Practice some shitty pagan ritual like Yoga. Be taught by some Pajeet Abalabadingdong. Don't shave. She gets what she deserved.
Practice some shitty pagan ritual like Yoga. Be taught by some Pajeet Abalabadingdong. Don't shave. She gets what she deserved.
let me teach you the way of the poo in the loo
Imagine the smell in that room.
Like Paki poo and curry
Yoga is one of the largest frauds of our time. Want a sure way of telling whether something is fraudulent or not? If the majority of the participants are white women and brown men, it's probably bullshit.
>Jois died in 2009 at age 93.
Will they dig him from his grave to punish him?
Excellent point. If you're a believer, it's pure heresy. And these idiot women bring it to Catholic churches.
If you're a non-believer, it's stretching with a catch- trying to make you part of their cult.
Who would trust some brown abalaba anyway? The whole movement is at best deranged, unless you believe in something more sinister.
They will find his reincarnated form and shame it.
Smells like peen spirit :'DDDdd
Is joke, dont steal
open bob and vagene
For this movement, it's never too late to accuse.
Show me pusy sexy
Isn't practicing yoga a cultural appropriation?
>Hurt back while in military
>See chiropractor weekly for a few years
>Helps but I'm still having issues
>My sister recommends yoga
>Finally try it after she bitches enough
>Feel like a new human after about a month of doing it
>Just moved to a new area, a new gym
>The yoga class is HUGE
>It's ALL women
>Remember #MeToo
>Decide to stay at home and do yoga in the living room until the Right Wing Death Squads take out all the perverts and degenerates, and I can start going to yoga classes again.
Cultural Devolution
Yoga's a healthy activity, physically wise. The spiritual part is what's bullshit.
Hope you avoid the eye. You can stretch you know.
That's pretty funny user. But not true - took some yoga in Rishikesh. It is a good way to get your mind back in your body (although white women have turned it into their supersize plus appear to lack an inner voice / NPC)
SDUT actually isn't that bad, they tweet some libshit stuff and get called out every time. A lot of their articles are pretty balanced
There's no separation. Do not be fooled.
Suprised that wierd gook that blows on chick's titties and huffs their farts as part of a "massage" is still around.
If they would create a new form of yoga, sure. But they spend thousands of dollars to take courses in Bali and other places to become certified yogis. It's all about money, which is why it attracts so many dregs.
>mind back in your body
Don't do drugs, kids
>until the Right Wing Death Squads take out all the perverts and degenerates
Only Yoga that matters is ones that save WWE champion''s lives.
I went to a yoga class once and it was all women. I got glared at like a rapist because obviously yoga is a woman only activity and a man would have no other reason to practice it
I do plenty of stretching, but guided yoga is great for my back and hip. Even the physical therapist I saw while in the air force didn't do much. Yoga for me is just taking care of my back and hip. I don't get into it like women do.
There's a reason I posted that, user ;-)
NPC's aren't even aware of their bodies.
That's what happened at the new place I went to. I was standing there by the door waiting for everyone to stop fucking talking and set their shit up, and I kept getting glares from obese ham planets and I figured it'd only be a matter of time before enough rumors started and I ain't finna be taken to court for false rape allegations.
Women truly ruin everything.
And when you look like a foreign massage master, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.
I know a chick who ex-husband was banging hs girl, got caught, went to jail for a few years... in jail they taught him yoga and other new age stuff.... now he travels teaching yoga to girls and ladies.... I know of at least on pervert teaching yoga... he’s probably not the only one
Been pointing it out for many years, political correctness turns people into pacified idiots who attack the only things that stand between them and barbarian hordes.
Those chicks are loving the tiddy grabs.
Yeah I love how the first one's nipples get stiff when that ugly streetshitter starts groping her tits. She's clearly aroused.
Well aren't you fucking new
if he was 'sexually assaulting' her , why did she keep going back ? Are women stupid ?
Seems like there are advantages in being a shitskin after all.
No buddy, just havent been in your threads m8
They overcame their innate racial bias and sense of logic, and that's a good thing.
Where can someone learn to be a yoga instructor? Asking for a white friend.
