Brazilian skinheads

What's up with all the brazilian niggers larping as aryan warriors?

Attached: brasilskinhead.png (412x280, 251K)

Brazilians are deluded in terms of their own cultural and racial identity. They seethe with an undue self-importance that makes them behave arrogantly. Brazil should end itself and leave the resources for humans.


Attached: 20181010_130041.jpg (548x409, 98K)

According to Hitler Latin Americans were more aryan that North Americans lol

Not latin americans, Argentinians .


Attached: 36261302_1886304158130572_1387765527463591936_o.jpg (1130x1052, 113K)

South Brazil is mostly white.

>deluded in terms of their own cultural and racial identity.
I thought that's murrican problem too

>Brazilians are deluded in terms of their own cultural and racial identity. They seethe with an undue self-importance that makes them behave arrogantly
Literally USA

I wish bands like Sepultura were white supremacist instead of explicitly antiracist.

Brasilians are surprisingly based and redpilled.
I did not expect that from a nation famous for silicon butts and transexuals.
With Bolsonaro they may become a new superpowa.

i think i've heard some skinheads saying that they are not actually racist, just right wing extremists

Refuse/Resist would be a great anthem for the right.


>implying anyone in Argentina looks like this nowadays
They don’t. Finding an Argentina that is fully european is not common. Most have at least one native ancestor.

Nationalism and fascism are going to prove very attractive to most nations in this century.

Stay mad, Shlomo. You're gonna have to dig your own coal and fight your own wars pretty soon.

Because brazillians are extremely delusional like the guy said on this thread

Brazillians consider themselves white if they are mutt, thing is brazillians are not white you can see by their facial features that they are not white even the ones with white skin

Pic related is a extremely white family in brazil, as you can see you can easily see by their facial features that they are not white, european white do not look like that, but in brazil a country with a lot of ignorance and subhuman people they think they are white xd...

Trust me I know a lot of brazillians they are extremely bluepilled.

Attached: brazil--621x414.jpg (621x414, 49K)

It's true tho. Brasilians are the 'murican version of South America. They think they are hot shit because they are big, but actually they are a shitty backwater nation. The only "civilized" thing about them are their german diaspora in the south and even then they do not feel the same nationalism as the rest of backwater brasilians.

Happens that a lot of argentinians come from south spaniard and south italian ancestry: Like half of them look white by european standards. The rest are more mediterranean looking.

Attached: Eugenia frey.jpg (400x600, 109K)

>gender is a social construct
>race is a social construct
>a mutt can choose to be aryan now.

This is your fault, you are the one to blame.

They also have the american habit of presenting themselves as their "ethnic" background.

"I'm Italian/german/dutch", don't speak italian/german/dutch and the only thing they have to back up that claim are fairly white features and a generic last name coupled with a niggerish first name e.g. Gelson Shlutz.