Civil War - US

How would a hypothetical civil war be waged? Would it be like the Turner Diaries, with country boys converting lead pipes into mortars? Or will it be a cyber war? Will the US degenerate into Brazil? Has that already happened?
>pic related: leftists actually think this

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shill detected

I have to collect data for my boss, user. Real jobs are hard to come by.

You wanna suck my fat cock you troglodyte?

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did you even read the post?

The civil war will be an insurgency waged by the left after repeatedly failing to take power through legal means.

All it takes is one bullet.

That pic is the perfect example of fucking slave morality.
Litteraly "They're on my side (allegedly) and they'd be stronger than You anyway so don't even bother looooooser!"
A lamp post for every leftist, and a leftist for every noose.

>your pic related
And yet north Vietnam survived and objectively won their war against the US. Hmmmmmm


so yes you do want to suck a fat cock.

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Did you even read the post?

>The civil war will be an insurgency waged by the left after repeatedly failing to take power through legal means.
you think a bunch of trannies and skinnyfat commies are going to wage an insurgency?

When a fag thinks people have no feelings and it's just a number game. Quotes Facebook. Hey find the shill

Holy shit, based on this sample, roughly 75% of Jow Forums is mentally retarded

We'll just stop making/growing food. The city slicker liberal traitors can start to die in mass within 2 weeks.

I assume during civil war there'd still be trade between the 90% of the population not fighting, right?

nope, their niggers and spics will

bepis in bagoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you liberal fag

make that 80%

delet this

Niggers will just loot the democrat controlled cities.

Mexicans will head for Canada.

Leftists don't understand how air power works.

You need forward air controllers (who would be shot by the 'rednecks') to find the targets (if you think "but what about satellites and drones" kys you don't know shit) and planes that have a very short time in the AO because of fuel constraints and the F-35 carries fuck all ordnance. The USAF and naval aviators would not be able to put down civil war in a massive country like the US and if you think that there wouldn't be mass defections you're wrong.

>and if you think that there wouldn't be mass defections you're wrong.
isn't like 50% of the military made up of minorities now?

They have done internal studies on this topic. It always ends when a nuclear sub commander or a single missile silo hardware forces their nukes active within a few months of a monthly death total that's suffencienly high. They don't even think they would do it for political reasons, but to stop it. Especially if nukes have been threatened for use if the central government is falling. Depends on the intensity obviously, and I think they went for the highest intensity scenarios.

>that pic

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What happens next?

You do know the US military is full of the sons and daughters of the very right wing nut jobs you claim us to be, right?

How many blue haired trannies do you see at the Armed Forces Recruitment Centers.

Fucking faggots... I swear, volunteering other people.

who are you talking to?

The military can't operate on U.S. soil you fucking tard.

uhhhh..... user..... let me put it to you like this, while blue haired fags usually wash out pretty quick, there are a metric fuck load of low ranking libs who watched the music video for Katy Perry's "Part of Me" one too many times...
as a rule of thumb however, everyone ultimately becomes a conservative given enough time and the realization republicans actually want to increase their pay- even the trannies who have become all so common on naval and airforce bases lol

perhaps 90%

De-escalation. Constitutional conventions. ect. All the tools of finding a lasting peace. Nobody or group will continue super organized actions in the face of nukes. Terrorism would diminish to lower levels. Mostly unorganized. Probaly a neutral and revamped military that puts down both sides on the extreme end of the political divides that's doing violence in short order. After that, a working peace. the end results of the republic is unknown though. Just that peace will come because of nukes.


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It will never happen. The kikes can deploy counter measures and hide in thier panic rooms until shit blows over. Rinse and repeat.

>Nobody or group will continue super organized actions in the face of nukes
so all groups just disarm and it dies down immediately? how was this studied?

I don't know the numbers for the US military but the British military is disproportionately white vs population stats, it's likely to be that the US military has a higher ratio of whites vs population's 56%.

The civil war if racial would be a turkey shoot because of the sheer amount of white survivalists and gun nuts and the vast majority of aviators and people who crew heavy duty complex systems being white.

Although we actually had a Muslim in charge of our nuclear deterrent a few years ago so who knows. I doubt that nukes would be used unless the Turner Diaries actually did happen but the book read like a comedy to me talking about turning china into a mutant wasteland with bioweapons and flying a cropduster carrying a nuke into neocon generals. Near the end it seemed like the author was laughing as he wrote it, it was like a daily stormer article.

You can work with me at walmart if you want. Ive been here 14 years and i can definitely show you the ropes.

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>Near the end it seemed like the author was laughing as he wrote it, it was like a daily stormer article
it was a thinly-disguised field manual, I think
the point wasn't the plot but to disseminate info about making weapons and low-level tactics and such stuff

Ever gotten any Walmart employee poon?

