The state of "White" women.
Thank you Based black man
The state of "White" women.
Thank you Based black man
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The fact that Kanye West supports Trump is another additional proof that Trump genuinely loves kikes and is a piece of shit.
Fuck off back to /b/
>there are people on this board who believe in roasties
when will you incels learn?
feminism was a mistake, anyone who's ever talked to women knows women only follow trends and have no original thoughts
You'd have to be a fool to trust a woman at all. Loyalty is not a concept most understand well, or give a damn about even if they do.
white women are our greatest foe
Theyre both unbased and convictionless shills dependant on publicity stunts to maintain their status quo
isnt she a kike though?
I bet the majority of you didn't even sage
kill yourselves
Looks like she's being eaten by the blob and enjoying it.
bestowing celebrity status and creating cults of personality are mind control tactics. kanye and swift are, afaik, unremarkable people. i don't mean this as a put-down, they're both fine musicians, but there are many good musicians.
Its funny. Kanye will lose more fans from supporting Trump and taking a conservative stance, with his support of Candace Owens, yet despite having a conservative fan base, Taylor Swift is more than happy to betray her country fans to suck democratic dick. I trust a Conservative black man before a white roastie grifter who doesn't know what she believes in.
They also said Asians are our natural ally, meanwhile China's conclusively revealed to have been fucking the West long and hard. Blacks are by far the most reactionary, patriarchal race, much better allies if not for Dem vote farm which needs to be dismantled.
lol kim is gonna divorce kanye over this whole thing
notice she won artist of the year after doing this
but that's just a coincidence haha
Kanye is helping with optics, and he introduced millions of his fans to candace Owens, an actual principled conservative who may be the basic bitch version of larry elders, but is still a great gateway to the general conservative movement. Kanye is a tool. I cou;lldnt care less if he doesnt believe in what he says, hes atleast helping.
Loyalty is something ingrained in an individual from his/her culture. Your decades of promotion of extreme liberty, toxic consumerism and self worshipping may have been the reason why individuals in your society lack loyalty.
i agree apoo but hearing it from the gang rape capital of the world doesn't mean much to the average burger
>candence owens, an actual principled conservative
You arent fooling anyone shill
>burgers need symbolism more than truth
this is why you guys are losing
and you lost again
like i said, they'd have to hear it from a relevant country maplenigger
Black men are demonized by the Jewish media more than white women. Also they're pushing for the feminization of black men too. If most niggers weren't such retarded pawns without any cognitive thought they would probably be as vilified as the white man
It is way lower than many of your so called first world guys percentage wise.
prove it boy
1.8% Ind , 27.3% USA.
i'm not picking on celebs, but i think celebrity culture itself is part of the problem. people are led astray by imitating people who act foolish. it's great that kanye wants to set a better example, but on the other hand, i'm tired of being surrounded by NPCs whose personalities are molded by mass media
the distinction was between vanilla rape and gang rape because you were making reference to the concept of loyalty, and gang rape is something india excels in
apparently a lack of reading comprehension follows
Well if you look at whos leading the push for degeneracy
>2 year old trannies
>fat acceptance
>male feminist allies or s o - yboys
>gay pride
>modern feminism
Its always whites.
>n-n-n-o its the jews
the fuck outta here with that. Maybe Jews start it - but white people sop that shit up like a sponge and run with it.
Why would you want to preserve that?
sage and report all celeb gossip threads
Feels bad.
Continue being a loser and hurl insults on the internet in order to hide your real life failures. I am more than happy to take insults from an incel like you.
grandmother and boyfriend OD'ed on heroin with the 4 year old kid in the back
USA have 21.8% of total rapes were gang rape victims.
Who cares. 4pol is fucking pozzed already you fool.
>remember to purchase my newly manufactured album
relax pajeet no need to fume
>tfw you will never be a dirty stinky smelly poo working in a call center who prays to the god of public defecation and bathes in a river of baby corpses before gangraping his sister on a bus with the rest of his extended family
feels good
Around blacks never relax m8, you probably have Negroid blood yourself.
Jew Sackler family is to blame
>Time for a visit to the designated shitting street
I hope these shill threads end soon
First of all Taylor is fucking jewish
I know you guys carried a torch for Tay, but that bitch looks dead inside. Engine is runnin, no one’s at the wheel type scenario. Pic related.
And if she wasn’t famous and thrown around here so often, she has the exact sort of face hair style, hair color and skin tone that seems like it was designed to be instantly forgotten. Same with her everything else. It’s not bad, it’s not amazing, it’s yeah. Those are body parts. Super. Oh, her top of off. Small tiddies, almost no aureola, tiny nipple. Wow.
And then you look down at your phone for a second and back up anHEY WHAT FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY APARTMENT LADY? AND WHY ARE YOU TOPLESS?
