Has he even fulfilled one promise?

Has he even fulfilled one promise?

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Do any of you do shit over there at all?

Libshits are STILL mad

Libshits still need to die before they shoot up our capital again.

Cancelled TPP.

I dunno, are you still MAD???

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Yes. Ruining this site.

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are you retarded

North Korean peace
Destroying every economic rival
Destroying Canada
Record human trafficking busts
Record deportations
Travel ban
Cut annual number of accepted refugees to under 50k with over 50% being Christians
TWO supreme court judges

Also, record low rates of unemployment in over 50 years.
If i was an american id feel pretty good about how he's done. Anyone who thought he was gonna crucify jews in the streets was a spaz

At least hes trying?? Im still waiting on that wall tho

>muslim ban

And as a bonus we get peace on the korean penninsula a second scotus justice. Really easy question.

That would be Assad

>it happened
>but trump didnt do it singlehandedly
>therefore it didnt happen
>deletes it from memory

Fuck off shill.

Curb stomping Mueller, liberals, and legacy media. If he gets a peace deal with NK he could literally not do anything else and it would be a success.
>Taylor Swift is 25% less talented now line yesterday was fucking halarious

>still this mad

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Yeah, he won

2 Supreme Court Justices
2 Genders

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>Tries to build wall
>"American War hero" John "Songbird" McCain breaks the tie vote against it
>Gets praised by the left and media posthumously
>Media forces Trump to pay excess, undeserved homage to his political rival
A spoiled, privelaged brat from day frigging one
Brought shame upon his family and all white men, especially REAL heroes.

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You forgot muh terms and muh scoops