Communist party ruined by transsexual orgy

The absolute state of the left.

Members of an American communist party were found to have used the party's funds on prostitutes and orgies. Then they pressured the real women in the group to have sex with the trannies. Modern leftism in a nutshell.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you didn't believe we were living in Neo Weimar, you have the evidence before you now.

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Yes, it's becoming way too obvious now.

>Jason Unruhe

Massive faggot/10

> commie faggots cannot control their promiscuity
> use "funds" to pay for gay sex
> party "destroyed", along with several anuses
top kek

Attached: fat_commie.jpg (878x603, 84K)

Jason isn't a Marxist anymore, he's a Nazbol.

Pure SJW degeneracy.

mmmmmm socdem /cuteguys/ meet /leftypol/

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So like, are they just fucking retarded? That seems like a really easy way to absolutely destroy have faith others might have had in your party, and the ones that might be there because they somehow believe in their bullshit, are just gonna get disgusted and leave, and tell everyone about their degeneracy.
It's like, I don't expect them to be that smart, but at least smart enough to not do shit like this which will just make them have even less of a chance at winning anything, or having anyone take you seriously.

He's still a commie faggot.

Ad hom.

Continued liberal degeneracy.
They just got caught.

They are going to blame you for this.

Yes, they are NOT scientific socialists but whiny liberals.

Would fuck this bs out of her

That's a tranny.

The future is now

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No he isn't. He's an anti-IDpol Jewish marxist who still believes that third worlders should invade and destroy the West.

He's anti white nationalism, anti western, anti first world and anti-nationalism. He's an irrelevant 'conservative' commie long abandoned by his own politic.

>implying they aren't Marxists
>implying Marxism don't inevitably create degenerates by promoting nihilism

Jason isn't Jewish, he's Saami meaning he's literally INDIGENOUS to Europe.

They aren't Marxists at all. Marxism is SCIENTIFIC socialism whereas SJW ideology is anti-scientific and denies science.

He claimed to have Jewish heritage many many years ago. He could have been lying but I doubt it.

He's a fat weak weirdo who demands others do the dirty work while he LARP's on youtube. I've watched him for years and stopped telling to go to the gym because he'll never seek to better himself.

>i was going to keep silent
>jessica coco
whistleblowing and breaking news is plagued by these egocentric precursors.

Assuming everyone is equal and deserving of equal resources isn't scientific. SJW's are a product of post-modernism. Post-modernism was created by Marxists who saw the failures modernist communism of the early 20th century. Marxists who created post-modernism assumed that communism failed because of cultural influences and not the theory itself. These people then dissected society and cultural values and spread this dissection which influenced liberal institutions. Marxism and post-modernism now dominates all institutions except finances.

Just because your abstract theories didn't go the way you wanted doesn't mean they aren't responsible.

The theory of equality is dogshit. Hierarchy is inevitable. We are not equal, we are tribal, we seek territory and desire to accumulate resources. Any deviation from these primal instincts leads to chaos and death.

>progress intensifies

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> what was traditional workers party
Take the centrist pill.

>He claimed to have Jewish heritage many many years ago. He could have been lying but I doubt it.

They're impulsive hedonists. This is the nature of communists. They want the government to set up the rules so that they don't have to.

>i was going to keep silent
i love how this is not seen as a tacit admission of complicit behavior in a supposed wrongdoing anymore, but rather as a brave overcoming of oppression and a defiance of authority seeking to stifle truth.
if you know some evil shit, fucking say it. don't make it about yourself and your fucking "situation".
by saying "i was going to keep silent" you are admitting that you held your life and your self in higher esteem than the evil shit you knew you could expose. be it rape or tranny communist orgies.
the quest for truth is so corrupted that we can't be bothered to share it unless there is nothing but benefit for revealing the truth

they always eat their own

>i was going to keep silent
>but suddenly opportunities appeared that made not being silent financially beneficial for myself and i will use the truth i know as ransom in order to extort cash, benefits, and gifts from those who will pay dearly for it.

I can't sift through his videos. Suffice to say, I do remember him talking about his Jewish heritage. Somewhere around the 2012 area. He despises 'anti-semitism', yet will never call out Jews who use their perceived 'whiteness' to attack whites.

He's less likely to do it now, but before, he was horrendously hateful towards 'white people' and attempted to score good boi points with third worlders.

>He despises 'anti-semitism',
Wrong. He's fully redpilled on the JQ.

>off centered Mohawk
>chipmunk face


>mild basic bitch anti-zionism

That isn't the JQ or red pilled.

"Anti-Semites: Anti-Semitism is a Jewish hoax and thus we're justified in our anti-Semitism, which is, as we said, a hoax."

"Racists will point out this false flag attack on Jewish centers, but use it as a justification to deny them all."

"#libertarianismin4words Jews run the banks."

The guy is constantly ignoring the obvious tribal and racial element.

Look at this moron. He attacks IdPol but consistently claims non-white people are oppressed by white people. He thinks having standards of black people is racist. It's dumb AF.