>says the sand nigger
Nice green texts and image. I really applaud your level of maturity.
>Ye and Tay always had beef
>Ye ends up on the right side
>Tay ends up on the left
>thank you come again
Ratings: Taylor Swift Can’t Save AMAs From Hitting New All-Time Low
Kanye is salty Obama called him a jackass. He was the only celeb Obama didnt suck up to so now he is getting back at the dems
The reason why Taylor Swift is a degenerate and Kanye isn't is because her whole life betas orbit and are afraid to criticize her, so they just become eternal yes men to whatever idiotic things she comes up with. This gives her the feeling of false genuis. Meanwhile Yeezy has an army of haters and people around him all telling him not to do things. Constant criticism that he will fail yet he managed not to fail which means he has true nigga genius.
reminder that he got mkultra'd after meeting trump last year
>obongo doesn't suck up to Kanye west out of all celebrities
Big mistake, now we got the entire Kardashians.
Anything but 3 please.
That's what happens when one of the few stars that shut their mouth about politics decides to rant about shit way beyond her comprehension. Enjoy poverty in 5 years when no one buys your shitty "music", cunt.
Seriously, Tay was hot and skinny, then she started gaining weight and producing weird shitty urban faux hip hop. The two are related. Every time a hot girl gets fat, she also becomes lefty liberal. If Tay gets skinny again, she'll turn conservative.
She won't mr ultra gay
>I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex, I made that bitch faaamous
Kanye is going to give her the BBC and redpill her
Obviously didn't stick. Kanye is immune to mind control and chugs his psych meds.
...Said your Aryan wife and daughter after the black bvll was done with her.
Never. They’ve grown tired of fighting with this place and shutting it down never happens, so they’ll do what they do best, slowly normalize changes that will ultimately turn it into the board equivalent of a cigar bar. Where old /b/tards go to thousand yard stare a nothing and slowly construct dope insult for each other each other in threads that last months, like long distance chess matches between old friends.
No, really, it’s going to be nothing like that. Itll have bobbing for dicks and a sit down Pac-Man machine, booze and anons you know and don’t know. And then one day a couple middle aged jews feel like they can come right over to you at the bar like you’re old friends, and you are sort of since you went to war with both of them every single day for more than a decade and this is the first time wow. And they’ll be personable and suddenly, fuck
>they robbed me of my hate, one of the last things keeping me going.
Fuck. Wait, There’s a napkin on the bar.
>true nigga genius.
I have been thinking that the reason taylor supports the democrats is because Kanye who she hates is a trump supporter
nice try hard post faggot
>White women
No, just white "liberals", the majority of us don't agree with their bullshit.
Tits or GTFO cunt
Bong boobies or leave
>implying the loss of festering hate for glowing niggers in the hearts of all anons will not be replaced by a love for the idea of gunning every traitor and looter monkey down
love always wins so it's a win win
Kanye was always a hero. Remember when he called her out years ago at an awards show?
Blow me
Yeah and when he called out that phony neocon George Dubya?
Taylor is going full evil bitch.
The snake is the frog's sworn enemy
lol pajeet is absolutely seething
you'll never be white, go stink up the call center and drink some cow piss faggot
I always knew that Tay was a Zionist cunt. Her music was always overrated shit anyway.
Because the whites are becoming a minority while being a "Republic"
The snake is the frog's sworn enemy
I told you all, we need to replace white women with asian women and restard the white race with a clean slate. Instead of letting any retard who hates their own race enough to shill for communism getting born we will only allow Keanu Reeves uber men getting born
Many believe in the trickle down effect
or supreme gentlemen untermenches
I don't want to be white. I dont want to be a failure whose only accomplishment is he grew into a race which achieved many things. I want to make my own race and culture proud by achieving success by my own hardwork and determination.
cool so you're motivated, maybe one day you'll work for an amazon call center and you can pretend to be scott or steve
hang in there apoo
Good luck, my Aryan brother.
they will be the working class of the new white race, given government approved GFs to quell their rage in times of peace. and in times of war they will be stripped of all GFs and sent into enemy civillian cities
Why work for amazon when i have a bachelors in chemical engineering and currently writing for civil service :)
>India doesn't want to be white
Have you seen Bollywood? All the upper castes use beauty products to appear more white.
Lol. Shit, I can live with that.
>chess piece
Suck shave my dongnest you absolute pube unit.
>chemical engineering
>tfw this is what educated pajeets call drinking cow piss
>Literal promotion of white genocide
kys kike
TayTay truly is a nightmare dressed like a day dream. Our Aryan queen is dead to us, but the hope she gave us before the betrayal was a high worth the pain.
Kanye's the snake who'll be your best friend so he can fuck your woman behind your back, because all women are whores.
>civil service
>In India
How about start by installing some plumbing Makmood