The best was that Bikram's hot yoga guy who had like a dozen sexuall harassment and assault claims against him. He's still rolling on cruise control making a billion dollars a year.
Grabbing your titty and ass is ancient tradition, not letting me do it is racist. You aren't racist are you?
>diamond dallas trash
>Are women stupid
There we go. Redpilled monist setting the record straight for dumb fedora.
Based chink.
DDP saved Razor Ramon from drug abuse. He seems like a genuinely nice bloke.
Lmao I know, that whole spiritual bs shtick really claws in deep with them.
>why does it seem like every instructor is a male too
I dont go out of my way to do yoga but all the times I've been its been a male. Luckily my girlfriend has all female instructors at the place she goes.
Just admit that you're a newfag. The first step is accepting.
sorry but, no, you signed up for this.
Prolly been here longer than you.
Can you recommend some good Yoga vids user? I want to start doing it for the exact same reason as you (back pain) but I dont trust randomg youtube vids.
That man has god damned magic fingers she is about to cum from that titty massage.
Nah bra!
wtf very rare flag
i love yoga and its the only thing i can do from not feeling like total shit
>“This may sound like consent on my part...
It was you cunt. You're just mad now that you got ruse cruised by some dirty old pajeet.
damn 30,000/7,000,000,000 chance of seeing you here.
If you do find a good yoga teacher it is great for your mind and body but if you go to these commercial bob hungry pervert teachers it will just be ajit vadakayil yoga if you wanna learn true yoga.send pusy and bobs plz.
>Yoga Guru Pattabhi Jois Sexually Assaulted Me for Years
>for years
Stupid bint.
>armpit hair
WTF!!! How can people be so unhygienic?
Even that really dumb downed fitness yoga after the first week they'll start slipping in the 'spiritual' shit, but only if you're a man. What women don't know is Yoga is a male fitness cult, always has been. In every single book like BKS Iyengar's 'Light on Yoga' and the various sanskrits around male yogis are told to avoid the company of women, as they are 'corrupt' and the primary thieves of semen, which all Yogi claim is the source of their power: storing semen and being celibate. It was the ancient pajeet solution to the slut distraction problem.
Except, of course, when they need to procure menstrual fluid to gain certain superpowers. Yes this is also a thing, and not at all 'not practiced' or 'way in the past' they still do all this shit just hide it better from normies paying for classes until they are fully indoctrinated.
Don't you drink corpse water?
LOL how the fuck does this guy get away with that?
3 out of 70,000
What the fuck is Aland, are you like their king and only citizen? eat a dick faggot
redpill me on the kali yuga.
also, some guy mentioned that indians claim india is "prophecized" to fall to islam? is that true?
Her nipples got hard kek.
>Yoga isn't a meme bro.
>Yo Jaime pull up that yoga instructor getting eaten by 37 lions.
>Damn boy, look at that blood and lean muscle getting ripped out.
>You can tell he did yoga because the mean muscle mass was more red.
It sounded more impressive the way i put it.
>yoga is good if men are doing it
...well, actually, you're kinda right? instead of strengthening butts, it is more about strengthening your will and spirit
Is this porn?
It's something your low IQ nigger brain isn't capable of processing. You can't even find your own fucking country on the map. Stop worrying about small shitholes like Åland.
If you need some pajeet to touch you to be spiritual bla bla bla, I got a bad news for you Deki.
>Did somebody say yoga?
If you stood on a sidewalk and asked every woman if they wanted to fuck you'd get takers eventually, combine that with liberal white guilt and obsession with trendy foreign cultures for free molestation. China finally beat Japan where it counts.
not gay if the poo is brown!
not gay!
the balls dont touch!
Yoga is for whores.
åland is just a part of finland, common as shit.
Kali yuga according to hindu texts is the current age where humanity degrades and satan worshippers i.e jews starts taking control.
The islam thing is bs.
He needs help
It's probably higher because the average person who goes on pol are much different from the other 6,999,995,000 people.
Come to think of it, rare flags are almost always redpilled as fuck.
Hi ringo peace man
This has just got so much wrong.
Where do I start?