Commies like Jason cultivated SJW'ism and now backpedal, but keep spouting the same nonsense that black people are oppressed by white people.

He drinks it because regular milk makes his tummy hurt as a result of drinking to much cum.

proof once again that trannies are redpilled


This. I didn't believe it till Obama threated to withdraw funding from public schools unless they did pic related

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>the bulge

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The guy is a master troll, a little basedboyish, but at least he's willing to put his face out there and do some work.

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pretty sure all the trannies and degenerates in commie parties are paid by the US intel agencies

Not that this is bad per se, communism is nonsense, but this kind of sjw degeneracy stuff is artificial.

There is no better character judgement and argument than calling communist a communist.
A communist is the best argument against communism that ever existed.

He's an anti white moron. Show your flag idiot

they were torn apart by glow in the dark cia niggers and a bunch of perverts. The way their ideology works allows anyone to do whatever they want as long as they know the right combination of buzzwords. If they were destroyed by somthing that pathetic they were doomed from the start.

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Pics or it didn’t happen.

He won't and never does.

>party collapses over abysmal degeneracy, low IQ, and constant orgies
Jesus Christ. Imagine being as delusional as a communist.

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What do you expect? Most people are socialist because they are either POOR and need to, or SHIT RICH and just larping for pussy/dick.
Poor people who win in the lottery lose in 80% all their money without 5 years if they don't ask for help.
Such "parties" and "orga" are just fake shops made up to meet pussy/dick. To be precise, ugly p/d.

>i identify myself as a womyn and my pronounce are txh/wxth/xctsrelf
>let's focus on the oppression of my fellow transwomen instead of actually working towards and building revolution
>also you all must suck my dick because you i'll destroy your life if you refuse you transphobe
>not id-pol

Trans rights are important to the greater struggle.

trans rights are inconsecuential to the greater struggle.

Marxism is entirely dependent on identity politics you absolute fucking idiot. It's implicit in the theories. If the business owner is just like any other worker voluntarily selling his labor then there's no actual exploitation; no class, no exploitation.

You faggots are basically religious people repeating a dogma that doesn't isn't even held consistently within you.

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>If the business owner is just like any other worker
the capitalist isn't like the people whos labor he exploits who the fuck has ever said that?

imagine. my. shock.

>he capitalist isn't like the people whos labor he exploits
What's up with the identity politics, comrade? You are undermining the movement.

OP you're a massive faggot
pic related is the fb screencaps from the tweet combined into one so one can actually read them
here's the link to the tweet


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screencaps from follow-up tweet

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class isn't an identity what the fuck are you on about? you think i can cut my dick of and call myself rich and then i magically become rich?

>class isn't an identity
>idpol is gapitalism and ruining the world!
>we need to take down the bourgeoisie!
>capitalists are not workers and are stealing from us because they aren't on our class!

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>people develop a shared identity based being forced to sell their labor and being subserviant to the capitalist class
equated with
>people whos identity revolves around feeling like the different gender
memebertarians everybody!

They are needed for socialism. Why wouldn't they be?

because they are a bunch of liberals and do infact hinder revolutionare struggle by forcing partys to bend to their whims instead of focusing on actual issues

This. Trams people exist today meaning we HAVE to incorporate their struggles into ours.

>when jews can't keep their degeneracy in check long enough to implement socialism

Ruined? Sounds like business as usual.

im just curious. do you think alienation has anything to do with the sudden trans trend?

trains do not exist as fucking people you mook

to say that is as backwards as saying a woman can be born with a penis

The openly card-carrying members of the American Communist Party may be a laughingstock, but the communist neocons and globalists in the DNC are significantly more powerful and nobody is laughing at them.

Communism is the Nigerian prince scam of the era.
It is designed to be idiotic on purpose, so the scammer doesn't waste the time with smart people. The only people responding to the scam are assured to be complete idiots, greedy, AND without morals.

What else did you want them to spend their money on?

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No less than most corporate bosses do desu desu

>and what do you call this party?

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No we don't. Trans ideology is anti-scientific.

Trans has everything to do with alienation. Once alienation is over, trannies will stop existing.

Like all revolutions, the wheels of "progress" grind those who were on top faster and faster.

This is the same thing that happen consistently in every violent/dynamic revolution, the first wave isnt radical enough for the second wave which isnt radical enough for the third wave and so on, eventually the whole thing falls apart and a power vaccuum forms for a normal stable idea to step in and restore order.

Look at ideological revolutions like Feminism and the Sexual Revolution as well as physical ones like the French or Russian.

my point exactly. i have sympathy for the genuinly insane but the faggots that are sabotaging the struggle are just that: faggots.

>an American communist party
Nigga pls

what goes around, comes around, commie scum

How can killing commies be a crime when you're just acting in self-defense?

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These are not true Marxists, they are liberals.

>idpol is bad when it discriminates against me

Legitimising trannies was the worst thing women could ever do, now men will act like men politically but with all the protection and social benefits of women.

>not real communists

Righto Tito.