Oh shit user you're still working at walmart?
So do you work full time or part time?

Idk, I just read a defense article on it a few years back. I suppose they meant the cessation of large scale troop movements. Not smaller groups
>How was it studied?
He quoted a few studies done by the military. Said a worst case scenario always came to that solution Again, I'd think this is the highest intensity cases. The more probable studies aren't public obviously. Nor should they be. Who knows what they say?

It doesn't make much sense to me. Who would they nuke? You can't nuke anywhere in the US without killing many civilians.

The cropduster bit was suspiciously accurate in how you would get past air defenses of the era, the kid who flew into red square did something similar in a slow cessna type aircraft and it gave gorbachev the excuse he needed to fire a load of hardline commie generals - and the soviet air defenses and RF ones have always been more sophisticated than the yanks who opt for planes over SAMs.


Outside of having low sexual market value, a good rule of thumb is to not fuck your coworkers. This goes for every feild outside of the obvious pornography industry.

I'll always work here. Full time. 50+ hours a week.

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Do you still take the bus or have you manage to get a car?

>Outside of having low sexual market value

I stopped driving in my 20s as i dont have a spare $3k upfront for body repairs for my states annual vehicle safety inspections

and those minorities are fractured among their own ethnic/racial groups. they'd eat each other before they'd organize against whites.

I dont make a lot of money and im not attractive. Two strikes.

>country boys converting lead pipes into mortars

kek, you mean these fatties? Jow Forums fantasies != reality

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I'm not sure they'd organize but I don't think they'd eat each other in the way that you're suggesting

so then have you fucked a coworker?!

It'll be multitiered. Both left vs right but also ethnic. So while conservatives will be fighting Marxist subhumans, the white traitors and Jewish Marxist subhumans will be attempting to shield themselves by goading blacks and hispanics into fighting the white conservative 'racists'.

At the same time you'll have the government breaking down along generally party lines, but you'll also have defectors from both sides who may believe the other will win.

It will be incredibly messy unlike the first Civil War, where allegiances were clearly drawn. Here there will only be violence, bitterness, and rage. I hope young men around the country realize who the true enemy is before they rush headlong into a meat grinder unnecessarily at an enemy who can be dealt with later.

Always kill a traitor first, Jimjam.

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shitposting aside. probably 95%- 98% of the population would continue to try living as normally as possible and avoid conflict, with the remaining 2%-5% waging guerrilla warfare but trying to blend in most of the time. The military would not splinter, it would oddly enough unite stronger than ever around killing anyone who doesn't recognize the government's monopoly on violence, however there will inevitably be an increase in individuals within the military who have secretly sworn other allegiances as well as those who have no side but maniacally hope to sow disarray.

in the craziest of all scenarios, lib city fags would unquestionably be fucked because if the government is forced to pick sides, its going to side with the people in the woods who actually have a chance at survival and long term successful guerrilla tactics. JMHO

Up the anti to the last full measure. People find peace rather than shoot them off, yes. Like I said, this is the scencerio if a group of highly educated and motivated people find themselves of possession of nukes after 3 or 6 months of continuous occupation. They hardeware force them active. Civil War is over. Its why all the nukes were quickly swept up in the SV's collapse. All the organized parties understood why, and they also got their states independent if they had them. Ukraine was given toltal sovereignty over Crimea in exchange for them. Didn't last long, but no nukes were used or even threatened to be used in the initial collapse. Sane people stay sane the moment a nuke is aimed at you.

The answer is: no.

Rally up the niggers and spics. Give the cells order 66 . Media is in full shoah do to recent political events so to them it is night of the glass 2.0. then you gotta remember all the Isis like groups in America already. They might start something as well

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There are plenty of examples of how it would go down. I assume the most accurate would be the war games the US does for just this scenario. If you don't feel like looking it up, red team always wins bigly. And by red team I mean the team of civilians with all the guns. Not the side without guns, not the side with the government. In a scenario like that, defeating the bloated government monstrosity would be very fucking easy. I know it comes off as silly sounding, but that's why we have the second ammendment. They can't win, no one can win against the gun owners of the US. Not even the US. There will be fuck loads of casualties, but it's war, the only thing war produces is dead bodies. And those anti gun lefties are so silly. If the US government can't even win against a bunch of gooks, what makes them thing they can win against the populace of the US?
I know you asked about civil war, but the government will pick a side. Whatever side they pick will be the side that loses. Leadership will rise, the likes of haven't been seen in ages. A true leader, on the non government backed side. The government side will have an impotent leader, shackled by rules and stupidity.

is this a lowkey moonman rap

>Would it be like the Turner Diaries
>Or will it be a cyber war
>Will the US degenerate into Brazil
Yes, some or all of those things.