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates (
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
Read this:
There are some Sanskrit words in the English there which cannot be translated but I’ll post the relevant parts in a few.
The worship and glorification of the Gods, the recitation of their praises, their names will be extinct. The Vedas with their Amgas will no longer be heard of. All these will disappear with them. The assembly of the Sâdhus, the true Dharma, the four Vedas, the village Devas and Devîs, the Vratas (vows) the practising of the austerities, fasting, all will disappear. All will be addicted to the Vâmâchâra ritual (the left-hand ritual Tântrik form of worship; sarcastically used in the sense of drinking wine and eating flesh, etc.) They will speak falsehood and be deceitful. If anybody worships, his worship will be void of Tulasî leaves. Almost all will be deceitful, cruel, vain, egoistic, thievish and mischievous. Men will be at variance with one another; women will be at variance with one another; no fear will exist in marriage ties.
Good teachers are hard to find.
Ah yes, very spiritual.
Nah its not that bullshit. Full of bullshitters of course, like pic related. There is no reason for that position amd the fucking poo is feeling some serious vagina with his p(oo)enor
Properties will be only of those that will make them (i. e. there will cease to be any inheritance from father to son and so forth ). Husbands will be obedient to their wives; unchaste women will be in every house. Wives will rebuke their husbands by incessant noisings and chidings. Wives will be the sole mistresses of houses and husbands will stand before them as servants with folded palms. Fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law will be their servants. The brothers of wives, and their friends will be the managers of the household affairs. But there will be no friendship with one's own class fellows. The brothers and friends of the house owners (masters of the house) will appear quite strangers as if they are new-comers. Without the command of the house-wives, the masters of the houses will be unable to do anything. The divisions of caste [race, in this context since the Sanskrit word for caste is “colour”](Brâhmanâ, Ksattriya, Vaisya, and S'ûdra) will entirely disappear.
There was some documentary on yoga... its modern version is just a guess from old documents... supposedly all teachers can be traced back to some autist in a dirt street town in poo village India
Yoga thots go to those classes for the purpose of getting groped.
The four colour-classes will practise the doings of the Mlechchas, read the S'âstras of the Mlechchas and forsake their own S'âstras. The Brâhmins, Ksattriyas, and Vais'yas will become the slaves of S'ûdras, will become their cooks, runners and carriers of buffaloes. Every one will be devoid of truth. Earth will not yield any grains; trees will not yield any fruits and women will be issueless. The cows will not yield milk; even if there be a little milk, ghee will not come out of it. The affection between husband and wife will die out and the families will be devoid of truth. The King will not wield any power; the subjects will be over burdened with taxes. The ever flowing big rivers, the petty streams, the caves of mountains all will gradually have very little water in them. The Four Varnas will be devoid of Dharma and Punya (merit, virtue). One in a lakh may be virtuous. Afterwards that too will cease. Men, women, boys, all will be ugly and deformed.
>shitty pagan ritual
modern yoga literally comes from early 20th century european gymnastics routines. i'm not even joking. the pajeets stole them.
>dirt street poo town
American education never fails to surprise. Your description is laughable.
Its probably pretty good for your health and stretching desu
The four Varnas will sell their daughters. The paramours of the mothers, wives, son's wives, daughters, and sisters will be the source of support to them all. No one will be able, without money, to collect the merits by repeating the name of Hari. Persons will make gifts for name and fame and ultimately will take back what they had made as gifts. If there be any gifts made by one's own self or by one's forefathers or for a Deva purpose or for Brâhmins or for the families of the Gurus, there will not be found wanting attempts to take back those gifts. Some will go to daughters, some to mothers-in-law, some to the wives of sons, some to sisters, some to mothers of co-wives, some will go to the brother's wives. In every house, those who are unfit to be mixed will be mixed with, excepting one's mother. In Kali Yuga who is whose wife? And who is whose husband? There will be no certainty; who is whose subject and what village is to whom? There will be no surety that such a property belongs to such and such a man. All will turn out to be liars, licentious, thieves, envious of other's wives, and murderers of men. In the houses of the Brâhmins, Ksattriyas, and Vais'yas, the three higher castes, the current of sin will flow.