Scary Time For Boys

Can a boy make up a story about a girl amd get her imprisoned for 15 years, using the full force of the government as a weapon against her, destroying her life and making her unemployable, and socially a pariah to all of normal society?

No? Then it's a scary time to be a boy.

The important thing is that she got attention by not wearing a bra on social media and repeating common myths that other social liberals also believe.

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Liberals caused all those problems, some of whom were men.

You are your own worse enemy.

Keep the people ignorant!

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Is this your national anthem, Sven?

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> women in the world being gang raped and murdered every day

> dumb femimist is exagerating

Pol actually has schizophrenia

Women with the victim mentality cant do any of these things sure, but a strong woman can. Men are more likely to be in any violent altercation than women, a man walking home alone at night is more likely to be robbed or assaulted than a woman rapes. The solution is to stop pretending we can control animals and barbarians. Be violent. Carry a weapon. You can wear a g-string and be safe with a glock in your purse.

>Not even an argument.
She is saying that men have it easier. She is comparing false allegations (which is more common than actual cases of rape) with actual rape. But even then, we can clearly measure that men are victims of violent crime more than women.
Fuck you, you are an idiot.