However, most of our images of a modern US civil war involve the right-wing rural population being the rebels.
As it stands now, its more likely that you'd simply see "civil unrest" i.e. rebellion in the cities, which would be put down much more easily because cities are susceptible to heavy police action.

the serious question is 'what happens to the nukes and the other strategic weapons', not 'will there be pipe mortars'
because there will be pipe mortars, and cyberwar, and old-ass Soviet equipment smuggled in on Russian submarine tenders and so on

>no one can win against the gun owners of the US. Not even the US

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Whomever made that image is a complete idiot.

thank god we still have tendies in a time of complete social breakdown
NEETs truly are leading the charge

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>no milita will take direct action in civil war when the government has nukes
>Hurr durr lemme nuke the infrastructure I'm fighting over and collapse all the shit that's dependent upon it

A nuke dropping would be a fucking GIFT to literally every other nation that had interests in the conflict. They could use it as a political football to inject their own troops, armor, you name it, into the country and divvy up the land, will full license to "destroy the tyrannical, psychotic government, and no, we aren't doing this for clandestine personal reasons tee hee."

The government is NOT that stupid. The threat would be hollow, and if it wasn't, they'd be signing their death warrant.

seems plausible
Who would inherit America in that event?


but you bumped the thread
btw why is Prague so much nicer than Bratislava?

> weaponized autist super-survivors escape the labs in Nevada and spread over the land, burrowing into disused garages and basements all over the nation
> their consumption of tendies and mining of shitcoin puts an intolerable draw on the economies of both warring parties
> total societal collapse
> weaponized NEETs proclaim Barron first as Caesar and then Emperor

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That’s chaff being deployed. It’s not a weapon.

I dont think it would be an "inherit" situation--theres already enough Americans and a large, existing infrastructure.
More like a "which country wants to be our #1 best friend after the war" kind of thing.

it would def be like Man in the High Castle

>ShitLibs order gun turn-ins, give deadlines
>Right says fuck that
>ShitLibs order confiscation raids
>Swat sent in
>Lots of boomers shot, some Swat casualties
>A few Ruby Ridge/Waco events go to the media
>30 y.o. boomers start getting targetted
>young children, family dogs shot dead

>Right finally starts getting angry.
>ShitLibs feel cocky
>Overestimate their support due to years of conditioning of Rightwingers to not express their true sentiments
>Start taunting the Right in social media, nothing new.
>Media heads, MSNBC-type journalists talking shit
>Only enflames the sentiments of the Right
>Fringes of the Right strike back
>Same tactics as the Left
>Outspoken liberals, are dragged out of their homes, brains blown out over the pavement
>Is pointed out this is no different that what the Left is doing
>Houses are razed afterwards
>ShitLibs boohoo about it on Media, local elected officials boohoo, martial law declared
>ShitLibs feel emboldened. Raids continue.
>Antifa types start social disorder, run wild
>Rightwinger begin consolidating more, lone wolves begin pairing up and discoursing together
>A few shitlib journalists and mayors start being targeted themselves
>Military spread thin. Occupied areas are relatively safe, but military can't police everywhere.
>Military disgruntlement begins over the whole situation. Whispers mostly.
>Right begins to consolidate into larger splinter groups and factions. Secretive small squads of anti-left people start to form.
>More and more, ShitLibs are dragged out and executed in retaliatory action by pissed off groups of rightwingers, Many of them their former neighbors
>Shitlib journalists and mayors keep blabbering.
>They start being targeted.
>They start to stfu in fear.
>Whispers turn to legit military defections
>From then, slowly, the Right Wing Death Squads emerge.

>Soiboys decide silence is better than a bullet, for sake of they and their family's safety.
>Antifa groups are hunted down. Executed.

The west coast aligns with China, the upper plains aligns with Canada, the EU tries to save the Northeast, the south/plains/etc. align with Russia

sounds plausible,
you should write a book

Does the local democrat party and synagogue have F-18s to deploy? No? Cause that's who I'd nail first.

>blocks your path

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God I hate hearing this terrible argument over and over again.

do you think christians in the US would start kidnapping Arabic tourists and making spooky videos with tons of posturing and beheading?

Did you? Dumbfuck? The US stands no chance against actual insurrection when it's against millions. Fuck off you strategic retard.

For fucks sake, if the US government scrambled fighter jets to attack US citizens the whole country would collapse to shit, ushering in the most catastrophic global financial crisis ever seen, the constitution would be null and void, and america would cease to exist as we know it. The risks and consequences are too great. Israel would lose its talmudic army, it will never happen

what are you going on about? am I talking to an actual idiot?


One misplaced bolt and the $30,000,000 engine gets FOD’d out, no flying for the $100,000,000 plane. One angry mechanic can destroy at least 10,000 man years of labor-dollars in an instant. These dumb fuck liberal arts masters have no idea the level of commitment it takes to keep the military industrial complex running. You’ll never seize the means of production because it will implode under the bloated tyrannical SJW management in the span of 5 years.

