls help evil germany is doing it again
i dont get it
Ok whatever, listen... Marek Belka said lately, that Germany is the only bigger country that really cares about Poland and want to help us as important neighbors.
Is it true? Do you Germans really think like that? I think you don't give a fuck about us, and you would like if Russia would rape us again. But I want to know German opinion, maybe I'm wrong, and you really like us and care about us.
Becouse Germany doesn't want to be one of the best, the best or good for themselves.
They think that they are the best, and should rule others, they demand respect and are protective towards everyone, sticking their nose where they shouldn't.
>1. How often do you see white woman with black man?
almost none
>2. How often do you see white woman with Arab (Turks, Persians etc included)?
very rare
>3. How often do you see white woman with east Asians(Chinese, Japanese, etc)?
sometimes on the uni campus
>4. How often do you see transsexuals (male to female or female to male)?
>5. How popular is support for nazism/ethnic nationalism/TRUE right wing ideology?
talking with people behind closed doors shows that those ideologies are not that unpopular
>6. How popular are anti-white beliefs/self-hatred among ethnic whites in Germany?
Never experiencend anything like that