Look at the period of U.S. history from 1865 to 1920 to get a general idea of what mid-intensity conflict looks like in this society. The formal and high-intensity "Civil War" had just ended but broader and extremely violent social conflict was just in fact getting underway, involving militia and vigilante groups (i.e., terrorists) often organized as social clubs or unions instead of standing armies.

The terms, intensity, depth, length and scale of our coming armed civil conflict are entirely debatable, but I'd guess it moves from where we are now (low-itensity pre-conflict where riots and politically-motivated assaults are commonplace with the occasional botched assassination or arson attempt thrown in for good measure) into much bloodier low-intensity conflict where bombings and shootings are somewhat typical.

My guess is, barring recession, Trump gets reelected in 2020 and the GOP at least maintains its Senate majority. That should be enough to inflame the left to a degree where they start getting serious about their bullshit "resistance" and start pulling some heavy shit, maybe even an armed occupation of a government building where a cop gets killed. Depending on how the state reacts, it could end with that. Maybe they come in too hard and incite the left toward larger aggressions. Maybe they're too soft and it emboldens the left and they start striking a wider array of targets.

I'd think then that it escalates when the right feels like the state's not doing its job and they start taking reprisal into their own hands. Lefties bomb a Patriot Prayer Rally? Maybe righties walk in to an IWW meeting at the local library and smoke everyone there. And the cycle keeps escalating.

This is conjecture and I'm no kind of political scientist or conflict analyst but it seems obvious to anyone that social systems paralyzed by gridlock and division tend to fragment by violent means.

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>citizens with guns can't beat the governmen-

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One thing to add: there's this not necessarily true by historical precedent presumption that the military is going to take a massive role in the conflict, one to such an extent where the conflict can simply be defined as "the people vs. the army", which ignores entirely the fact the conflict itself rests on the left-right schism among a fairly evenly divided public. I think a better model would be the Northern Ireland conflict, where the military presence did not involve many major weapon systems like tanks and fighter-bombers and the military was arrayed against both factions, and often tried to remain outside the political debate occurring within civil society.

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I like the way you think. How do you think the fight will go within government structures though?

>this scrawny faggot held back the worlds most powerful military with outdated rusting weapons and sharp sticks
>and basically
>you're retarded

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why in the FUCK does she jump out and grab his skull piece? that is the weirdest fucking shit to me

is this the outfit for the mc of Drive?

I guess it depends on the scale of it. The Weather Underground was setting off bombs almost constantly in the Seventies, but not killing anyone, so all the government did was install metal detectors and put a few FBI agents on it. But if killings of elites became somewhat common, I wouldn't be surprised to see National Guard brigades get activated for stop-and-frisk operations in all larger cities, with a special emphasis (presuming these killings were conducted by the left) on ghettoes and university campuses.

So no one could grab it and realize it was latex.

is this a meme?

Beats me, but it's also a very fresh look for anyone who wants to bust some politically-motivated caps.

Any idea which Casio that is?

I think it's very plausible. Check user's post. During the Civil War, you had home guards in the Confederacy, that basically hunted down dissenters. After the Revolution, there's a reason so many Loyalists fled to Canada.

This, is where I think both the smug leftist, And the shining white-knight minded conservative are foolish.

Civil war's not some dainty game where a bunch of Bubbas line up in a row for half of them to be be disintegrated by drones, another quarter are sniped off in Infrared, and the one out of ten left go running, chased by tanks. Nor would it be some heroic Red Dawn/GiJoe shit.

Antifa would run wild, and the right would come off the leash. A civil war in the U.S. would likely consist 70%, of Bubba smiling and waving at the Humvees and Abrams rolling down the road, and then pulling out his AR and Molotov from the bushes after they move to patrol the other half of town, to go firebomb three of his leftist neighbor's houses.

Then, when Sgt. Pepe is ordered the next day to patrol the area due to the goings on by the Governor who's butthurt his voting base is, eh, diminishing, he neglects to "find" a weapons cache Bubba's posse had buried, as it somehow become Invisible before his very eyes, utterly un-reportable to his superiors. Why so, being that Sgt. Pepe doesn't want to be there anyway. Secretly, he never disagreed with Bubba in the first place. Hell half his family are Bubbas. So best he just make friends with them, so both groups peacefully "understand" one another.

Iraqi police & military forces would such things with insurgents, in Iraqi. They didn't want to die for the Americans. Heard at least one story, of an Iraqi authority fully "one our side" being caught taking big, unusual one meter paces around, casing for insurgent mortars.

A good part of the Military aren't going to be about getting off'd, to take Cleetus's shotgun for a little liberal dickhead and a cuck command to such. Why would they?